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Everything posted by andyman7

  1. I would have thought so, I imagine the grille is a separate moulded insert, they are on other models
  2. Indeed. The 37s and 47s multiplied like rabbits once released into the wild 🙂
  3. OK well the photography thing has been done to death, but given that one of the main purposes of exhibitions has always been to inspire us, I wonder how excited/worked up some would get if a punter, having been inspired by a layout, built their own copy of it....
  4. I had one of the original five-car sets (370 003/004) plus extension coach packs, bought at a good price on issue but subsequently eclipsed by the bargain basement sets that hit the market (although I did also bag the original extra motorised NDM at the time which became the one bit that sold straight out). Anyhow, I thought OK, well that'll do me and then of course the sale prices extended to other sets. I succumbed to one of the first issue 7 coach sets for £384 from TMC. A local shop still had the 'red stripe' TRBS coaches so I bought those - and then thought ok, that'll do.... Now of course sale prices have extended to the 2nd releases, which of course swap the set numbers over between the 5 and 7 car sets - which means additional coaches for the second run 5 coach set actually match the numbers for the first run 7 coach set. The TRBS and TF ones omit the the red/yellow cantrail stripes but it makes no difference on the TS and TU sets, plus of course they don't have the intrusive capacitors so when those appeared in the Hattons sale at £42 a set well, I had to capitulate. Now I really must stop! Photo shows a second run TS next to the first run TRBS, the finishes match perfectly and of course with the articulated bogies the change to NDM couplings isn't relevant here, they're not a feature of the intermediate coaches.
  5. I have at last been able to obtain an MTK catalogue, dated January 1977 (inside - the original owner penned April 77 on the cover). As well as listing the 'usual favourites' there are some interesting kits listed - has anyone ever seen the Class 86 or the Class 87? Also listed 'to be introduced' were HST power cars and Mk3 coaches. 1977 was also the year that the very first Hornby HST was introduced which frankly even back then was a far easier route to a 'scale' version so I wonder if they ever appeared in MTK form.
  6. What type of motor bogie is it? Is it an MTK one?
  7. Assuming that the tooling uses slides to replicate the various changes, than a post-crash repair 44 009 would certainly be capable of being made. I guess if they plan to do that they'll announce it when they announce it!
  8. I'm in agreement that the sheer variety at the prices now being charged mean that not all these ventures are likely to be fully successful (although the criteria for success would also, I venture, vary across the different suppliers). I think where Hornby's proposition is unique is that their audience is much larger than the specialist model railway user, but this has also been the core of the problem in that that too many individual products don't seem to be clearly targeted. The Railroad range is an excellent idea in principle and from what I see fills a real gap for 'ordinary' folk looking for something they can buy new but has never in my mind been consistently applied. Some of the models are basic, yes, but good; others verge very much towards the fictional (Class 47s masquerading as Class 57s) - not necessarily the wrong thing to do but in terms of the target buyer possibly quite different. Similarly, the full fat super detail models are often let down by issues that really matter to that market, and we still have bizarre mismatches between obvious demand profiles and supply - for example enough Mk3 Sliding Door coaches in XC livery to make up two complete sets plus spare vehicles but only one release of power cars that sold out 2 years ago; and both old and new tooling LNER Mk3s, enough for three full rakes, yet only a single set of power cars due at the middle of next year. This sort of thing leads to inventory that can't be shifted. I'm sure in years to come the APT will be quite sought after but for now there are more out there than the market can bear, not good for dealers or Hornby and also undermining what should be a premium product, as fire sales of various vehicles dramatically undercut what some people have already paid and therefore undermine brand value. Not everything will be called right at every time, but some of these instances do seem to reflect on a constant turnover of management staff and therefore lessons not necessarily being learnt.
  9. I think these are looking good! (Photo from Warley)
  10. This one never came in polystyrene packaging, it dates from the era when Triang Hornby used vacuum formed trays to hold the model. I don't think it's mould, it's a sort of bloom that can affect the matt painted parts of these locos depending on how they're stored. Is it in a room, loft or garage subject to temperature extremes?
  11. It is listed as being weathered (if released as per the Warley sample that would be 'lightly weathered' as opposed to 'typically filthy')
  12. We planned to travel up by train and turned up at Euston to find some delays. Unfortunately when trying to decide whether the late departing 0916 Glasgow or the supposedly on-time 0940 faster service would get to the NEC first we plumped for the latter. The 0916 made in through; the 0940 was halted just outside Tile Hill because of a fatality; eventually reversing to Coventry. We took an impromptu trip on the Nuneaton line and back to kill time and were on the verge of just heading home via Leamington when the line reopened and we made it in for 2pm 😬. Anyhow I can confirm that if you turn up then there is absolutely no queue at all, no scrum and plenty of seats in the hall; I'm not one to spend 8 hours in an exhibition hall (well, not as a punter) so under the circumstances we managed to salvage the day. The trains back were perfect...
  13. No problem at all to pay at the venue, you'll be fine (card payment only but it means you can save any cash for the smaller traders!)
  14. Very impressed to see a Q Kits one!
  15. I can't seem to find the link back to the listing but the seller referred to here is 'dropshipping' - basically listing thousands of items at daft prices that he doesn't actually have; however the prices are sufficient to enable him to purchase the product from someone else and have it sent on to his buyer at the marked up price. Any half-aware buyer would avoid a seller like this like the plague but if he's put up no money all he needs is the odd person to fall for it now and again.
  16. No, because under the classic franchise agreements cost and revenue risk set with the TOC. Post-COVID it sits with Government. for the time being at least
  17. Like @Downendian I'd be interested in 44010 because of the side grille arrangement. As I've got older and the 70s/80s become more distant I find I'm very taken by the 'personalities' of the classic diesel fleet and like to have versions that reflect these. It's only relatively recently that the RTR manufacturers have really got under the teeth of these rather than just sticking a number on the side that pertains to the general outline of the model. For that reason in addition to by Bachmann 45s I have a couple of Heljan ETH examples, one with and one without the high intensity headlight, as the Bachmann model does not reflect these characteristics.
  18. At least there's only 10 locos in the class 🙂
  19. It's down to personal preference but I have to say that minimal head code lighting replicates the real thing much better than the neon light show effect often provided on modern models!
  20. The early Mk1s had the windows fitted from inside - I think the modified version actually swapped this for externally fitted frames. The lack of RTR Mk1s with external frames is I think one of the single biggest omissions in modelling as no-one (Kitmaster, Triang, Lima, Bachmann. Hornby) has ever comprehensively modelled these types, which ought to predominate for BR Blue Grey and later. Only the Bachmann CEP/BEP vehicles and the post-1972 Triang/Hornby Sleeper and RMB have them. I think it's down to the fact that if this version is modelled it excludes use of carmine/cream liveries, but still, it's a glaring gap. As it happens I have a Kitmaster Mk1 SK project due to acquire a set of Extreme Etchings external frames, just to be able to run at least one!
  21. Mine arrived today, a really lovely loco. I'm not entirely convinced about Accurascale's BR Blue being the best interpretation out there but it's a colour that's so subject to perception, the model looks fabulous though, sweet and silent on the move and on DC the lights are pleasingly subdued without being invisible.
  22. I picked up one of the new batch of Heljan Class 25s today. I've an SLW one on order but what can I say? I like Class 25s. I haven't had the lid off yet so can't comment on the 21 pin interface or revised electrics but the example I bought (25301) already has the boiler grille plates applied (they were supplied loose on all the first batch ones, regardless of whether the modelled version had them fitted). There is also a bit less bufferbeam detail ready fitted, I suspect because on the first batch it was not possible to fit couplings without having to cut off or remove details. Other than that the first batch and the new batch sit side by side without any obvious jarring difference. And whilst I know the SLW is expected to be the 'gold standard' the Heljan ones are very good. The 'new' one is on the left below
  23. Yes of course, but bear in mind that for me these these are historical models - I have a separate fleet of scale models! However, given that 81014 has already had some work done I might try and find some suitable tanks that I can attach with black tack or suitable. Work in progress!
  24. Very interesting as I have an almost identical project on the go as well! In the meantime a reminder of just how good the Trix/Liliput AL1 was....
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