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Everything posted by Sol

  1. I find it slow sometimes especially when posting - it seems at least 75% of the time, it just sits there saving, saving,
  2. I have witnessed the CDU supply from DCCconcepts, operate 5 solenoids all at the same time without any problems https://www.dccconcepts.com/product/power-supply-integrated-cdu-unit-super-high-power/
  3. Use a CDU http://www.talkingelectronics.com/projects/CDU - overview/CDU - Overview.html and down this page to Point Motor wiring https://brian-lambert.co.uk/Electrical_Page_2.html
  4. What do the instructions say? The gap between webbing & the rail bottom should take the metal prongs as it is designed for Peco code 100 track but if in doubt, contact Peco direct. Now others may know but is sleeper spacing for Peco Streamline & Setrack the same?
  5. Even firefighters flying in from New Zealand to help out in Queensland .
  6. Australia even sent firefighters to California last time they burnt & it is a regular happening in Oz, that firefighters from all over Oz to help out in other States. https://www.cfs.sa.gov.au/site/home/criimson/sa_to_send_more_help_to_nsw_issued_08_nov_17210003130.jsp
  7. Thanks Iain - learn something new each day in this hobby.
  8. I have read on many places including this one https://sites.google.com/site/markgurries/home/technical-discussions/decoder-motor-drive that the decoder output voltage to the motor remains the same level & the speed is controlled by the pulse duration but this may also need to be read https://sites.google.com/site/markgurries/home/technical-discussions/decoder-motor-drive/pwm-motor-drive
  9. An interesting topic re the brass centreing spring for Kadee couplers http://cs.trains.com/mrr/f/88/t/278227.aspx?page=1 especially this post Harrison, the box spring is designed to "only" to be installed "on top of the coupler". If you look closely at at the spring you will see a big difference in the spring arms. As mentioned, there's a strong and weak side to help with uncoupling and delayed action. Also, note the end of the shank on the #5 type of couplers have different angles that are not symmetrical and these match the different spring arm angles. This is why it's important to always have the spring on top. If the spring is installed on the bottom it may work OK but eventually there will be problems. Note that when the couplers are coupled and in operation this takes the centering spring out of the performance issue so the spring on the bottom has no affect. It's when the coupler has to be uncoupled and centered properley that problems will arise and the spring may wear out faster. Remember that this is all late 1950s technology which is still the most popular in our coupler line, presently even more than our whisker couplers. Sam Clarke R&D Kadee Quality Products
  10. I have had those calls claiming that I will lose my landline if I don't change over to our NBN - so be a devil, I did press 1 & got some firm supposedly represent Telstra here in Aust & politely told them that a. I have not been with Telstra for many months & b. If your records were upto date, you would know that I changed over to NBN 2 years ago. click from their end - I wonder why ?
  11. And the centreing spring is supposed to be top of the coupler - not the bottom.
  12. I use a lot of whisker Kadees and have no problems in pushing back thru 19" curves.
  13. The Gaugemaster Autofrog DCC80, yes has a relay and power consumption is 20mA - it does not switch solenoids but changes power on the frog.
  14. I guess the USA systems are more designed to be able to physically follow the train around the layout more than the European systems like ECoS which tend to be control of the layout from a central location.
  15. I was led to believe DOGO settled on the NEM standard as the H0 & S scales standards are the same and as 00 fits in between the two H0 & S, it seemed a logical step http://www.doubleogauge.com/standards/couplings.htm https://www.buffersmodelrailways.com/image/data/couplings.pdf
  16. I had good slow control for shunting on my DC layout but I find DCC allows my crew to run 4 locos in the main station ( 2 shunting & 2 driving trains in & out) at the same time without having any hassles about what section is connected to what controller ! Loco lights & sounds are not on my "to do" list. In fact I operate on a sound layout that has 6 locos on the move at the same & its gets distracting while shunting specific wagons to specific drop off locations with all the toots, whistles, bells & horns outside of the standard loco sounds - chuffs & growls ...
  17. I think the DCC Concepts Alpha system works on the principle of two wires serving all the layout accessories & it may follow this process https://www.nmra.org/sites/default/files/standards/lcc_faq_handout.pdf
  18. Why not get a book like this ? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Digital-Command-Control-Aspects-Modelling/dp/0711034990/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=ian+morton&qid=1571691678&s=books&sr=1-5 or visit these sites https://sites.google.com/site/markgurries/ http://www.members.optusnet.com.au/nswmn/dcc_articles.htm https://www.dccconcepts.com/category/general-hobby-advice-and-information/power-and-control-making-a-decision/?cat_name=power-and-control-making-a-decision&term=advice
  19. A CDU or similar circuit protects the solenoid coil from burning out. http://www.talkingelectronics.com/projects/CDU - overview/CDU - Overview.html https://rail.felgall.com/ps.htm
  20. I just ran a train around my layout at a scale speed of 60mph & it looked ridiculous as it looked like a TGV ! I have set most of my locos to do a maximum of 40MPH & that tends still to look slightly faster than it should. One layout in a an exhibition in South Australia had the Flying Scotsman really motoring & when a speedo was placed over it, it recorded well over 100 mph and in the opinion of many people ( including many modellers) who watched it compared it to the TGV & the like - too fast !
  21. For a photo of the insides of the Peco passing contact switch as described by Pete http://www.talkingelectronics.com/projects/CDU - overview/CDU - Overview.html 2/3rds of the way down the page to Pl-26
  22. Yes according to Hornby website - the black one is the correct one to use.
  23. When wagons with Kadees are pulled across a magnet, as long as the loco does not jerk at the wrong time & tension is maintained, they won't uncouple.
  24. Possibly close to these https://www.nmra.org/sites/default/files/standards/sandrp/pdf/s-3.2_2010.05.08.pdf
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