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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Day 23 - Dapol B4 ‘Caen’ for £79.50 (or £99.50 with DCC) https://railsofsheffield.com/groups/2557/advent-calendar-day-23
  2. Provided that short wheelbase stock is used the radius shouldn’t be too much of a problem, although I wouldn’t go running any L&B locos around
  3. That’s far more along the lines of what I had in mind, yes. Should point out at this point that it is your layout, not mine and you should feel free to ignore anything if that is what you want to do
  4. Late from me today (sorry) - Day 21 - Heljan 'OO' tankers: https://railsofsheffield.com/groups/2554/advent-calendar-day-21
  5. Just received my own aspergers diagnosis in this last week. I've told work and a friend, but nobody else (sorry, you lot don't count ) as i don't consider it to be too important. The issues I had both before and after the diagnosis are still there, just with a label attached to them now - and I work very hard to make sure that I get along with others without letting my (now diagnosed) condition get in the way too much.
  6. Echo above, a passing loop on a single line would have a greater level of operational interest as well as looking more prototypically accurate. I would retain the cutting on the right hand side of your plan (its an interesting feature), swap it to the outer track, and eliminate the centre circuit entirely while adding a passing loop in the station. The passing loop, however, could be quite lengthy - in order to retain the look of the TV series I would place the points roughly parallel to the engine shed on the left and past the level crossing and bridge on the right - something like this (apologies for the shockingly bad drawing, my work computer only has paint )
  7. Day 20 'Capital Commuter' Train set for £149.50: https://railsofsheffield.com/products/30574/Bachmann-30-430-oo-gauge-capital-commuter-train-set
  8. Day 19 - 'The Final Day' A3 loco no. 108 'The Gay Crusader' in LNER livery as worn 31st December 1947 (£109.50): https://railsofsheffield.com/products/32427/Hornby-r3518-oo-gauge-the-final-day-lner-4-6-2-gay-crusader-a3-class-locomotive-no-108
  9. Day 18 - HO Scale DB Logistics 'Railon' Steel Wagon for £29.50 https://railsofsheffield.com/products/34597/liliput-l235774-ho-scale-db-logistics-railion-steel-transport-wagon-weathered-
  10. Day 17 - A choice of Hornby Pecketts for £79.50 - https://railsofsheffield.com/groups/2547/advent-calendar-day-17 Lilleshall Black 883 - https://railsofsheffield.com/products/32449/Hornby-r3550-oo-gauge-peckett-w4-0-4-0st-883-lilleshall-co-locomotive Peckett Works Livery 560 - https://railsofsheffield.com/products/33984/Hornby-r3615-oo-gauge-peckett-works-livery-no-560-1893-0-4-0st
  11. Day 16 - ‘William Stanier’ Pacific for - £184.50 https://railsofsheffield.com/groups/2546/advent-calendar-day-16 Includes a RoS £20 gift voucher
  12. Very late from me today, but Day 15 - Golden Valley 7 plank wagons for £19.99: https://railsofsheffield.com/groups/2545/advent-calendar-day-15
  13. I remember reading somewhere that a line (poss the Brecon Mountain Rly) buying coal from Russia because it was cheaper than the stuff being dug out of the ground a few miles away. I know nothing about the various merits of 'types' of coal, but the overlal impression I got was that this stuff was considered to be inferior to local coal, but the price was the clinching factor.
  14. Hello all, So, I thought that it was high time for the speculation about the Hornby 2019 range to begin, seeing as the announcement itself is only a couple of weeks away. However, to try and control things in the whole speculation department and prevent acrimony I would like to propose a couple of rules: 1. Keep it civil. This is a thread for people to have a go at guessing what will happen, not a thread where people can laugh at other people's guesses. Even if you find an idea to be ridiculous, it doesn't mean you HAVE to ridicule it. 2. Make a couple of guesses in each category: Steam Locos (all steam, from the Rocket to Tornado), Diesel & Modern Image, Coaches & Wagons, and The Surprising Thing (basically, the weird and wacky that you think might be a bit of a left field answer) along with a line or two rationalising it. 3. Have a go at all of the categories, regardless of whether you actually model it or not - remember that this is meant to be a bit of fun. I'll have a go first: Steam - Robert Stephenson & Hawthorn Works 0-6-0. Considering the recent trend moving towards industrial prototypes, this loco offers a wide variety of liveries and detail variations and could be produced along the lines of the Peckett to keep the overall purchase price down. - GWR 111 'The Great Bear' - Considering Hornby's traditional penchant for express passenger locos as well as their recent trend towards one off prototype engines in this category, I think there is more than a passing chance that we would see the only GWR pacific in RTR form from Margate. Diesel and Modern Image - 26000 'Tommy'. For the same reasons as 'The Great Bear' above, its quite possible that an electric pioneer ( and the novelty of a pre-nationalisation electric loco) could be a viable punt for Hornby. Considering the engine's jaunts through to the continent, a great many people could justify the engines presence on their layout, and the different liveries carried by the real thing do give a choice of eras. - Class 47 - I think its generally been accepted that the ubiquitous Brush type 4 has not been captured quite correctly in any of its guises from Lima (now Hornby themselves), Bachmnn, ViTrains or Heljan, despite some of them being damn close to the mark and very good models. If Hornby could deliver the definitive 47 then a monumental variety of engines could be produced, and a great many of Hornby's recent D&E models have been staggeringly good (Class 50, 56, 60 are leaders in the field) so it may well be worth considering, espcially considering the packed D&E Market where virtually everything has already been made. Coaches and Wagons - Modern GWR Clerestories - with pre-grouping and pre-nationalisation models becoming more and more popular these coaches would be a popular accompaniment to the Hornby GWR range and could well have been seen behind any number of early GWR engines currently on the market. - DCC Sound Mk1 - Hornby introduced the box van with sound last year, it makes sense that their Mk1s with lights from the railroad range be upgraded to have their own sound chip. The Surprising Thing Now Andy Y's Margate report mentioned that there was something that was 'eyebrow raising' I believe, which has been seconded by others who were there. So here is my guess: - Hornby enters 009 market. The market for RTR 009 has been shown to be more viable than was first believed and is one of the few areas where genuine growth can be found. My guess is that Hornby would follow it's MO of making well known 'high profile' locos, which I believe would mean locos from the Ffestiniog (most likely the Double Fairlies, despite their myriad detail differences) along with one or two wagons/coaches for them to pull. So that's my ideas, what do the rest of you think will happen?
  15. Day 14 - Another choice of locos - https://railsofsheffield.com/groups/2543/advent-calendar-day-14 Oxford Rail 'Dean goods' 2475 w/DCC Sound £149.50 - https://railsofsheffield.com/products/31095/oxford-rail-or76dg003xs-oo-gauge-gwr-grean-0-6-0-deans-goods-locomotive-2475-dcc-sound (incidentally, interesting spelling of the word 'Green'. Ofxord Rail 'Dean Goods' 2534 w/ snowplow and DCC Sound £164.50 - https://railsofsheffield.com/products/32875/oxford-rail-or76dg005xs-oo-gauge-gwr-dean-goods-2534-with-snow-plough-dcc-sound-
  16. Well, I've expressed my interest - mostly because I don't want to / have the skill to make a model of my own. I will happily pay the proposed price for an RTR model of this unusual prototype and hope that the project succeeds.
  17. Managed to watch the video by extracting the video from the disc. Just recalled that the last DVD I had with Hornby magazine also did the same thing. As if that wasn’t enough, when I did get the files playing the Audio kept dropping out and several sections were totally silent. Sorry guys, but I do think it’s a poor showing that the disc can’t be just put in and played - I get that this isn’t a large production and that it’s put together by only a few people, but it fails in the fundamental task of being a DVD to be honest.
  18. Hey guys, Just picked this up adn the DVD will not work no matter what I do. Tried it in three household players and two computers so i know its not them. Any help?
  19. A bit early today - Day 13 - Twin Track Controller for £79.50: https://railsofsheffield.com/products/7850/gaugemaster-d-n-ho-oo-twin-track-power-cased-controller £10.00 voucher included in purchase price
  20. Day 12 - A choice of Bachmann locos for £64.50: https://railsofsheffield.com/groups/2537/advent-calendar-day-12 08907 in DB Schenker Livery - https://railsofsheffield.com/products/26693/Bachmann-32-119-oo-gauge-class-08-08907-db-schenker-diesel-shunter-locomotive L&YR 2-4-2 50705 in BR Lined Black (Early Crest) - https://railsofsheffield.com/products/26679/Bachmann-31-169-oo-gauge-l-yr-2-4-2-tank-50705-br-lined-black-early-emblem-locomotive
  21. Day 11 - GWR 57xx Pannier in 'O' for £169.50: https://railsofsheffield.com/products/31540/Dapol-7s-007-003-o-gauge-class-57xx-0-6-0pt-pannier-9659-in-gwr-green
  22. Day 10 - Couple of minutes early today: Hornby Princess Coronation loco for £184.50: https://railsofsheffield.com/products/35929/Hornby-r3681-oo-gauge-lms-princess-coronation-class-4-6-2-6241-city-of-edinburgh-
  23. Day 9 - ‘O’ Gauge HAA Coal wagonsfor £39.50: https://railsofsheffield.com/groups/2536/advent-calendar-day-9
  24. Having worked in a bank myself, I can tell you that the most likely answer to this will be money laundering. The pattern we are told to watch out for is someone making regular cash withdrawals regardless of the apparent innocence of the incoming funds to the account (money launderers setting up companies, paying themselves a salary is not unknown). It’s worth noting that your bank manager/teller etc cannot do anything - these are laws and regulations that cannot be circumvented and they will be personally liable if they aren’t followed. Sorry, but this is the way of the world now with banking - it may just have to be something that you get used to.
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