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Everything posted by LNERGE

  1. 806 returned south on O36 last night. I was overtaken by a large bout of apathy otherwise i would have gone out to see that and the four 20's with LT barriers.
  2. I went out to see 806 and 807 earlier. They spent five minutes or so stopped in the down platform at Hitchin before going new road to Cambridge.
  3. A friend has posted some pictures of the Cambridge end of the oxford - Cambridge line.. https://www.flickr.com/photos/nicholasy/14073881797/ This point was No4 in Cambridge Goods Yard box.. https://www.flickr.com/photos/nicholasy/14073788939/in/photostream/ This portion of line carried LMS track circuit 10770. https://www.flickr.com/photos/nicholasy/14258288642/in/photostream/
  4. Super shot. What stands out for me is the modification, probably for the provision of ATC (as AWS was first known)to Highdyke 13 signal circuits to bring back a filament alarm and an ON/light out\OFF indication back to the box. This signal also acted as Stoke UMAOD.
  5. I think it was 2000. It was donated by Railtrack and we took it out by rail to the Mid Norfolk Railway in think four train loads.
  6. I blame the bloke who lifted the last bit of the Oxford - Cambridge up to Long Road Bridge... Oh hang on that was me..
  7. Shepreth Branch Junction into Cambridge is already at full capacity. Something would need to be done there.
  8. Yes it is the silica sand again. Clearly the current wagons have better doors as the train still goes that way. Edit to add.. The train would have gone via the Lincoln avoider but i guess by 1983 that was out of use?
  9. The 'powder' is white silica sand from Middleton Towers going to York, Knottingley, Barnby Dun or Monk Bretton. The door is unlikely to be faulty just normal for the COVHOPs used at this time. Anywhere this train ran it left it's little trail, usually through each facing point lock... I wonder just how much sand lays between King's Lynn and the other locations mentioned?.. Have a look at this shot taken at King's Lynn. The train only ran round/shunted here, not loaded.. http://www.eastanglianrailwayarchive.co.uk/Railways/Cambridge-to-Kings-Lynn/i-hwCg86x/A There were occasions when train left larger deposits of sand.. http://www.eastanglianrailwayarchive.co.uk/Railways/Cambridge-to-Kings-Lynn/i-qTvWvvk/A
  10. So near yet so far. I'm on a 12 hour day shift at Chat Moss.
  11. I have enough kit to do the odd pole job now and then. Arms, spindles and insulators are the easy bit. Finding suitable arresters is getting harder.. https://www.flickr.com/photos/32297024@N08/6583178175/ There are 12 wires on this job. I think it was around 2 years of scrounging to find enough serviceable potheads and arresters.
  12. Unless it was somewhere where there were some Ites up there. I've seen blue, orange and black Ites. Only good prototype photo's would tell you and how many people would actually know an insulated linewire from a normal open cadmium copper wire?
  13. This is from a lineman's notebook. Theory goes out the window... Edit to add.. https://www.flickr.com/photos/pwayowen/7335295096/in/photolist-cbciF7-cXMQxY/
  14. Twas mine for nearly a year as installation manager..
  15. Now all you need is a little sound file that plays every time you operate a point..
  16. Sliding bridge double track Keadby. Photo possibly taken on 30th November 2003 at 15:40 and nine seconds...
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