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Everything posted by HExpressD

  1. The geezer does have a habit of picking and choosing what he wants to show and displaying obviouslyt faulty models and pretending they are indicative of the entire production run. A few that I can think of recently are complaining that the Hornby 4 wheel coaches come apart easily when that's the whole point so lights can be added (not mentioned) and the Bachmann 9F as mentioned above. It all depends on who Hattons are annoyed with that week I suppose...
  2. I reckon the trip to the stockist isn't required ;)
  3. Thanks all for the links, incidentally as I will be posting more on certain topics would the Narrow Gauge forum be best for this? I took 7mm+ to mean that such a thing would be okay but in the interests of tidiness where would be best to post other threads as required?
  4. This is a bit of a 'needle in a haystack' question but can anyone identify the coach I'm repairing on my workbench? Almost certainly a kit I would presume, it seems to be missing it's chassis and unless I can find it how generic a chassis can be purchased that would make it run again?
  5. I'm sure I remember seeing somewhere that Hattons, to speed up photography of pre-owned items, were stopping taking some items out of their boxes, if this is true and this is still done then I suppose its no wonder that this has ended up happening. Happy to be corrected on this, and I am sure that Hattons will solve the non running 66 issues swiftly.
  6. I find Hermes, or Evri as they seem to call themselves now, to be a rather 'third division' courier at least in terms of quality. As Peter has pointed out above though Hornby seems to have upped their game with regards to packing so hopefully even the heavy handed lot at Hermes don't or can't ruin it. Incidentally, while I'm on one, I find it odd that Hermes chose to rebrand and didn't change anything else. Such rebrandings tend to only work hand in hand with a shift in policies and not continuing to frisbee parcels out of vans etc.
  7. The ends of the model are yellow, and the guards ducket is black, it would appear that it may have been blue initially in the render however I would guess that it was spotted at Hornby before the model went into production.
  8. Reading the blurb above the image, I'd suggest the couplings in that picture are for the Era 3 style coaches and that the MK3 coach suitable ones aren't out yet. Probably why it looks a little off.
  9. Most Engine Shed blogs seem to contain physical manifestations of the models in question (and now seemingly art and CAD shots which I'm all for) from this it may be safe to assume that there is nothing of the coronation set yet but the CAD data. All in good time I'm sure
  10. On the 9F thread this has been spotted, and the assumption is that it's a miss on the decoration sample. I'd be astonished if that was like that on the finished model
  11. Just like the FLIRT that's been announced...
  12. This is the modern way it seems, and I'm pretty sure in another few decades most chemical products just won't do anything. I remember when you used to be able to buy paint stripper, and when applied to any paint it would shrink, crack, rip and fall away from any painted surface within a matter of minutes. Nowadays the normal stuff just seems to make the paint slightly softer but it still requires a significant amount of elbow grease to motivate out of position, the old stuff still exists, but you need a good reason to get hold of it (wanting to strip paint not being one)
  13. While this doesn't have the same appeal, I would say the repainted Taw Valley selling out in model form in a few hours proves there is some kind of demand there for Jubilee models. Maybe those that missed out on that (even after the increase) or more modern image modellers who aren't as strict may consider this an an alternative.
  14. This is all getting a bit big-brain for me, I just like playing with toy trains
  15. Maybe it's 20% off for club members. Not everything requires the equipping of a tin foil hat
  16. Well, I'd say that's better than the 0-4-0 I got in 2018
  17. I don't really see how anyone can see a manufacturer in the hobby receiving some extra cash as anything but a good thing. Anything that can help keep the models coming after a few years of struggles is good in my book.
  18. I'd love one of these, I think they look great! Due to space I can only model in 4mm ATM but judging by some people's experiences keeping one as a static model might be a good move. Not sure I like that price for a static model though, I'll keep my eye out for a dead one on a popular online auction website.
  19. Apparently the film company just stuck vinyl stickers over the existing crest/number of the loco used for the film, hence the odd looking yet accurate black border. Presumably the film company had these made up on a background colour of 'fresh out the paint shop' black, and then applied this to the side of a sun faded locomotive and thought "Ahh..."
  20. The cost of manufacturing rising in China is hitting a lot of companies hard across a lot of industries, not just ours. Sadly the cost of manufacturing being so cheap for so long has led to a lot of companies (Understandably) 'putting all their eggs in one basket'. If China crank the price up or begin to experience severe delays there is little that companies can do without setting themselves back years in terms of output, it's a grin and bear it situation sadly.
  21. Listened to the whole thing and found it pretty interesting, nice to see some exposure from the designer, someone who I don't recall seeing before other than on the UKTV doc. Hopefully we'll see some more people that we wouldn't normally and hear their views - which I hope are not too strongly guided. Follow up to some of the above, having had a flick back after listening there really isn't anything to gain from actually watching as opposed to listening after you've put a face to a name.
  22. Tony's Trains (retailer of choice) have the LNER and GNER one arriving imminently if not already, looks like they're on their way out to people
  23. You couldn't. They included a slip inside the box mentioning that after a very limited amount of use the gold would wear away on contact points such as the wheel flanges and the valve gear, which I assume most people would have realised anyway. They are very much a shelf item. I kind of get it but limited editions such as the Dublo models and the wooden box Bachmann collector items are much better IMHO
  24. The issue with his videos are they are either invariably adverts or not what I would deem a true review. Case in point would be the recent Patriot review, where Sam purchased the model for £99 pounds and then docks it marks on value due to the new RRP. In my mind, that's not reviewing the model you have in front of you. I suppose with 100k subs and an average video viewership of around 30k you have to try something to keep the views coming in (it's either that or get a job in Tesco), even if that means throwing a dart onto a board of manufacturers and then picking up an extreme bias for where it lands, one wonders if Hatton's was on that board.
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