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Everything posted by Esmedune

  1. It's knackered, and I can't be bothered fixing it myself, give me £100 for it... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/154913028506
  2. I just picked up a 5 car set at auction, and considering that the "skill" shown here, I wonder if the seats are like that behind the mid section coaches that come with the kit, or if the seats are cut and shunt too? 🤔
  3. I have the iwata Revolution HP-CR with a 0.5 needle for a medium spray, and I also have a cheap Chinese £17 special with a 0.2 needle for fine work and it hasn't let me down yet. As for Air, I was looking at iwata and similar airbrush pumps, but I went for a larger Hyundai Compressor that I can also inflate my car tyres with. It took a bit of messing getting a moisture trap connected, but I can unplug the trap and plug in the standard hose with an air gun and blow the dust off the item to be painted, then quickly switch back. It is far more powerful and stores air in a tank and can be used for many other uses. It is quiet compared to older types and is oil free. https://hyundaipowerequipment.co.uk/hyundai-8-litre-air-compressor-4cfm-118psi-silenced-oil-free-direct-drive-0-75hp-hy5508
  4. Cryptic title I know. But I will be putting the DCC chip in the centre motor unit of an APT, but I'd rather not be paying for DCC chips in the cabs for directional lighting. Would one of these work?
  5. Can I ask where you get 0.7 bars from? Thanks
  6. I am working on a GEM J36, but the coal rails are moulded as part of the white metal tender. I want to cut them off and replace them with real rails. My two issues are the curve at the front and that the rails have a D profile. Filing down half of a round wire would be pushing my abilities. Does anyone have any ideas?
  7. A fool and his money are soon parted. Some people obviously fall for limited edition nonsense.
  8. I'm just talking about the camera function. Why would someone not be able to have a photo ready when they are making the listing? Put the advert up the day after when you have the photo. I would never trusts a "photo to follow" listing, it is just as bonkers as a "price to follow" or "description to follow"... Post the advert when you have all the relevant details to hand. There is no sane reason why you would be in such a hurry to make a listing that it could not wait until taking a photo. It screams deception.
  9. Does he not have a phone he can take pictures with? Surely the days of not being able to instantly take a photo and have it on the internet are behind us?
  10. With this crew, the loco will go nowhere and eventually the boiler will explode. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/281968330851
  11. His limescale is a funny colour and oozing out of some strange places...
  12. A cheap speaker surround, two screws and the DCC blanking plug. Basically what you have left over after taking the item out and fitting it. Most of us would just stick this in the bin, but here they are asking £20 for their rubbish with an additional £2.45 to post it out. Barefaced cheek in my books.
  13. I went with no item listed
  14. Am I alone in thinking this advert is deliberately trying to trip a buyer up? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/384771139329
  15. Not madness as such, but a real world price check. J36 Maude on ebay from Japan for £300-£350 UK seller with a low opening price just went for £161.51, slightly more realistic, but still bonkers for a small simple loco, even with tinny sound. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/224873981421
  16. £51 at the end... woof!
  17. Is it in witness protection and to be voiced by an actor? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/175170675983?hash=item28c8fc650f:g:wvUAAOSwsCJgViUl
  18. Hello all! I have picked a GEM J36 up and like most models, it is a bit lacking for detail I am mainly looking for a brake system and the brass valve globe things on the smokebox... Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  19. I have an airbrush and several different coloured tins of paint, worship me!! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/133749593781
  20. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/175176164856?hash=item28c95025f8:g:Zo8AAOSwEm9iF8b4
  21. I see you have lost the weight block to accommodate the detailing. Are you going to add weight elsewhere?
  22. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/393929140215?hash=item5bb801a7f7:g:CgEAAOSwDGJiBmvp Just to think that someone had high hopes for this custom job, how could it go so wrong??
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