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Everything posted by dasatcopthorne

  1. Been displaying our Club's QR code on our layouts for a good few years now. It has certainty increased the number of visits to our website. Dave.
  2. Martin. You won't believe how proud I am of you for being able to repeatedly state the above. I really don't know how to do it. Dave.
  3. Great to see a little more of the whole layout. Pity the show was too far away for me down here in Sussex. Fantastic atmosphere. Dave.
  4. A hint to all. These are the same throughout most of the Heljan range. so ask Gaugemaster for one from another loco. Davs
  5. Uncouple the coaches then separate the locos. Place 3 or 4 ins apart and then see how they behave. Is it just one of them? Dave.
  6. Put a piece of 5mm Hardboard or MDF under the PCB and screw through. Dave.
  7. You say 'Not cored solder! That's the problem. If it IS cored solder, go with the answers above. Good flux is this that doesn't need washing off. Dave.
  8. There is a clip at each end the the frame, where a 'lip' on the main body comes 'through' a slot. Basically you need to slip a fine flat screwdriver blade behind the frame at the rear end and lever it outwards until it jumps over the lip. Then lift the rear end and slightly push the frame forward to slip it off the front 'lip'. Slipped one off for you so here a some pics. Hope the helps. Dave.
  9. A late friend of mine owned Platform 2 and another friend was the assistant. The latter an ex-Club Member of Carshalton & Sutton MRC. I remember being able to rummage through their 'scrap' box for parts to make EMUs Dave.
  10. This weekend sees lots of Twitter users posting their Layouts on Saturday in support of Charity. Check out #TwitterModelTrainShow. No trade, just layouts.
  11. L. There are/were two versions. Wide or narrow for the Hastings gauge. Also two Tank sides. With and without a step let in. Which one. Dave.
  12. Hello Ian. In case you have a layout cancel on you, I have Elbow Lane available for that weekend. 7' 6" Modern Image DCC 00. Featured in Model Rail recently. Dave Carshalton & Sutton MRC.
  13. Not wishing to hijack this thread too much, here are a few shots from Mitcham box May 1972 Hope you don't mind. Dave.
  14. Lovely little layout. Inspired me to build Elbow Lane. Dave.
  15. I remember you seeing it as well!! Such a good layout I couldn't resist inviting it. Dave.
  16. Recently received my first order from Scale3D.co.uk. Very pleased with the Flue prints. Used Halford's Black primer and then weathered with powders. Also excellent service. Dave.
  17. Posted before elsewhere but worth another look. Box interior is Beddington Lane. My photos. Dave.
  18. Here's my solution. Albeit, I use DCC but I'm sure you can adapt it. My swinging 'table' of 3mm ply is fed from the pivot end. At the layout end it is held down with a length of Copper Clad. Two pieces cut with the same radius and the swing, hold the moving tracks and the fixed tracks. Hope this helps a bit. I line up the track by eye and feel. Dave.
  19. Wayne of FinetraX. How to make your first Million. Introduce an 00 Bullhead Double slip to match the Peco geometry. Dave.
  20. ebay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/223222379986?hash=item33f91735d2:g:oZQAAOSw2bFb5ZuC
  21. Ray. As I hinted. Joe has apparently relinquished the role. I have emailed another name the appeared in his (automatic?) reply but they haven't answered. Cheers. Dave.
  22. Hi all. Does anyone have a confirmed contact for the Bluebell Railway's model show this year please? Hint! It's not Joe Jenner. Dave.
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