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Porcy Mane

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Everything posted by Porcy Mane

  1. In an Accurascale thread about Mark 1 56ft 11" Suburban Coaches? Don't be an idiot.
  2. I like to think folk say the same about me but unfortunately, I know the opposite is true.
  3. Like poles repel unlike poles attract... and then... there are those things called alignment tabs... ...and then there are idiots.
  4. Could be an advantage of the magnoroofs if alternatives are made available for spares?
  5. I had jam jars full of them in one of my many sheds. Damn!, I could have been a millionaire.
  6. Wet & Dry (used wet with a tad of detergent to prevent the paper clogging) used on a flat surface to fully remove the glazing mounting flange. I start of with 400 grade working my way down to around 2000 grade as what's left of the mounting flange gradually disappears. Final polish with genuine T-cut to restore full transparency and the jobs a good un. Pic worth a thousand words etc. Hth, P
  7. S'pose we could always resort to the Wet & Dry plus T-cut method but I guess we will need to live to about 250 to do a couple of rakes of suburbans.
  8. I hope their work ethic qualifies them from free cakes if they turn up at New Oriel Hall on the 23rd.
  9. Looks like they're dressed in preparation for a Frida neet on the pull. They must be Radstock chaps. (Good to see that at least one of them seems to be a believer in the belt & braces technique).
  10. Aye, in the north, we celebrated the Jubbly yesterday anall lyke. I think it was an anniversary of the withdrawal from sale. We were allowed to wash our feet in warm water and use the phrase "toy train".
  11. Phew! That's a relief. It must have been a dream. That fact means it might be safe to travel.
  12. That shortcut just might make the trip viable from the darkest recesses of the North East. Thanks for the heads up. P.s. Do they still sell Watney's red barrel in the south or will I have to drink Devenish?
  13. Aylesbury duck overshoe? There were a couple sat on top of a pole opposite that Indian restauraunt in Aylesbury last time I did railex. You know... the Indian opposite the duck pond. Funnily enough I do need some lights for my 1960's level crossing.
  14. It is. I can't remember by how much though.
  15. With perspective & parallax to account for, don't read to much into this caparison. P
  16. The Police heliocopper has just honoured me with a fly-past over my back garden. Couldn't resist giving them a Royal Salute. 😇


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MarkC


      Makes a change...

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Beware of helicopters painted black! 🤓

    4. Porcy Mane

      Porcy Mane

      Now that would be Mike Ashley's. He would get a salute too.

      No longer seen round these parts.


      Do see the odd hawk.

  17. Some of us have been using magnets for couplings (and other things) for yonks. Welllllllll, since neodymium's became generally available. 🙂 S'cuse the shaky fingers. Too much Guinness.
  18. "Service with a smile". Nice one boys. Something I may have missed from previous posts? Is the door mouldings on the splitty's, a separate moulding? It's just that my twisted mind is considering some flexible connections between a double header.
  19. One has to prioritise. 🥸
  20. Nope, I don't believe it. I've raised you one Love brick. Now show me your Loud flyer.
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