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John Besley

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Everything posted by John Besley

  1. Just an update on the 0-8-0 No 34 the cab fittings are now al back in place having remade a couple that went missing - theregulator and the ashpan damper control, the loco iscoming together and expect to start on the next stage of weathering etc...shortly Meanwhile this is the footplate... I have only done a bit of weathering here not in anyway finished, need to add oily patches and coal dust etc,
  2. How many of those are going to be donors for kit bashes
  3. Quick we need to remedy this panneiritist, we need a proper engine please bring on a BR Std tank, now that's a real loco
  4. I must admit to owning a Pannier, please forgive my sin.... although this was back in my youth - well just after in 1982, on my version of an Iain Rice inspired layout - Bringewood... and yes I used Kadee's back then Sadly the colour prints haven't aged well but with a proper photoshop might recover
  5. Intresting to compare the 2 pictures of 87032 taken almost a year apart, showing more paint chips on the front end...
  6. 'The Horses Mouth' perhaps....
  7. Just to join in, I think it's all a question of scale I couldn't use printed paper in 7/8ths scale - this is a close up of my workshop building - shell built from 18mm plywood covered in 5mm of polyfilla and hand carved plaster, the paving slabs are DAS modeling clay 6mm thick, the weeds / Dock leaves are made from aluminium food trays and hand cut out on a wire armature. The rat is a 3d print
  8. Going back to the subject of haulage capacity, many years ago I used to help run the EM gauge 'Westbury' model railway that was built in the old restaurant area at Paignton Station on the TSR (as it was in those days) we ran as far as I can remember mostly Ks kit built locos that all used 5 pole motors, one prise performer was a 56xx that slowly hauled a rake of 70 kit built coal wagons all day and everyday... interestingly she performed slightly better running bunker first. As far as I can remember all the locos were built by Graham Stevens of Springside Models, most of the regular engines needed their valve gear either bushing or replacing every winter
  9. Take it steady, I know what it's like to try to rush the getting better, still signed off after 2 months for a busted wrist... Ashton will still be there, think out a job list plan of action, write lists and read up stuff...
  10. Looks like it's got got a Triang Scotsman tender body fitted...
  11. Very nice looks very much like parts of the SR mainline to Exeter... is it possible to reload the missing photos? Noted your comments on heating, I have used two tubular oil filled radiant heaters in my garage / workshop for the last 20 years running them 24/7 executive in the hight of summer, they keep paperwork dry and tools rust free
  12. On another point is this stock only going to be propelled along the line as or have you got a cunning plan for coupling up this end?
  13. Personally I'd go with what ever was standard for GWR PW stock...
  14. Very nice, wish I had a pound for everytime I cleaned her in the early 70's
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