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Everything posted by vac_basher

  1. is anybody else unable to get onto apt-e.org ? hasn't been working all day for me :(

  2. is anybody else unable to get onto apt-e.org ? hasn't been working all day for me :(

  3. Been getting the shed doors ready today, but oh dear me, what a terrible paint job I've done on them. I'll have to try to straighten the lines as best as I can..... (The gap at the top was neccessary, otherwise I'd have to have bought another sheet of lined plasticard, and it doesn't come cheep. So I thought for the sake of a few millimeters I'd economise. However, when I add the track it might line up a bit better as I intend to do a concreat walkway around the tracks which will probably be 5mm or so high, and the doors will thence sit ontop of that). In these close ups, even the Intercity stripes aren't all that great.
  4. On the tips of the "cannons" you've got a pointy bit on one which seems to be missing from the other. I don't know if that was intentional or if you might have left it off by mistake, but thought I'd let you know anyway.
  5. Amazing. I'd always just assumed that the other big shed building on the far left (standing on the platform) by the yard was an old steam shed.
  6. That's the one I was reffering to. Not being a Bristolian I'm not all that familiar with the surrounding area, hence the confussion. Glad we cleared that up. I wasn't even awear there used to be a steam shed there untill you mentioned it. I don't think I've ever even seen any photos of that. What year would you say the diesel depot was built? 1960ish? Well done Peter, that is the one!
  7. I really don't know about that, Wheeltapper. What I made reffrence to earlier was more of a bridge then a tunnel. It was at the very back of the depot building on the far right. - Don't know if we're all talking about different things....
  8. I've also painted the main shed, in the post-1991 color scheme. I went for this version as I thought the color would add some life to it. However, since painting I've noticed that the red/white stipes should be at the same hight as they were on Class 47s. And I've done them about 1cm too high! I think for the moment I might just leave it like this, then if ever I do decide to repaint it, first I might give it a spell in gray, as the real thing was prior to 1991, then I might do the Intercity version again properly - or the only other option I have would be to raise the trackbed.... Anyhow, although it's not perfect I'm quite pleased that it seems to be coming along alright. I also have a very interesting side prject going on in conjunction with this, which I'll go into at a later date. Watch this space!
  9. Quick question: how many mm to a ft in 1/50th scale?

    1. Bill37
    2. vac_basher


      good man Bill! thanks!!

  10. Just a few photos of what I've been doing yesterday and today.... I'm beginign to think this building might actually turn out alright in the end
  11. must remember to open windows when using glue. being high at lunchtime isn't cool. going to sleep it off........

    1. Horsetan


      And don't smoke!

  12. Made a start on the main building. I'm not all that happy with it so far, so I think at best it may only be very approximate Running total:- Cost: £37 Labour: 11 hours
  13. Why are Hornby repairing customers Class 31s but not Class 50s? (or has anybody had their Class 50 repaired/replaced?)
  14. I remember seeing this topic about a year or so ago, when you first started. At the time I thought you must be bonkers! As the months rolled by I wanted to see how (if?) you were getting on, but as I thought the layout was actually called Toton I was unable to find it. Just today I happened to stumble over it by change and am delighted to see that you're making progress. It looks awesom. Very inspirational stuff. Well done. B)
  15. During the past few days, after much photographic reserach, I've built a couple of buildings. They're plasticard shells with polystyrene brickwork glued over. I'm quite happy with the size and shape of them. I've been thinking about the main office (?) building, and have decided I'm going to have a go at building it (low relief) around a wooden frame (also visable in the photo). P.S.: Could somebody possibly tell me the purpous of the small retangular hut? Was it a weighbridge?
  16. Now with track plan.... All tracks are to continue to the edge of the world baseboard, but I haven't drawn them, as I want some of them to curve off slightly.
  17. Slow progress, but as I had some wood left overs from a non-railway related project, so I thought I'd use them to knock together a baseboard for my Bath Road....
  18. Officially mothballed untill the evenings become longer again....
  19. happy easter (i'm drunk again)

  20. No. Looks like it was cancelled. I'd immagine people must write-off a good few while renumbering them (hence why they don't make it easy) so little chance of them doing unnumbered ones as, like this, they probably sell more. Maybe you could make it more interesting if you posted photos of them too!
  21. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard!! And let's not forget that that's 28 locos out of a class of mearly 50 machines
  22. That video is quite amazing! B) I was slightly disapointed the door handels didn't move though
  23. As of yet there is no ready-to-run model of DP2 available. So, sorry, but I'm not quite sure what you're on about.... If I remember correctly there should be a drawing in Colin Marsdens book, Life & Times of the Class 50 In my humble oppinion the windows do look somewhere near right and do not benefit from replacement frames.
  24. To a certain extent I think comparing best/worst locos is irrelevant as it's subjective to a large degree. For example 35 was your favorite but it must have been someone else's worst. Perhaps if we were to rate them by engine hours or miles then it may be possible to comply a more objective list. I just don't seem to remember 14 as a reliable one. It had a fantastic name though! To be honest, 21 I just didn't like the name. Somehow, to me, "Rodney" just doesn't sound as awe inspiring as Dreadnought, Fearless, Illustrious, Invincible, ect. I'm surprised you thought 07 was a heap of junk, as it was one of the last (at 46's expense, if memory serves me right ) 31 would have been in my "fair" list were it not repainted in it's last year or so of service. It always seemed to be spanking clean after that. In regards to 49, that should have been in my "fair" list. 149 was what I should have put in my best list. There's a chap on this forum who reckons 35 was the best of them all!
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