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Status Updates posted by 11B

  1. For some reason I cannot explain, today I left the house with the solo intent of taking a photo 60103.

  2. I don't like been lied to! The bathroom scales tell fake news!

    1. mike morley

      mike morley

      Mine spent a week stood on end. Next time I used them they tried to kid me I'd lost half a stone in six days! Yeah, sure!

    2. LNERGE


      Mine say i weigh about eight kilos though i try to ignore that is on the second time round.

    3. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Mine ask that one of us gets off.

  3. Not sure what is going on today! Everyone seems to be trying to irritate me, but worse still they are succeedung!! And worse still I expolded when SHMBO asked how my day went.... I may be out of the dog house by Christmas.....

    1. Liam


      You have my sympathies. I’ve experienced those days where everything seems to go wrong.

    2. Peter Kazmierczak

      Peter Kazmierczak

      You are Theresa May and I claim my £5 prize.

    3. Hroth


      "expolded"? Is that when the little boy takes his finger OUT of the hole in the ######?


      Weird. But it WILL take dyke...

  4. Feeling relieved to hear from my step son who lives in Chico USA, to close to the deviating fires

  5. A 317working under its own power to Cumbria... We are closer to London than we thought...

    1. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann


    2. newbryford


      More London area cast offs? <ducks and runs>

  6. New carmera... Just need to get used to it.. .

    1. Hroth


      I wondered why the pics from my new camera were coming out slightly overexposed. Turns out the unmarked dial where my thumb neatly rests defaults to exposure compensation, and I'd managed to wind it up a couple of notches...

    2. Horsetan


      What's a "carmera"?

    3. Metr0Land


      A car for a chimera who doesn't like walking?

  7. Ordered a box of Bullhead flexible track. This may end up with me feeling like a Network Rail employee over Christmas when it arrives and I taking up the old stuff and relaying it with the new!

  8. It's not every night that you can pull along side a police van in the dark at the trafic lights, wind down your window and surgest to the officer driving that after following themfor 5 mins it may be best if they put their head lights on!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Mallard60022


      Slightly slurred comments would have produced a different outcome I am sure.

    3. rembrow


      Hope you used two well known vernacular phrases, joined together - 'Allo Allo Allo, have you got a light boy'

    4. Tim V

      Tim V

      That was brave!

  9. Arr!!! How long does it take Amazon to post an item that is "fulfilled by Amazon"!

    1. Hroth


      Its not just that, its items that are "in stock" but because you've chosen the "free delivery" option, you go to the back of the picking queue.

    2. Horsetan


      Must remember to cancel that Amazon Prime free trial thing....

    3. ColHut


      could be worse, I accidently bought an ebay item with the global postal option. Hidden charges and 2 part shipping. May eventually artive.

  10. Is it me, orwas there a topic about Class 59 photos or photos of RMW members.I can't it using the search engine!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. keefer
    3. 11B
    4. keefer


      When looking for anything I just Google "RMWeb (+ subject)", ive never really got on with the site search engine

  11. That happy moment when youfinish work, grab a takeaway and bottle of wine for a night with your better half. You get home to find the main set of keys for the department in your pocket...... Arr!!!!!!!!!

    1. steve22


      That really is take away.

    2. highpeakman


      Have real sympathy with that. Did that once with set of customer keys 65 miles away! Had to get them back straight away. I think I said "oh, bother!" - It might have been something else though.

    3. TT3


      Just as much fun as just getting the express home with seconds to spare only finding you left your car/house keys on the office desk

  12. Parcelforce.More like Parcelfarce! 24hr delivery..... It's spent 39hrs sat in there sorting office at Preston. A quick phone call to them and they say itis with a privert contractor that works for them and will be with me this evening. Bull (insert own word), their web site tells meit is still sat at Preston. I'm looking forward to phoning them tomorrow............

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Craigw


      Tracking and signing does not work once it leaves the UK horse. pretty galling to pay for things and not be able to track or sign!


    3. admiles


      RM International signed for does exactly that. It just refers you to their partner company website in whichever country you sent it to.

    4. Craigw


      Not any more admiles. found that out with two signed for deliveries from Ultrascale and brassmasters.

  13. Well. Work could be interesting tomorrow! A&E following this f##king moronic cyber attack

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mallard60022


      I hear this morning from the HS that it is all the fault of the NHS and others for not having updated.....so where's the dosh for the updates then?

    3. Metr0Land


      It's all down to priorites matey, the NHS is already getting 2.5 billion pounds A WEEK from us taxpayers

    4. ian


      The update is a free download from Microsoft. NHS IT dept (sorry, NHS Digital) asleep at the wheel?

  14. Thanks to a crafty shift swap, and an offer to cover an unfilled shift yesterday for mine on Thursday I find myself with eight days off!

  15. So today in A&E it really was Anything & Everything. Cardiac arrests​, house fire victims, falls, can't wait for the GP tomorrow, and a drug addict that threatened to kill me for ending his high! What will tomorrow hold....

    1. Jinty3f


      So you work in a hospital then?

  16. So today in A&E it really was Anything & Everything. Cardiac arrests​, house fire victims, falls, can't wait for the GP tomorrow, and a drug addict that threatened to kill me for ending his high! What will tomorrow hold....

  17. So today in A&E it really was Anything & Everything. Cardiac arrests​, house fire victims, falls, can't wait for the GP tomorrow, and a drug addict that threatened to kill me for ending his high! What will tomorrow hold....

  18. Now I do like to look of the Colas 67's

    1. bgman


      Blimey first they did the original, then sugar free and now 67. I wonder what that tastes like ?

    2. 11B


      Ribena. No wait, its red diesel I see in the tank

    3. Metr0Land


      Ah yes 67, when the pound in your pocket....

  19. Build your own buildings, it's fun, it's relaxing....... it's not!

    1. Kylestrome


      Oh yes it is!

  20. Build your own buildings, it's fun, it's relaxing....... it's not!

  21. Build your own buildings, it's fun, it's relaxing....... it's not!

  22. Build your own buildings, it's fun, it's relaxing....... it's not!

  23. It's been a while, but today I deside to have a cabride in a class 110

  24. supper glue + nail file + alcohol = problems with sensation in fingers!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mallard60022


      I can think of better grub for supper.

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Bet it stuck badly to the pan!

    4. rembrow


      Try 'mek-pak' + cellulose + thinners + 'super glue'. Suffering the consequences this morning. Not just on the chest!!

  25. Tomorrow is the last day of a week off, and I will do some work on the layout. Now I just need to keep telling myself that!

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