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Everything posted by atom3624

  1. Good price for you. Rails have remained 'fair' in their pricing, despite some of the inflated pricing others have been trying - and probably succeeding - on people. Mine was £138.50 DCC, with chip and blanking chip - sort of future proofed! Al.
  2. Precisely!! Weighs a ton .... or 305 MT !! Lovely model 'though - let's hope the 59's as good, or better still ... Al.
  3. That's what got me, that inward kink - just looks 'right'. Al.
  4. Excellent models. I had forgotten your location Rob!! May the best win, etc. Have you photoshopped those cylinder draincocks on the A4 else if 'actual', where did you get them from? Al.
  5. OK, that's fine. I thought Avenger was quite a bit lighter, but I think it was 675g, still very heavy and quite close. 698, 695 - neither here nor there with models. VERY heavy, but consistent. Thanks. Al.
  6. The match also gave me great pleasure, having visited Oz several times, and having worked alongside and had several Australian 'we're better than you' wind-up colleagues!! Roy's 3 sixes in a row, particularly that 3rd one were superb. NO, HE WAS NOT OUT! Never mind, let's keep our heads, and get the job done on Sunday!! Al.
  7. OK, true, I'm talking about the OO/HO version. Traction when required will be huge. I'm thinking this one might have been run, I'm not sure - no signs of wear and wheels look new, but it's VERY smooth at very, very slow speeds - probably one of the smoothest, slowest locos I've ever had. Al.
  8. Perhaps strange, but I'm just curious. I had had 'Avenger' 3-4 months ago, remember it was heavy but I don't think it was as heavy as my relatively new-addition to the fleet, the TPE 68 019 Brutus. Brutus weighs in at 695 g - this is more than my Hornby 50 and 60. Just wondering what kind of variations there are. Al.
  9. No such thing as 'oversize', just 'growing interest' is appropriate I reckon!! Al.
  10. Very nice collection. No extra detail? I can't help it - as soon as I get a locomotive, the detail pack's opened and on go 'the bits'!! I know many don't as they may 'move them on' in the future and most prefer to receive a locomotive 'untouched'. Al.
  11. Is this data just 'a fraction' of what had actually been 'ordered'? I don't believe 7.5k is anywhere near a justifiable amount to start tooling up for production ... and that's covering several different models. Al.
  12. I think your limited modelling skills Rob are because you've always got that cuppa in your good hand!! I'm sure you'll get the 6221 sorted with your brother and it'll look fine. Al.
  13. Hi Rob, I had a Heljan DP2 Class 50 prototype, Deltic lookalike last year with a similar-sized handrail missing on arrival. I made one and fitted it using modellers needle-nosed pliers, trial fitting, then the tiniest dab of glue to hold - fitted perfectly, looked great ... then the vendor found and sent the original anyway FoC! With your editing skills, you've obviously got a fine eye for things, so I'm certain you can do it. Al.
  14. This post - page 16: On 07/07/2019 at 18:46, adb968008 said: Indeed a 59 would look good in LYR, GCR, MR, SECR, LSWR,LNWR,GER,GNR,CR, HR, NSR, FR, TVR and of course GWR, leaving 59003 in GBRF https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png Al.
  15. atom3624

    Missed the boat

    An 88 would be nice, but imagine all of the extra work required to replicate 'the electrics' on the roofing structures? Al.
  16. atom3624

    Missed the boat

    What I mean ... is that to attain / approach a service 100 mph if lucky, the 221 (cleaned, oiled, and NEW motor for that reason) was cranked to maximum, and could achieve an equivalent, perhaps, 90-95 mph - certainly not 100 mph. The Pendolino and HST ARE too fast - probably getting close to 150 mph if you can WITH a full load, so can be backed off quite a lot. That was the point. The Bachmann 221 is superbly detailed, and looks great, but in operation I found 'very frustrating'. I hate having to 'max' anything; saving a bit for if/as/when absolutely necessary, which on model railways is generally never. Al.
  17. How about pre-grouping GWR, with red/brown frames, lining, and brass fittings ... ? !!!! Al.
  18. I like the sound of the turned metal buffers. Most prefer the satin-matte look. I don't see the point in having the satin-matte look on a 'pristine' model - it should have some soot on it, and perhaps some wheel dirt - nothing exceptional - then it'll be perfect. I love to see glossy locos, but accept it doesn't QUITE work in the smallish scales we have here. Let's face it, the only time it would be pristine and shiny would be straight out of the shops, after a good scrub-down. Once it gets hammering up and down the rails, the high-gloss sheen will diminish. For a 'high-end' locomotive which this would have been in it's era in real life, I would go for 'a good sheen' - Bachmann seem to get it better than Hornby - too 'clean yet dull' for me. My £0.03. Al.
  19. atom3624

    Missed the boat

    Doubtless it will be a superbly detailed model, but doesn't interest me to be honest - fortunately. Not too keen on Bachmann multiple units after having owned a 221 Super Voyager - no power, too slow - particularly when alongside a Super Detail Hornby HST or even the Pendolino. Never like to 'max' a model just to approach the speed it should be going. With the Hornby duo you can run at 70% and probably be too fast with my HM2000. Al.
  20. atom3624

    Missed the boat

    Found a 'quiet 5 minutes' in the office, so off came the body, GENTLY prised the DCC chip out and replaced with the blanking plate - same manner - perfect fit. Once home, I tested on a small 'test straight' - runs SUPERBLY - as expected, EXCEPT ... the directional lights only work at no.1 end - nothing the other end. Used to Hornby's Class 56 and how to resolve that I initially gently tapped the body, then realised there are no extra contacts ... Body came off again, and no less than 5 dip switches were there. Not the clearest of instructions - biased for the DCC locomotive it is, but I soon figured it out - directional at both ends again. PERFECT locomotive - just waiting for Accurascale to come up trumps!! Hopefully Hornby will get their act together and put the TPE livery on their 800 to make the 802/2, possibly next year - wish list on that one. Just weighed it - NO extra weighting added and I've certainly no intention with this weight - 695g !! Al.
  21. Wasn't it 123 pre-grouping companies? Throw in a few 66's - most wouldn't know the difference!! Al.
  22. I've 1 set of 5 TPE coaches ordered from some time ago, when I decided to 'hunt Brutus' ... FINALLY got hold of one, at a fair price as well - so all's back on track now. Al.
  23. atom3624

    Missed the boat

    Well you wouldn't 'Adam and Eve' it, or probably would. ... I didn't like the 'Bachmann generic' blanking plates on offer on Ebay - probably perfectly OK, but seem to have a lot of solder here and there .... Typical of Rails, the locomotives was 'won' on Saturday and has already arrived - and comes complete with blanking plate anyway!! ALSO ... The plate looks identical to the one I purchased at a reasonable price off Ebay anyway ... Sort of win, win I reckon ... Al.
  24. atom3624

    Missed the boat

    That helps a lot - nearly half of the 68's are TPE anyway - OK perhaps 40%. Al.
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