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Everything posted by Boris

  1. ###### ###### ######

    1. Pennine MC

      Pennine MC

      That looks like three sections of track :-)

    2. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      I thought I warned you to stay off the hash!


      I'll get me coat...

  2. badger badger badger mushroom mushroom

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Boris


      I've just been called a drunked sod. It's a fair cop!

    3. richbrummitt


      There's a giraffe in my loft, no room for a railway

    4. Kris


      That's a strange mixture for a soup, but it might work.

  3. Tuesday!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Boris


      I like jam.

    3. angell328


      Tra lalala la laaaaaa!

    4. Mikkel


      Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. (GM, who else!)

  4. I is right bored and wants to make a pain - seeing as we aren't allowed status updates in "forrin", I shall resort to my first language, Bad English.

    1. Debs.


      If I were to S.U in R.P: "might one find that to be an agreeable interjection?" :-)

    2. Horsetan


      Oh I say....

    3. Debs.




  5. oranges, ROFL!!!!!

    1. Mikkel


      Try grapes, they're a merry bunch

    2. Debs.


      Stop taking the pith out of oranges! :-)

  6. I don't remember Humbrol paints being this crap in the old days!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jenny Emily

      Jenny Emily

      What's up with them? I haven't found any issues with ones I have and the newest (#68) was bought a week ago. They needed a good stir first.

    3. Debs.


      I`ve had two, no-matt, matts.

    4. (The) Youth

      (The) Youth

      Hornby's future is cheap paint? :-p

  7. what kind of person puts a smoke alarm in a kitchen?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mallard60022


      A sensible person?

    3. skipepsi


      Someone who has eaten your cooking?

    4. RedgateModels


      KItchen areas should have heat detectors not smoke!

  8. has worked out her can get from Malton to Doncaster return for just over £5, festival of railway modelling here I come!!!!

    1. JaymzHatstand


      that's not bad, it's a bit more than that from York, which you'll go through! Confused?!

    2. english electric

      english electric

      thats cheaper than my £8.30 from malton to doncaster for the doni show hmmmm

    3. Boris


      The joys of a priv card.

  9. why does my wife insist I put clean underwear on when going to see her mother? It's not like shes going to see it.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jim49


      How often do you go to visit your MIL Boris? If it's every 6 months then your wife might have a point.

    3. Horsetan


      I think Boris finds the whole experience pants, anyway.

    4. Boris


      I try to avoid seeing the outlaws as much as possible.

  10. There's a sign in Tynemouth that says "Back to Front Street"!!!
  11. heating finally added to what is offically now known the the railway room. No more sitting in the cold with ice on the inside of the windows, mind you, the wife will probably reclaim it now.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Trebor


      combination padlock should cure that, or handcuffs whatever your poison

    3. Boris


      Handcuffs sounds fun

    4. Trebor


      might not be a railway room after all !@!

  12. Google earth is useful for this, they have aerial shots of Newcastle (including this area) from about 1942, failing that, the old fallback oldmaps.co.uk
  13. plastic door handles on a 7mm kit, oh dear...

  14. has spent a productive day painting the frames on a box van.

    1. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      Sounds fun. Better than sitting in a grounded 12ton van body, opening crossing gates all day.

  15. has just got back from A&E after his wife tried to swallow a sack barrow. What she did was so implausable that they've accused me of hitting her, you've got to love the nanny state.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Western Stalwart

      Western Stalwart

      So what exactly happened?

    3. Horsetan


      With anything involving Boris, you don't want to go there.

    4. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      Trust me, if he'd tried to hit Mrs Boris, *He* would be the one in A&E!

  16. Alternatively you can make a set of wooden ones from coffee stirrers, or even just a baulk of timber laid over the rails?
  17. I worked for Racal/BRT for a while in the mid 90s and we were based in a building that used to be part of the parcels depot alongside Newcastle Central, the ground floor corridors were all tiled walls, interspersed with the NER crest but all of the ground floor rooms were signed with BR tangerine enamel signs, that place was an absolute treasure trove, although many of the signs are now in my house after being recovered from a skip during "restoration" works.
  18. Leslie Smith passed away today at 14:15.

  19. Hurrah, Christmas shopping completed!!!!

  20. "T gauge DCC users can expect limited function due to space constraints" - in other words its not big and its not clever!!!

    1. JaymzHatstand


      Directional lights, sound and smoke coming soon! Three link couplings and a ready to run narrow gauge range are in development!

  21. You can always rely on Worsdell to produce something(s) impressive, looking nice there.
  22. Fried food AND a Sulzer engine outside the house, happy Boris. Inside it looks like the Millwall supporters just lost a home game in the kitchen!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Boris


      Yes and yes.

    3. Horsetan


      In the bad ol' days, that question would have been "have you been beaten up by Millwall supporters?"

    4. Temeraire


      I'm sure it still could if you came across the wrong ones, but we're not all the same you know. After following them for 35 years it just p*sses me off when people make stupid, cheap jokes at our expense.

  23. has got an unexpected day off - mischief ahoy!!

    1. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      I'm sure Mrs Boris will find something for you to do...

    2. Boris


      Mrs Boris is out at work, let the rioting begin!

    3. Kris


      quick hide!

  24. A couple of nights in the dog house to allow for some serious modelling would be good!
  25. I've been plodding away on the front end and finished the front radiator bits tonight. Behind the louvres is a nice etched nickel silver radiator grille, I just hope folks can see it once the loco has been painted. I've added the radiator surround as well as fillers, water gauge glass and marker lights. The next job is the resin roof followed by the radiator side vents, which look quite complex being another multi-layer set of etches.
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