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rob D2

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Status Updates posted by rob D2

  1. Is in Tampa, and it’s briefly stopped raining

    1. tractionman


      Pretty wet in Bangor norn iron too!

    2. Hroth


      Hey ho, the wind and the rain, and the rain it raineth every day!

  2. Rude people who don’t reply to PM, and constantly want stuff...

    1. beast66606


      Same as the ones who post a question and then ignore the answer and therefore don't say "thanks"

    2. Barry O

      Barry O

      or keep asking the same question in slightly different ways ....

  3. Off to bath

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. uax6


      But did you need it?

    3. Londontram


      Well it was getting a bit noticeable

    4. SHMD


      Is it that time of year again?

  4. Think I just did a “ vacuum filling guff “ like Andy speaks of.... evacuate !

  5. Ohh, class 47 went DCC native and took off like a rocket. Managed to get body off before it melted though...

    1. Harlequin


      Turned yellow, developed a huge chimney and set off in the direction of Rainhill?

  6. Saw “spirit of Swindon “ in Swindon

    1. bgman


      I didn't see Spirit but there was plenty of nice beer at the exhibition in the Steam Museum Model exhibition hic !

    2. rob D2

      rob D2

      Er, yeah that’s where it was ...

  7. Visited BBMF at RAF coningsby yesterday, well worth the trip

    1. RJS1977


      I've gone one better - got them coming to us for the Bank Holiday weekend and the first weekend in September!

  8. “ opening the box “ videos on YouTube. Please shoot me.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. rob D2

      rob D2

      “ the usual Bachmann ice cube packaging, some instructions, some bits ( don’t know what they are )...”

  9. Has now got enough eccletic stock for a hundred different planks . If I freeze my body I might make them all

  10. Landed from LA, back again tomorrow

    1. PhilEakins


      A flying visit?

  11. Soaking up the San Francisco sun

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. adb968008


      Lived there for 5 years, if you get chance pop up to GGRM at Sacramento, or the Tram museum at Rio Vista.. then there’s Jamestown..

    3. tractionman


      Ooo yes, the California State Railroad Museum is brilliant, great bookshop when I was there, and located near the railway station, lovely spot.

    4. rob D2

      rob D2

      It’s work unfortunately, flying back tonight but it’s been nice

  12. “ bondi rescue “ mate.

    1. Hroth


      Budgie smuggling again?

    2. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Jeezuz! I thought for a minute we might have to cancel the barbi!

  13. So Meghan’s dress is by givenchy. I’ve been on the edge of my seat for days....

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. flapland


      I thought all the fuss was to mark my 52nd birthday. Never mind good luck to them both.

    3. Hroth


      Yep, went round the shops in half the time. No parking problems either!

    4. sharris


      Ardvark - you mean the principle boy is being played by a woman, and the evil step-mother by a man?

  14. #freerichardosbornbrooks

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rob D2

      rob D2

      Shouldn’t be charged with anything, I consider that reasonable force

    3. Boris


      Yes, but someone is still dead, and that person had a family. The police have a duty to investigate even if no charges are brought

    4. LBRJ


      Hopefully it is just due process and he will be released without charge.

  15. £67.50 is not a bad price for a 37. I am an eBay warrior...

  16. Want to buy some models but I’m uninspired !

    1. truffy


      Well, I understand that Hope Hicks has just come back on the market

  17. YouTube loco reviews......zzzzzzzz

    1. lofty1966


      Some serious cringe moments

    2. BoD


      Not as good as the 'how to unpack' box set.

    3. truffy


      Some of them are terrible, and some are not.

  18. Why is the Search function so utterly useless on here ? “ class 66 photos” doesn’t bring up the “ class 66 photos “ topic on at least the first five pages

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dhjgreen


      Use google and ask for class 66 photos rmweb

    3. 47164


      The google function appears to have been removed....answers on a postcard please Andy..can it be reinstalled? As a good simple search process hs been replaced with something utterly useless!!

    4. keefer


      I do the same as dhjgreen - open a new tab/window and use Google. I've even used it to find a particular thread i've contributed to. eg RMWeb keefer (plus subject) and they come up

  19. -15 here in Boston. Time for a walk.

    1. Bill


      -15 degrees Celsius is my cut of point. Its a balmy minus 12 here in Nova Scotia..

  20. Merry Christmas to all the RMweb posse. Should be getting some code 75 bullhead on 25 th...

    1. Metr0Land


      Will there be a very long discussion thread once Santa has been?

    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Oooh, naughty! xD

  21. “ this Christmas, give your family a DNA test “. I kid you not.

    1. Metr0Land


      Annie, I'm not your daddy - Kid Creole and the Coconuts

    2. chris p bacon

      chris p bacon

      I told my Stepson I want a DNA test, we're both worried about the outcome.

  22. First time to Denver. Not that impressed.

    1. chris p bacon

      chris p bacon

      Denver Sluice ? not surprised.

    2. marc smith

      marc smith

      Get out of Denver baby! ;)

    3. tractionman


      Head for the hills

  23. Go cycling , get abused by dog walkers,chavs, and today, a single mum.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. trisonic


      Wear clothes next time....

    3. sharkman


      Cyclists swear in the distance after I've I refused to move to let them pass on a public footpath, also the ones behind me who keep ringing their bell to let them pass - get on the bl***y road where you should be!!

    4. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      There's a time and a place for getting abused by a single mum...

  24. Soldering upside down...is a pretty stupid thing to do !

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Liam


      You stupid boy!

    3. LNERGE


      I put 6ft six core tails on my point motors before fitting them to avoind soldering upside down..

    4. rob D2

      rob D2

      Had to reattach wires to underside baseboard.wore goggles but still got a nice burn to the arm ..

  25. And now some tool wants to start a political debate on my local FB site. Just roll the tanks and be done with it...

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