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Everything posted by Sol

  1. My ancestry can be traced back to those who came from England in 1840 -1850 , does that still make me a British citizen >?? If we think about it, all of us have foreign ancestry, even those who came here thousands of years ago......
  2. Could get these https://www.kadee.com/ho-scale-tools-and-accessories-c-274_282_316/246-tap-256-and-drills-50-and-43-p-333.htm and these https://www.kadee.com/256-screws-insulated-nylon-256-x-12in-p-336.htm
  3. https://www.dccconcepts.com/manual/working-point-rodding-newsletter/
  4. I think on DCCconcepts forum, one modeller showed how he did it but I can't find it right now https://www.dccconceptsforum.com/
  5. Or use one of these in conjunction with solenoids coils http://www.heathcote-electronics.co.uk/point_indicator.html#POINT-INDICATOR-RELAY
  6. LED indication works perfectly for the crew on my layout to show status of main line & main station turnouts firstly on the station panel then on the wall panel . Yes, a bit of wiring.
  7. or use one of these http://www3.sympatico.ca/kstapleton3/751D.HTM
  8. One of my mates who was in the Country Fire Service told me, that if a car parks across a fire hydrant access point, they can move the car & it it gets damaged in the process, the owner misses out - their fault so not covered by insurance. And I agree....
  9. Once track is painted & ballasted, unless one gets gets down close, one normally cannot see insulated joiners but yes Unifrog is the way to go. I use dead frogs on my layout without problems even with 0-6-0 locos.
  10. https://dccwiki.com/PECO_Unifrog one of many websites that discusses the Unifrog
  11. I guess it is a difference in how trains are run. On the many layouts I operate on, the rule is one train one driver always in control so if only one other person turns up at a layout, only two trains are run at the same time, one by the owner & the other by the visitor. One layout is approx 60 x 25 feet and takes 12 minutes to run a train around the layout & one actually follows it. On my layout if by myself, then only one train is run at a time. Yes, if I had automation as well, I could still stop the entire layout by pressing the emergency stop button on my hand controller 3 times.
  12. my layout is broken down into 5 sub sections each "protected" by a globe and I use a short circuit warning & by installing a largie toggle switch in series, I can also isolate that sub-section. The large globe can be underneath the layout & the bezel hold a small 12 volt globe, on the facia with the toggle switch.
  13. Knitpick, the problem you refer to is for Hornby passing contact switches, not the Peco units which are perfect for CDU use I even pulled one to pieces to see how it worked before I found the website below... work your way down this page to PL-26 http://www.talkingelectronics.com/projects/CDU - overview/CDU - Overview.html
  14. Ah ha.. so the computer does all the shunting as well ?
  15. I thought most DCC controllers had an emergency stop button - I know Lenz & NCE do.
  16. and it is here in Australia
  17. and that is a valid point.... one has to back up the train to release tension on the T/L's anyway to uncouple.
  18. I have no problems with ads as long as they relate to the forum - that is in the main.... Model Rail If I want to look for other items that bear no resemblance to this obby, then i will search using Google or Bing or whatever !!
  19. I did a thread on Kadee on http://yourmodelrailway.net/view_topic.php?id=8591&forum_id=156 hope you can read it.
  20. Jonathon, the DCCconcepts supply is a CDU built into the box. https://www.dccconcepts.com/manual/owners-manual-cobalt-cdu-2-power-supply/ Unless one uses the one-wire concept with each solenoid having its own individual CDU, standard toggle switches are not suitable - the circuit neds to be broaken once the coil has been activated to allow the CDU to recharge. DavidCBroad. not sure what you mean by DCC simple to install but tedious to operate especially the operate part. Once the station has been wired for DCC, it is far easier to run & control multiple locos at the same time. My layout main station has 4 trains moving under 4 operators without the need to switch track sections to specific controllers. A layout designed for one person is operated differently than layouts for 4 or more people ( the layouts I operate on vary from 4 to 7 people.) Even a father/son DC UK style layout here in Aust requires ideally 8 people to run it. https://banburyconnections.weebly.com/
  21. Keith , you are correct re Tillig . my mistake. Shinohara has basically vanished & Walthers hopes to get it going again. They do have their own curved turnout 24 & 28" radius so but Tillig can also be curved a bit.
  22. I wanted the little tabs on the blades for my storage sidings so I wouldn't have to frog switch them but the new Code 100 no longer have them so I cheated & used Tam Valley frog juicers & all good. On a small station, all of my frogs ( approx 25-30mm) are dead & the 0-6-0 Pannier goes thru them OK - of course DCC so the blades are bonded to the stock rails.
  23. Why not use Tillig curved turnouts ? yes they are European looking but no worse than Peco code 75/83 for UK layouts. I find that my operating team could not care less how they look but how they work because most of the time they are not looking at the track but the trains and the shunting required.
  24. That is one thing that the NMRA in USA did was to sort out the coupling problem years ago https://www.nmra.org/sites/default/files/standards/sandrp/pdf/s-2_2010.09.pdf https://www.nmra.org/sites/default/files/standards/sandrp/pdf/rp-22.pdf in 1958 no less
  25. DOGA have tried to have a standard but it is up to the manufactures if they follow it http://www.doubleogauge.com/standards/couplings.htm Kadee ( not Kaydee), while the shuffle is needed, is perfect for when you want to uncouple but cannot reach them - I have at least two locations that are 2-3 feet away from operators to be able to manually uncouple.
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