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Status Replies posted by 11B

  1. When I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck

  2. Rolls of Woodland Scenic 3

  3. I hate cleaning that fish tank! It only takes a few mins, but seem like it takes for ever.....

  4. I hate cleaning that fish tank! It only takes a few mins, but seem like it takes for ever.....

  5. The front step of a class 08 is the way to travel

  6. Stand up to Cancer on Channel 4. Life can be so ******** unfair!

  7. Ipod thief, 16 wk suspended sentence, for a repeat offence just after coming out of prison for handling stolen goods, hope the twit gets found face down in the gutter with a needle in his arm, f'ing scumbag

  8. Rumours going around the mill that Colas Have purchased DB schenker can anybody confirm this where's big Jim when you need him?

  9. really likes the new racehorse. She is developing an addiction to Kendal Mint Cake......

  10. Looks like Autumn has arrived at last!!! And the one day I needed to be outside with an electric drill... May give that a miss today!

  11. me own bed for a night....bliss!

  12. Is planning a trip to Barrow exhibition next Sunday

  13. Is planning a trip to Barrow exhibition next Sunday

  14. Hacked off today, someone has vandalised my car outside the house, wonder if its anything to do with the guy who broke into it the other week being in court in a couple of weeks!! He's stupid enough to do something like that

  15. What joy.... It sounds like it's party night next door! Just in time for a 13hr day at work tomorrow.... Arr

  16. Days highlight, Colas 60021 through Warrington!

  17. Gerald the Ferret says, 'give me your crispy croutons'

  18. That Clanger wouldn't go Woof if you put 20,000 volts through it - it's dead, it is an ex clanger

  19. Winter is coming, the House Martins are on the move.

  20. A nice day. Going outside to trim the wifes' bush.

  21. New chain saw... The fun just keeps on coming!! Or it did until I ran out of logs to cut up, still I get to play with the axe now instead!!!!

  22. Virtual modelling has its place in a specific thread.

  23. Moving to Portsmouth to start my new job with Network Rail in less than two weeks, eeeek

  24. I has just discovered the hard way that the muppets that we bought the house off leave live wiers with bare ends in the loft insulation..... I need a drink!!!! Thank god for MCB's

  25. i have a new job description, im now "principle driver"

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