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Everything posted by Vanders

  1. Hang on, I'm really confused now: what stretcher bar? If there's only one blade, what would it be "stretching"? What is that in the drawing, then?
  2. Any chance you'd be so kind as to post the pictures of the 1:1 bridge works?
  3. That's true of most employers these days, I'm afraid. Here in the IT world it's not unusual to see people requiring experience for junior positions; heck it's not unusual to see the more clueless job adverts asking for E.g. 5 years experience in a technology that's only existed for 4!
  4. That's the trick though isn't it: it is cheaper and more convenient, so who's going to pay for it when it isn't? To put it into an RMWeb context, why do you think all the major model manufacturers use Chinese factories for the bulk of their production? It isn't because it's a convenient commute. Would you be okay with paying 2x the price for something to be made in a British factory, with a British workforce, being paid British wages? A cheap workforce & cheap manufacturing base has underpinned economic growth in pretty much every country ever, and the UK is no exception.
  5. With the number of people who join & leave the train at Bath in 1st Class, that's going to cause som upset I imagine.
  6. Just to be clear Jerry, I think your weathering is just fine, and no I don't think black is appropriate: the picture I posted quite clearly shows the colour is much more brown than black; a lot of what looks even totally black is actually shadow on the very dark brown.
  7. There are still plenty of buildings in Bath that show the effects of weathering on Bath Stone. This is one (two?) of the more extreme examples: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.3833273,-2.3664816,3a,75y,156.91h,88.65t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sa3bTaKfmDb-n9pM_S-hauA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1
  8. There are various types of "Micro" connector with a 1.25" pitch E.g. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/like/201565287167
  9. Must be strong stuff: Flickr tells me those are "Adult Content" and I have to log in to see them!
  10. "Do you know how much damage this bulldozer would sustain if I just let it roll over you? None at all."
  11. While we're on the subject of blues & twos, am I going deaf or are Police & Ambulance sirens now so quiet that you can't hear them until they're within 10 yards of you?
  12. I'm not sure how we provide it in a "flexible" way, unless you're proposing rebuilding a large network of branchlines cross-country? As for "most journeys in the UK are made by road, not rail" yes: possibly because we don't have a suitable rail network for transporting goods by rail? Do you honestly believe that constructing a motorway of similar length would not have the same impact on local communities along the way? P.S: As a British taxpayer HS2 is one of the things I'm more than happy for the government to spend my taxes on; if only they'd damn well get on with it! See also: Heathrow 3rd Runway.
  13. Freight & passenger trips by rail have been steadily increasing. Existing North-South lines are near capacity. Infrastructure is the mechanism by which healthy countries are able to operate. The network requires extra capacity. HS2 provides it. You may not see any direct benefit to yourself, personally, right now, but you'll certainly benefit from the infrastructure that may allow a company to build a large factory in the UK and employ a couple of thousand of people, or the infrastructure to transport biomass to power stations which generates electricity which keeps your lights on.
  14. Heavy rain a busy motorway will produce enough spray (on some surfaces) to bring visibility down well below 100m, and of course you have three lanes of traffic all moving at different speeds so cars can loom out of the murk as you are travelling, even if you're well within your stopping distance of the car directly in front in your lane. In that case rear fog lights are invaluable, as you actually stand a chance of seeing a slower driver change lanes into yours.
  15. If you drive along the section between J18 & J19, you might notice there are a set of half-built slip roads already in place. Although you'd want to build a South-East chord to avoid a reversal at Yate, assuming we're talking about retaining London services. And yes, a station there would have saved me the trouble of having to get through the Hambrook Lights/Hambrook Lane. Frankly it's easier to get to Temple Meads...
  16. I've always felt the BachFar 08 is underappreciated. For years N put up with crude example, and we were constantly told that outside frames in N were just not going to happen...and then it happened. I've always thought the 08 finally showed that you could have just as finely detailed models in RtR N as you could in OO. I'd definitely agree with this; once again showing that N can do just as well as OO, given some investment in technology.
  17. Yes, although that has (will) only becomes useful for the majority of South Bristol residents once the South Bristol Link Road has opened. There's probably some irony in that or summat. It's fine; I'm sure Bristol City Council have some cunning plan to improve public transport in Bristol & the surrounded areas, no doubt by shoveling more public money into the utterly useless First Bus. Like somebody else said, the old Midland route would have been ideal for serving East Bristol, especially developments such as Emersons Green & Lyde Green. There's almost enough of the route left between Westerleigh and Bath to create a usable route; if only some plonker hadn't built a couple of miles of now-congested ring road on top of it a few years back!
  18. The country can't afford not to build to it. And nor is the UK so broke it can't spend a few billion pounds, either.
  19. "Nice castle, but why did they build it so close to the airport?"
  20. Precisely who I was thinking of when I posted that
  21. So, and I'm sure you've already considered this; those will not be the highest quality items ever. If they're recognisably branded, they're almost certainly fake. If they're powered, I'd think twice before plugging them in.
  22. Oh lord, is that a Jouef "Class 29"? My eyes.
  23. No, Max Williams was a few doors down; that building is on the end of the row, and currently a tool hire shop.
  24. If you're sentimental (?) for the old Post Office building, now's the time to say your final goodbye's! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-38139249
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