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Status Replies posted by 11B

  1. is passing a lung through ones rectum during flatulance considered bad form?

  2. Yay! The ebay fairy has delivered!

  3. Starting my new Job tomorrow, it'll feel good to wear a suit again!

  4. What is the best sausage to serve at a garden party?

  5. Escape to Victory is on, get in!

  6. Detailed economic projections indicate that there is a possibility that I might consume a portion of parsnip within the next 17 days

  7. Something else wrong with my skin now, *gives up*

  8. Has spent most of the day trying to get the chain saw to start, with no luck!

  9. Has spent most of the day trying to get the chain saw to start, with no luck!

  10. Is loving mallard60022s new avatar!!

  11. How is it possible, in the 21st Century, that one of the biggest NHS hospitals in the SW has no air conditioning in the wards, windows open only slightly, patients swelter with virtually no clothing on in their beds, and there are not even any fans available for patients running a temperature? It all seems squalid and reminiscent of the Middle Ages.

  12. Has managed to aviod the large car park (aka M6 south bound jc 36 - 33). Hopefully no one has been hurt...

  13. Has survived my first day back at work after 4 weeks off on the sick

  14. Got to go back to hospital to have the "procedure" done under anesthetic as im a big girls blouse! Jumpy before the camera got anywhere near me yet alone inside me!!

  15. so about 6 weeks ago bought my first bicycle in 5 years, today managed a 25 mile round trip in 2 hours - Yay!

  16. I think I am going to need a get rich quick plan to fund my model railway...

  17. Thanks to a status update by Andy Y (if I recall correctly), I have been sat adicted to 2048... Arr.... It is driving me mad!!!

  18. Thanks to a status update by Andy Y (if I recall correctly), I have been sat adicted to 2048... Arr.... It is driving me mad!!!

  19. Two pork pies in the oven.

  20. Two pork pies in the oven.

  21. Two pork pies in the oven.

  22. Can I just say that the fox transfers website is absolutely brilliant, well done whoever created it.

  23. Ho Hum. Sun - Rain - Sun.....

  24. just spent 30 mins looking for a mouse in the conservatory only to finally realize it was the insole of my shoe that was squeaking... and they trust me with 2000 ton trains!!

  25. Disaster hits Carnforth... Kettle (tea brewing type) , stops working...... Can't find the camping one.... Send help!!!!

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