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Everything posted by maico

  1. Whoops, that's what happens when you have an American spell checker
  2. Sam says the channel is his main source of income. You can see the earning estimates here https://socialblade.com/youtube/user/mrsamstrains They have really cut down on the monitization rates though in recent times. I used to have a film channel that without much effort lead to regular cheques coming through. To make money now you need to make original content stuff about popular things like cats, cars etc.
  3. This one on Rails ebay store is a bit of an aquired taste although it must be based on period photographs... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HO-GAUGE-MILITARY-CAMOUFLAGED-GERMAN-ARMOURED-0-8-0-STEAM-LOCOMOTIVE-/202110089845?hash=item2f0eb33a75
  4. He does test them. All locos get an hours running before giving scores and he likes to take them apart to check the motor. As for Heljan he liked this one
  5. Another tip to save money if you are using Amazon International sites is to tick pay by credit card on checkout in the local currency. They try to guide you towards either Amazon's own payment channel or credit card in your own currency. Both use Amazon's poor exchange rate. So, if I use Amazon.de I pay in euros and my credit card company (Mastercard) bills me in that. Amazon and Paypal make billions from these intermediary charges.
  6. my CC charge a high 2.75% on foreign tranactions however, it still works out cheaper than Paypal. They give the mid-market exchange rate and Paypal give a lower rate closer to a bureau de change. OK for small purchases but on big ticket stuff avoid Paypal! I was surprized recently on a used Rails purchase by VAT being shown at the full rate of 20%. Quite often businesses use the margin scheme for used items where VAT is accounted for on the difference between the puchase and retail price. This is not reclaimable by the purchaser nor is shown separately on the invoice.
  7. He has tested hundreds of trains and pays for them out of his own money, so yes, he is in a position to make a judgement. If he wanted to make money out of an affilate link he would give it a good review!
  8. maico

    New Hornby Rocket

    It seems all the tender wires in the Rocket being black isn't that unusual. This is my 2014 Trix German P10. The tender has 4 axle pickups, decoder, speaker and rear LEDS and is joined to the loco with 6 identical black wires...no colour coding
  9. maico

    New Hornby Rocket

    Hornby have been using more die-cast zinc alloy on smaller models in recent times. I believe the J36, B12, Drummond 700 and perhaps Schools class have metal boilers. Other models have metal running boards.
  10. maico

    New Hornby Rocket

    George Stephenson's Eagle (Adler) made by Trix also has 4 wires from the tender identified with different colours! See them in action on Brunellorosso's spinning test layout at 3.41mins...
  11. Seems these days the colour codes used by makers are the German RAL (Reichs-Ausschuß für Lieferbedingungen) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_RAL_colors Both Bachmann and Hornby factory diagrams use RAL
  12. Have you tried clearing the cookies in your browser?
  13. Lemaco make models of the BR06 and S2/6 in N-guage. The price is very high, being I assume brass-built. These sold on German Ebay recently.
  14. Sam's trains did a comparison video of the current and old version of the Coronation. On balance, and it might be a minority view, I think the old inaccurate swinging truck is ok !
  15. The Brawa, on the other hand, needs the front lower valances removed. The rear bogie is free to swing.
  16. Brunellrosso spinning layout has constant R2 curves. It gives a good indication of the articulation required for Ho scale. He has posted hundreds of videos in the last 10 years on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/user/brunellorosso/videos The Fleischmann BR 03 streamliner has fixed skirting and has no problems. The panels might of been wider than scale
  17. Some underside pics of a long Brawa streamliner, Roco and Fleischmann (advertised on ebay)
  18. I only have a couple of steamers, an old Wrenn city of Glasgow with articulated trailing bogie and this nice Trix German P10. It seems almost universal to have swinging flanged wheels, or side movement apart from some Hornby models?
  19. Here's a rarer version of the Swiss crocodile made by Roco. In the 1920s the Austrians bought a number of new examples for heavy freight use on steep inclines. In the War they were painted dark gray and given the DRG designation E89. I think this one is still in running order in preservation, the last being retired from service in 1979. The second photo is the N-guage version made by Jaegerndorfer model JC62070 These aren't mine, I have the Trix Swiss ho version in green.
  20. If you fitted the rear flange wheelset what would be the minimum curve radius it could handle, or are they for display only?
  21. Bingo! Lilliput L336610 https://www.ebay.de/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=Lilliput+L336610&_sacat=0&rt=nc&LH_Complete=1 German ebay appears the best source around 149 euros used. Camo one is a bit expensive though.. https://www.ebay.de/itm/Liliput-L336615-Spur-H0-Flakwagen-Schutzwagen-Dienst4i-DRG-Ep-II/193021418927?hash=item2cf0f91daf:g:Rt4AAOSwHShdQBW9
  22. Does anyone know who makes the flak car being pulled by this BR06? REI make that sort of thing but I can't see it listed https://www.reynaulds.com/rei-models.aspx
  23. Not with him upstairs surrounded by them cherubs. You need to be kind to small furry animals to score bonus points...
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