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Everything posted by LNERGE

  1. Escaped going for a walk and got to play groundframes, Result!

  2. I've walked most of the Lickey twice last night and tonight the kids want to go for a walk up a hill. Whoopee.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LNERGE


      Funnily enough i call the babysitter big bertha (when she's not armed)

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I would hope you don't, for your own self-preservation!!

    4. LNERGE


      I do i live on the wildside!. (on the basis i can outrun her should the need arise)

  3. making cranks

  4. Rain stopped play.

  5. Playing with Annetts locks..

    1. Horsetan


      I've never heard it called that before.

    2. Tim V

      Tim V

      I hope Annett doesn't mind?

    3. Horsetan


      I think there's an ointment that might help.

  6. An early start tomorrow disc hunting..

    1. Horsetan



    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Did you join SHADO?

  7. Ok so every Henry Williams LNER disc i have is unsuitable for my project. Time to start hunting.

  8. Ok so every Henry Williams LNER disc i have is unsuitable for my project. Time to start hunting.

  9. Ok so every Henry Williams LNER disc i have is unsuitable for my project. Time to start hunting.

  10. It is written in scriptures that when two or more S&T men are gathered together and a wire is to be routed between these two contacts that they will immediately make the appropriate noise to imitate said star wars character..
  11. Super pictures. I keep meaning to go and have a look at the replacement aqueduct one day. I'm passing that way all week i'll give it a try. Edit to add..
  12. Wickes for timber, windows and door ex March East, 'home made' lever frame (all genuine parts) simples.
  13. Joints between cranks and rods are lubricated. Rodding rollers are always lubrication free. They are called frictionless rollers. If you have ever seen someone walk down a rodding run and step on a single 18ft length left in but still on it's rollers you'll know just how frictionless they are. The result is something an acrobat would be proud of.
  14. The difference between where you pull the lever and where the point rod is attached gives the person doing the work around five or six times the mechanical advantage.
  15. The levers, along with the rest of the frame, are quite safe in the care of the Wensleydale Railway. Edit to add.. Take a good look at the levers. You wont see many like this.
  16. You had just passed one of my trainspotting haunts. I used to cycle out from Kelpie's to the site of a demolished overbridge and spend the day there once in a while, armed with a bottle of pop and a sandwich.
  17. I'm sure i came across a dual braked one somewhere, Hitchin Stockyard maybe? It was in a tunnel inspection train. Something in the back of my mind hints at a bullion flat?
  18. Yes that has caught my interest too. Air brake GUV's or vacuum braked flats?
  19. One of those little places i always meant to visit. I'm guessing because i have the panel with built in keylock instrument that it must be barriers now?
  20. Super pictures The concrete post colourlight is still just visible from the A6006
  21. There is speculation that this evenings L36 Hoo Junction - Whitemoor will have 73208 in consist but hauled by a 70. Anyone able to confirm?
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