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Everything posted by Boris

  1. witnessed an armed robbery today!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Debs.


      What`s the bell-code for a getaway train? :-)

    3. Boris


      That's an easy one - train running away!!!

    4. Debs.


      Hahahaha!.....`brilliant! :-)

  2. may contain traces of nut.

    1. skipepsi


      Nuts may contain traces of Boris more like.

    2. KevinWalsh


      Tell us something we didn't already know LOL

  3. shop in town selling "4 bowels for £2"!!!!

    1. Debs.


      They must be having a clearout?.....If you were feeling flush; you could`ve bought them! :-)

    2. Boris


      Nawww, they were only fit for the dump, besides the shop next door had a Bogoff!

    3. Mallard60022


      Are they doing other essential internal organs?

  4. "Inside, outside, round" - song lyrics that sound more like instructions for student underpants.....

  5. Not so very long ago I went along to recover some equipment from an ex Wagon works scheduled for demolition, I always make a point on jobs like that to have a good ferret round and on top of a cupboard in the old shunters mess was a det dated 1942, judging by the crud round it, it had been there since about that date! That would be about 2008!
  6. Then raise the scarlet standard high. Within its shade we'll live and die, Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer, We'll keep the red flag flying here.

  7. Oh stars, I've just found a rude word the language filter lets through, PM to Andy time!

  8. has been fed full of cheap sugary ice cream and feels like climbing the walls.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Boris




      [is currently doing the psycho stare into the computer]


      Scary huh?

    3. pirouets


      Depends what the computer does back I guess!!!

    4. Boris


      The maching goes ping....

  9. Ho hum, subtitle for RMweb the movie - The Attack of The Keyboard Warriors!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Coldgunner


      RMWeb Episode I: The BS poster

      Episode II: Attack of the spammers

      Episode III: Revenge of the mods

      IV: A new thread

      V: Boris Strikes Back

      VI: Return of the banhammer!


      Guys, I think we've got a series!

    3. Boris


      Is that a musical banned or a rubber banned?

    4. Horsetan


      Depends what sort of rubber you're using.

  10. And thus into the Great Storm set forth Boris, in the quest for chocolate to appease the angry Domestic Godess that she might relinquish unto him the Holy Spirit, that has matured in the barrel of oak for 3 decades.

    1. Trains&armour


      Something that has matured in Scotland i hope, otherwise it hardly seems worth the trouble.... And now I have to log off, because another Domestic Godess is bearing down on me!

    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      And hath the Holy Spirit from the Barrel of Oak now come over thee?

    3. Boris


      It has indeed. Amen!

  11. Its officially winter, I've gone round and put all the frost heaters on in the house today!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jim49


      When he says he's put all the heaters on, maybe he's feeling cold and is wearing them.

    3. KevinWalsh


      Has Mrs Boris hijacked his account? This might explain the tame status update.

    4. Horsetan


      I think the Politburo have come back from "managing" the Russian elections.

  12. it is a sad day when passing ruffians can say "Ni" at will to old ladies.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

    3. beast66606


      It's only a flesh wound, I've had worse

    4. Boris


      A spanking, a spanking!!!!!

  13. is quite impressed with how fast his new Subaru goes, also impressive how much the insurance shoots up!

    1. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      Don't break this one...

    2. Boris


      Too late, already been to the garage once.

    3. RedgateModels


      What have you got Boris?

  14. is quite imp[r

  15. was going to post something offensive and tasteless but the moderators have threatened to suspend my account if I even think of uploading the wifes cooking.

  16. wonders why people think cats make really good pets?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ozzyo


      Rabbit pie for tea, then Boris. Cats do what cats do, but cats aren't trained to run across the county side and, Well I don't want to go in to that.

    3. Tony_S


      I have a vision of some poor child sobbing, wondering where their bunny has gone.

    4. Boris


      They can have most of it back again.

  17. isn't very aerodynamic.

    1. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      Remember, its not the fall from the sky that kills you, its the bump at the end.

    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Depends on the altitude you're falling from. Burning up can be just as nasty, or so I'm told.

  18. I love Boxer engines, even the cam belt snapping doesn't wreck them!

  19. what part of "you missed your train because you turned up fifteen minutes after it left" don't people understand?

    1. Absolute Aspects

      Absolute Aspects

      Have you ever tried explained the 'doors may close 30 seconds prior to departing' rule?

    2. TheSignalEngineer


      I appreciate the need for the rule, but also get annoyed by instances like a guard at New St who recently closed the doors on me 50 seconds before departure whilst I was trying to get my 18-month old grandson and his push chair onto the train. The train went out 30 seconds before the advertised time.

    3. Absolute Aspects

      Absolute Aspects

      Yes, that isn't right at all.

  20. is feeling disturbingly sane,

    1. KevinWalsh


      There's a first time for everything LOL

    2. beast66606


      The fact that you know it probably means you aren't

    3. richbrummitt


      denial - a further sign of insanity

  21. told his wife he was buying her gobstoppers for Christmas on the grounds it was a present we could both enjoy. She's put bruises on my bruises now!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Boris


      Aye, imagine removing one of them from your nasal passage, makes the eyes water!

    3. Horsetan


      That wasn't the passage Jim had in mind.

    4. beast66606


      Nor did Boris, it was easier to get it out that way ...

  22. I'm not sure at the moment, I'm leaning towards 08253 because I'm liking the idea of the red cranks and buffers on a BR blue model. I'll work that out in a while, but I am gradually narrowing it down by choosing rivetted hinges, no 2nd exhauster box etc!
  23. I've been plodding on with this for a bit now, but I confess to having a bit of time off because of work stuff, spending time with the wife and other chores. I have managed to get all of the doors and equipment boxes finished and added, a job aided by clear instructions and some nice half etched lines for location. More importantly the refills finally arrived for my fibreglass brush and an intense bout of washing and rubbing followed. I'm not totally happy with the finish yet, but another session at it and I will be, I have added the equipment box to the other side of the loco and one door so far.
  24. Cold Steel make some very nice toys, I have their 1796 pattern light cavalry sabre, very nice it is too. You've not seen a Tomahawk until you've seen one made by a proper American! I have a beauty that has a hollow shaft to double as a pipe with a bowl on the back of the blade, which apparently was one of the more common variations, but Hollywood doesn't show the Indians sitting round sucking on their Tomahawks! As a fighting weapon they aren't much cop aside from the terror value, comtemporary accounts show folks being more scared of the ones who used captured cavalry sabres. The Springfield used to be one of the black powder ones (bearing in mind their were something like 2 million by the end of the American Civil War), but it has the Allin trapdoor conversion to allow it to fire cartridges. It is an original, complete with armoury stamps, 1862 for the acceptance from the factory and 1864 for the trapdoor conversion. In the UK it is an obsolete calibre but ammunition is quite easy to come by, its a .50 cal round with a 405 grain bullet. I took it out on a grouse shoot earlier this year and for the age she is extremely accurate, although you can't really eat what you've shot. 2 hours of firing that thing left both shoulders bruised to hell (lucky enough to be able to shoot with either hand!) I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end, with the stopping power of this thing, who needs hollow point rounds anyway (illegal in the UK for civilians).
  25. I live in Goathland, North Yorkshire. I can definitely say that last night wasn't the best nights sleep I have ever had, I started at almost every noise once I went back to bed! One thing I can safely say is that I am not quite brave enough to go out and physically confront them, leaning out of a top floor window with a camera is about as far as I go. Mind you a camera flash going off is a fantastic way of scaring folks off who are up to no good. We've got a bit of a crimewave in this part of the world at the moment as thieves are targeting rural businesses, farms and houses because of the slower police response times and the lower chance of being caught on CCTV. Mind you round here lots of folks own shotguns and .22 rifles, so one of these days one will bite off more than they can chew. My Springfield is a .50 calibre so I won't be firing that at a thief anytime soon, it'll make too much of a mess.
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