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Everything posted by JShow

  1. Hello Fred. I think someone answered this question a while ago, and the answer is only in the early 1950s. The Dapol model is in the locomotive's original Woolwich Arsenal livery, which has yellow lining rather than the white currently applied. The locomotive moved to the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough in 1955 and was, reportedly painted green if my memory of the earlier comment is correct. It was at Farnborough until 1968, when it was sold out of service. The preserved locomotive has been fitted with Westinghouse brake equipment to allow it to work passenger trains which is not a feature of the Dapol model. The locomotive is included in the Preserved British Steam Locomotives website-- it's page is here: https://preservedbritishsteamlocomotives.com/hawthorn-leslie-works-no-3135-37-invincible-0-4-0st/
  2. My NCB wagons arrived at the end of last week and I’m very pleased with them. I’d like again to thank everyone who helped make these available to overseas customers. After having traveled a third of the way around the earth, everything was in order except for loose end doors on three of the four wagons. A post on RM Web had alerted me to this possibility. A few tiny dabs of PVA and everything is sorted. The versions with the horizontal white planks are finer than some similarly liveried versions I’ve made from Parkside kits. I had some fun making my own decals. While my first attempt came out OK, If I attempt a second batch—and I hope to—it will be better.
  3. I also decided on one Hawthorn Leslie and two Andrew Barclays to help Hattons get the Barclays across the line. Also, I figure that the Hawthorn Leslie will be evergreen for Dapol and that, like the B4, new batches will arrive in the future.
  4. Rapido's website gives us a little tease... A number of people have been interested in how the Manning Wardle loco project is coming along. Currently the 'cosmetic' parts have been designed along with a proposed list of liveries and variants. The challenging task of designing the internals such as the mechanism, DCC access etc. is ongoing. We hope to share more updates as things progress.
  5. Text on Rapido's website, accompanying the video: Intel has confirmed differences between S160 examples. Positive ID on 2 locomotives. Interrogative: What livery would you propose?
  6. Bravo to Dapol for the 517, but I think it will be a setback for those of us who'd rather have a Metro. "How many different pre-grouping GWR tank loco classes do you need?"
  7. I believe they are samples.
  8. Seven months without a word from Rapido is, in relative terms, the blink of an eye. However, if you're a railway modeller waiting for news on progress on a model you dearly want, seven months is an eternity. Rapido, I know you've been busy--very, very busy--but please, throw us a bone!
  9. The Fawkes livery is super-sharp, but a bridge too far for me. It did prompt me to finally pre-order the maroon liveried version which, as Mol_PMB has reminded us, is as fictional as the Fawkes version.
  10. It's interesting to see the "replacement" internal user vans and the Dia.67 vans in use contemporaneously. Interesting brake gear on No. 265.
  11. I've found a photo in Mike Hitches' Bourneville: Steam & Chocolate with a partial view of a Caledonian van. The Cadbury script logo is visable, but the van itself looks a bit scruffy. A different van in the photo shows the logo and appears to be more freshly painted in a dark livery. The photo is from March, 1955.
  12. The July 2023 Railway Modeller, vol 74, Number 873, has scale drawings of the vans that replaced them. The article states the new vans were "constructed in the 1960s," so, depending on how much time-bending you can tolerate, you're probably okay. The replacement vans look like they'd be a straightforward scratchbuilding project. The biggest barrier would be that the wheelbase is 10' 6" rather than the more common 10' wheelbase. Rapido's artwork shows "for internal use only." The replacement vans were also branded as internal user.
  13. Same. Surely Rails didn't purchase the tooling to decorate their office. We can be fairly certain that patience will be rewarded. The popularity of the Hattons releases suggests these could be a regular offering for many years to come.
  14. Can we expect a Rapido "Rejected" post with a National Coal Board livery?
  15. Per Rapido, all versions will come with dumb buffers as extras for the user to apply.
  16. Rapido announced in their most recent newsletter that they will be adding to their GWR wagon model range by producing the N19 Loco Coal wagon and the O18 5-plank open in OO. These diagrams share underpinnings of already announced GWR wagons and date from 1913-1914. Rapido, I'm sure, will have more to post, but I wanted to share this news.
  17. Batch two of the Genesis coaches are also due in the same time frame and will probably keep Hattons busier than the Barclays. I wonder if, at the bitter end, Rails or TMC might end up as the vendor for the very last of the stock.
  18. I'm not aware of any other retailer's offering of a trunk service. I think Hattons is unique in that regard. Postage is become a limiting factor for overseas modellers of the UK scene.
  19. I've been waiting for an open cab version to appear ever since you mentioned it.
  20. Now that Hattons are winding down, do people here have another retailer for Oxford Diecast models they'd recommend? One that can accommodate overseas customers?
  21. I have done so--added one to my existing pre-order as a show of support. I like the two I have.
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