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Everything posted by SR71

  1. I'm glad someone has come out and described what I saw. Bottas was caught asleep and tried to defend too late. Had he indicated his intent to block earlier Russell could have gotten out of it but by the time Bottas did Russell was coming past or through him. What surprised me was that DRS was enabled. I thought when it was first introduced it was disabled in the wet for just this reason. With the massive closing speed Russell had he didn't have much choice but to go past.
  2. I think it was also because of the tyres they were on. Hamilton's visit to the wall had the effect of putting him on comparatively newer tyres than everyone else when he was overtaking. When Bottas was stuck there wasn't the difference between him and those around him. That said Hamilton is just a natural racer - even when things don't look good he keeps working so he can take any chance when it comes. I think Bottas, like Kimi, or Alonso, can loose focus when a podium doesn't seem to be on the cards.
  3. Books culled from my shelves some months ago but grown tired of waiting for a show to sell them at. Free to a good home but I would ask that the new owner pays postage - PM me for details.
  4. About 15 years ago I had to go to Basildon Sewage Treatment Works and was surprised to find the remains of the internal railway still in situ. I wasn't allowed to take pictures during the visit but you can still see them on google maps; https://goo.gl/maps/qXkixQPJnM3ynD2h9 Edit: shows up much clearer in globe view
  5. Thanks Phil, I'm going to have to re-think my plan then Board glued, but not sanded yet, and I couldn't resist laying out the track and buildings again to see how it looks. Wanting to keep visual interest I've stepped the track from front to back, It also will (hopefully) help when displaying models as this is still the primary function. That very little of it is level has made some of the gradiants look alarmingly steep but all appear less than seen in some spots on the video of the 'proper' railways I've linked at the bottom so I'm not too worried. It is supposed to be a works/shed area so hauling ability up the grades isn't really a consideration. The center point will need packing underneith as there is only so many ways you can bend ply before it protests.
  6. I've finished the frame to support the ply base from which everything will be built up. Currently I've started adding ply but that is still clamped up and drying.
  7. Interesting - appart from the fan I have all of those to go in. Do you know when he would have been doing his appreticeship? I have been reluctant to include the motor as it felt too new and I was going to run the shaft through the wall off scene.
  8. So I've been working more on loco's since the last post but over Easter I've been doing a few bits on this again and it is now the project ceases to be pointless. Having got some points I realised that I didn't quite have enough headshunt room so I have frankenpointed them together getting rid of the sleepers with cut backs for the fishplates and sliding rails from one point into the chairs for the next. wiring this is going to be interesting! 2 of the 3 were cheap off ebay, although seemingly new, and yet cutting them up was nerve racking despite the fact I happily tear into new RTR loco's without a concern. I need to do more to the board first but I also need to work out the best way of removing the molded interlocks as they won't look right in an industrial shed.
  9. Depending on the paint it might help with that. When popping small dents out of car bodywork a hot air gun is often used to make the paint a bit more forgiving. Wouldn't suggest that a heat gun is used here though as there isn't the rest of a car to act as a heat sink.
  10. Good tip to look at them. Not sure if a crosshead pump is right for the build I'm doing now but I might try one on something else; https://www.flickr.com/photos/70393468@N00/120600857/ And the other side showing regular injector for completeness; https://www.flickr.com/photos/crayzy_ray/4096688482/ @1whitemoor thank you for taking the time to highlight particular examples. Looking at SUTTON is that aa kind of styrrup pump?!
  11. Hello all, having spent many an evening reading your chat I'm pleased you've come to play in my thread. It was originally supposed to be for all things but I seem to have ended up with many industrials. How does one find an admin? Post the same phrase three times? The Hudswell contractors are 19th I think? It makes sense that you have two for safety but Victorians weren't ones for spending money on safety... I did have another look through some of the photos but every 'valve' had a steam feed so I presume them to be injectors. I guess engines were a big investment so you wanted to keep them safe even if you weren't too fussed about your workers.
  12. Good question, I couldn't find a photo of either a left or a right without an injector but your point about the valve feeding the opposing injector is an interesting one. I need to go back through and see if I've mistaken the valve for an injector (I probably have). I'm overthinking a Hardy's Hudswell Clarke at the moment. I can't post photos from my phone but the thread is here;
  13. I've been looking through the reference photos of early industrials here; https://imageleicestershire.org.uk/index.php?a=QuickSearch&q=contractor&WINID=1615649468276 I noticed that all the engines seemed to have 2 injectors, one under each side of the saddle tank, which surprised me. I know that now any operational steam loco would have a pair as a matter of basic it safety but it surprised me that then when engines were being built to a price that they would bother with any redundancy... It also means I have to scratch 2 injectors rather than one for a current project, a task I'm now doubly not looking forward too.
  14. I've found in getting 'smarter' the Android software white balancing gets itself in a muddle with multiple light sources. If you haven't already try the more button next to video and then select pro. You can play with settings as if it were a regular camera in there. Really enjoy the thread and your loco builds are something to aspire to.
  15. In the last post you can see I'd taken against the conical safety valve cover and removed it. This necessitated making a replacement as the ones from my spares box were all vastly out of scale. Just finished this evening out of tube and sheet;
  16. Can I ask what colour primer you used? Halfords usually say to use over white but you can get quite a variation of you use red or grey. If that is over white then that colour over, say, Upol etch (which is a particularly dark grey) may be a fair bit closer.
  17. I had the chance to test this last year. I stopped getting the flu jab because everyone in the office would come down with a horrific cold 1-3 weeks later and you could see it marching it's way across the floor. Missed the jab one year and the cold missed me so I stopped getting it. This year we were shielding and I got the jab to protect my partner and just accepted I'd loose a week. Nothing, no I'll effects at all, absolutely fine and the same for her. I'm not a doctor so can't offer an explanation but I guess the vaccines are given in cold season anyway so it's some kind of coincidence?
  18. Having focused on other things since early Dec i've returned to the Hudswells in the last few weeks. Namely the 0-4-0 contractor. Last night was the first chance to balance parts in place. There is much fettling and more detailing to do but it's starting to come together.
  19. I recall reading of a similar arrangement in a loco man's memoir years ago but couldn't tell you where.
  20. As I recall when the Ardingly branch was secured by the railway the justification given in some parts (remembering the railway was still a way off East Grinstead at the time and some felt the funds could have been better used to further that) was that it would give somewhere to use heritage outside third stock in the future. It was contentious at the time and I don't expect time to have aged it well, given how much tighter safety is now compared to even then. Still I'm interested enough in what the current feeling is to risk posting this message... ... trainers on and running far away to hide! As a post script I would say, for the loss of originality, modern battery technology could solve the issue of outside third safety in the next 20 years.
  21. We had this issue at work when checking drawings (there is a vicious rumour that they bought school desks to save money on full height ones ). Because we are on wheelie chairs we drop them to their lowest hight if we have multiple drawings to do. It stopped us getting back pain and it stops your natural tendency to lean forward. Mostly it's varying position helps, rather than hunching over for hours at a time, and a good source of light.
  22. Presumably that's measuring the temperature so that you can make allowance for the expansion come the August bank holiday (ignoring the cooling effects of drizzle)? Are there equations or tables that dictate the gap size/frequency to be left at a given temperature on the day of laying?
  23. I've been watching this thread out of curiosity and the same thing has struck me with each breakage photo. The split is from the end in not the gear out as you would expect from a loaded failure. Also that people have had them fail after not much use suggests it's not a wear thing. It looks to me that the gear fit on the shaft is too tight and/or the wall thickness in the spigot is too thin. Has anyone tried sleeving the spigot with a tight fit brass collar or similar? It might repair a gear that's not been driven after splitting or prevent intact gears from splitting altogether?
  24. (Bit late) Looking for a copy myself but there is(was) a copy in Worthing reference library. I can't get to it for obvious reasons though and in addition the library is also being renovated.
  25. I think I may have posted similar in this thread before but I cannot find it. I have the remains of a K's LMS Karrier Ro-railer that I've built twice before but failed because I was using the K's motor. I have kept it with the long term goal to finally build it 'properly' at some point and using a modern bus model for interior etc. With the EFE buses being half price from rails at the moment would any make a suitable donor does anyone know? Previous googling worm holes have confirmed no one does a Karrier so it would have to be A N Other. https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/therailsofsheffieldvault It will probably still languish on the someday pile but might motivate me to pick it up next time there is space on my bench.
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