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Everything posted by 70b

  1. I'm with Edwardian, based on limited contact, several things not delivered that I suspect they recycled, then more recently they became related to the Timelords as I had notification of a successful delivery here, an hour or so before it arrived, which I found quite impressive, but only after I stopped fretting where it had gone for an hour and had disturbed everybody else in the postcode. I don't use shops that send by Hermes if I can help it, and never would use them for outgoings either
  2. there is also Earles Sidings, an exchange between the cement works and the mainline in the Hope Valley, there are at least 3 threads of photos on here, a search for hope sidings finds one on the old site and one from a recent open day but I also recall another one somewhere, perhaps in prototype, of the exchange sidings themselves which have a public footpath adjacent. I cannot find it but I think it recorded the business of a delivery and collection see http://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=29151 and http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/89782-2014-open-day-at-lafarge-hope-cement-works/
  3. have you seen these? http://www.layouts4u.net/oscale.html no idea, not tried them but would be interested in feedback if you do
  4. Sometimes I am waiting for the 0650 to KX from Retford and I can confirm the >0546 Sheffield - Retford 0701 Retford - Leeds< comes in at the high level platform 2 and goes out again the way it came, round what I now know to be Whisker Hill Curve, and you can hear it coming round that curve for ages before it appears, I always imagine its a Pacer from the noise but its usually a 158 or something like. I'm not sure why it and the last train of the day doesn't use the low-level platforms.
  5. sorry, OT = off topic, I didn't particularly want to sidetrack this wagon thread into colours, because ... Sadly, there are numerous 'toys thrown from pram' moments here on rmweb about colour; particularly regarding crimson and maroon, electric blue, and various greens, though not usually all at once.
  6. Apologies for OT, and well aware of the poisonous and pointless debate about this but around 1 in 12 men have some form of colour perception deficiency, to a level identifiable by standard colourblindness tests. That probably is a minimum figure, and such tests were never applied in the 'good old days' therefore it seems a) possible that we all perceive colour diffierently, b) certain that some people mixing and painting wagons in the past were colourblind and thus likely that there were differences in the colours applied, c) the much loved "I've got a paint pot mixed at depot x", only helps the argument if it was chemically stable enough that it hasn't changed and this probably requires it wasn't just kept in the shed for 50 years, d) considering the cleaning agents used, the level of atmospheric pollution on the peasouper era, etc, etc it'd be a surprise if they didn't all weather differently and sometimes dramatically, particularly if cheaper pigments were used at some times or some locations, and e) photographic film chemistries are not level spectrum recorders, and are all different in their colour bias I.
  7. 70b

    Dapol 08

    following advice earlier in the thread I ordered a zimo mx634d for mine and the package thats come (thanks to digitrains) includes a surprisingly big capacitor, so it must be a stay alive decoder, so probably the 644 is too, it may not need them but I'll probably install it anyway
  8. 70b

    Dapol 08

    has anybody any suggestions for a source for a suitable figure for going in the cab please (mine will be green & no stripes when it comes, hopefully next month) thanks I.
  9. I finally got some track out this weekend and checked mine were free running, I would like to repeat all the praise, congratulations and thanks you have received on here and elsewhere, truly fantastic models Ian
  10. Happy Birthday, & may your B17's forever keep you young Ian
  11. doesn't the Buff at the front look like John Cleese?
  12. it was giving it some through Botany Bay too, although I heard somebody saying it was a terrible waste of steam, coal or something, whatever, it was truly lovely I.
  13. Great news on your mum, and long live the wonderful pictures you continue to treat us too many thanks Ian
  14. I'm slightly sad from your depressed duck announcement; this is one of my favourite destinations and I suspect for many, for all the contributors off beat humour, put in alongside incredible depth of knowledge, fantastic skills and seriousness without being a*al (unlike the bulls thread), you all seem to remember its meant to be a hobby, and hopefully this helps you and us relax, so please don't forget to go OT at least occasionally, as it all comes back to the trains in due course. I.
  15. I don't normally do much other than admire the modelling and other erudite knowledge on display here and put in occasional agrees and whatever. But if you take a step back those comparison shots show just how wonderful PN is as a model, you can do these comparisons, probably not "just like that" but still do-able. Unfortunately they definitely show those model elephants are just too elephantine, the trunks are too long and thick, the feedbag bits are too big, the legs are too thick, they loom, and so I fear they are now the elephant in your railway room. However PN is a fantastic representational piece of modelling we all envy so don't forget to keep enjoying what you can do with it I.
  16. see http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/103556-Hornby-announce-peckett-w4-0-4-0st/ from the middle of the seocnd page it becomes official rather than speculative
  17. that is superb, and no, not yet enough b&w
  18. >>The MMTs have been manufactured by renowned railway construction and engineering experts Robel, in Freilassing, Germany and will be delivered to Network Rail over the next 12 months. The first one to arrive will be based in Darlington, with the second (based at Paddock Wood in Kent) arriving in October and the third (based at Derby) in December. The remaining five will be stationed at Woking, Retford, Romford, Peterborough and Horsham. saw the Darlington one yesterday, south yard, sorry I was on a moving train so got no photo
  19. yes indeed its ex- the photo I took today shows its in the same pose any ideas what an insulator-collector-geek-ologist-enthusiast should be called? i.also@36e
  20. This goes back a few pages to the incredible insulator discussion but I was driving along the a17 east of Newark today and saw this and thought of this thread (hopefully the google links will work), I particularly like that streetview has a pigeon on the post if the links don't work then its between fosdyke and holbeach on the south side https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.854456,-0.030158,3a,23.3y,297.29h,87.24t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sx_b-B4u2WbkVKvtXkBR-rQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 https://goo.gl/maps/F11c0 Ian
  21. agree the filler version is excellent, and that the top is also a good representation of weathered brickwork, I've seen walls where it changes from one to the other just as this does, maybe a man on a ladder with a bucket and trowel on a half and half wall woud be absolutely perfect
  22. now reporting on bbc that this is an elaborate hoax http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-14389430 Ian
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