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Adrian Stevenson

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by Adrian Stevenson

  1. Here is a link on GWR wagon liveries: http://www.gwr.org.uk/liverieswagongrey.html Hope that helps? Cheers, Ade.
  2. Spent a pleasant couple of hours over at Andy's last night while he was working on this. I had not even thought about adding this detail to my layout, but this has given me food for thought for the future. Cheers, Ade.
  3. I am planning a trip up to this show after being advised it is a good event. Cheers, Ade.
  4. In the Guild PDF, this is mentioned about spacing on curves: Note: The Guild Standard track centre distances are 80mm between main lines and 90mm between sidings. Additional spacing may be necessary on curves, refer to Part 2, Section 1.3. The track centres shown in the table above include a 3mm allowance for the width of the rail-heads. But I don't have part two section1.3 to hand. Checkout the Guild site. Hope that helps? Cheers, Ade.
  5. Baseboard 1 painted with two coats of "Leaf Brown".
  6. Just to put minds at rest here is a quick snap of the track. 42mm between each rail. Thanks again the concerns raised. You guys are great. I really like the helpful and supportive atmosphere here. Cheers, Ade.
  7. Thanks! I got two coats of the brown paint onto baseboard one last night and also modified two Peco points adding the wires. Cheers, Ade.
  8. Just had an email from Rails and they seem to have all versions on offer at £575. Cheers, Ade.
  9. Hi Tony, thanks for the comment. I think it is just the pic as I took the sizes from the O gauge Guild Guide. http://www.gauge0guild.com/manual/07_d7_1_1.pdf Cheers, Ade.
  10. Got the coal load fitted to the Jinty as well tonight. I have some brown paint being delivered tomorrow so I can prime the baseboards ready for when the scenic's get started. Which won't be for a long time yet I know, but it will still be progress. Getting a quote for a concrete base for the log cabin this week.
  11. Got some track down on baseboard two tonight with droppers in place. The main line is on the left, then the loop then the engine shed loop to the right.
  12. I was really taken the sound of yours and I will certainly add the same sound chip to mine.
  13. Hi Andy, if you want any help with the kits, give me a shout. Cheers, Ade.
  14. The Jinty (a rule 1 loco ) was also bought yesterday for the bargain price of £150 from Dapol due to a tiny glue mark just under the dome. A quick application of some soot powder has virtually made this disappear. As a Triang/Hornby Jinty was my first loco as a kid, I just had to buy it...
  15. My guess would be so the Chinese workers get the number plates in the right place. I would certainly like an un numbered one and enquired about this at the show.
  16. Yesterdays stock purchases along with some nice buckets from Chris & Chris at Minerva. I had some gun metal powders in stock and this has worked well on the bucket. The fire iron needs some rust I think. The Cannock Chase wagon was a must, as my good lady hails from there.
  17. Got the lamp hut basic colours done now. But will need some weathering to finish.
  18. A few shots of another GWR layout. Apologies to the owner, I have forgotten the name.
  19. A final shot of the engine shed. The layout could be switched from DC to DCC.
  20. The superb detail done to the interior of the station building. They kindly allowed me around the back of the layout for a better view. The engine shed is a work in progress as you can see. The shed doors will be servo operated at some point in the future.
  21. LOL I didn't notice that. I think the light made the h into an n.
  22. A few more of Harbourne St.Mary's. The flower beds on the platform were nicely done.
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