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Everything posted by keefr2

  1. That is now just absolute madness! Bet it gets relisted 'due to timewasters' the day after the listing ends!!
  2. That's not bad these days if that's all it needed!
  3. keefr2

    Dock Green

    Or as cheap...!! 40 years ago I was taught how to pour a 'good' pint of Guiness by a very pernickity pub owner who gave me a job for the summer holidays. In all honesty, I can't stand the stuff! Keith
  4. Ah, I get it now, he was caught every few days, rather than over the course of a year...!!
  5. keefr2

    Dock Green

    Interesting that the two brands in those particular adverts are still with us today. Stout & chocolate biscuits, the stuff of life...!! If one of the June 1960 sunny days happened to fall on a Sunday, there was every chance that 3 year old me might have walked the short distance to the local park with my dad (Sunday was the only day he had off) to watch the last of the steam engines (& the new fangled Westerns & other diesels of course!) rushing past on the adjacent GW main line. Then if the timing was right on the way home he'd sit me on the local humpback bridge parapet as one of those steam locos roared through underneath - I can remember the excitement to this day! Keith
  6. How does that happen? That should mean at least 33 points (maybe 30 if the first offence led to a Speed Awareness Course)? If he/she hasn't been banned, then the magistrates are equally idiots... Keith
  7. Nice car, but I prefer the Nordic (Olympic?) Blue Mk2 in the front! Keth
  8. Ours has got a Clubbie front end! But changing the engine make puts you into Formula Libre in Hillclimbing, so we'd be 'competing' with the likes of the Evo Mini!!
  9. There's a guy currently hillclimbing a classic Mini, into which he's managed to squeeze the motor & drivetrain from a Mitsubishi Lancer Evo... It's quite quick! Keith
  10. I'd have done exactly the same as you...!!
  11. £25+ K for a Nova?? Gulp!! And I thought my beloved Mk1 Escorts were now going for stupid daft prices!!
  12. Was it Jan Van Der Plank's cousin, Days van Hire, who ran the 19th Century equivalent of Uber in the 'somewhere in Somerset' area Rob? Looking forward to this one, I'm sure it'll have the same atmosphere as Sheep Lane & will be another cracker! It's also an idea I've long wanted to try out, so Ialso look forward to much inspiration! Keith
  13. Wouldn't it be a bit overscale....?! Apologies for only making the odd flippant comment in your thread Chris,it's only that I have nothing useful to add. Would like to say though that I really enjoy watching this all coming together, the quality of research matches the quality of modelling and it's a thoroughly enjoyable read! Keith
  14. That last shot of HQ is brilliant Rob !! (they all are really, but that one is just a bit extra special!) Although I have to say it does look a little bit sunny there this morning in those shots (unlike this part of C.D.F Wales!) Keith
  15. keefr2

    Dock Green

    Although I will unashamedly admit that the diesels are my favourites of your loco fleet Chaz, I do love steam locos too, and that V2, both real & model, most certainly is a thing of beauty! Keith
  16. keefr2

    Dock Green

    Steve beat me to it - I was going to say the exact same thing! Really lovely model, perfectly set off by your excellent weathering Chaz! Keith
  17. keefr2

    Dock Green

    Excellent - a dark green Dock Green loco portrait! Really enjoying these posts Chaz ! Keith
  18. keefr2

    Dock Green

    Cracking pics again Chaz, thanks for posting! I have to admit I don't even notice the backgrounds in most of your photo's, there's far too much of interest in the foreground! Keith
  19. Did you click on the 'discover' link on the page; "In 2017, Morris Commercial will re-launch the iconic J-Type as an all-electric light commercial vehicle. The vehicle will have a real world range of over 90 miles and a top speed of around 90mph." I think your B still trumps it in the classic stakes...!
  20. That's just gone on my 'lottery win must buy' list...!!
  21. I don't know if this is any help Chaz, but the plastic sounds similar to that used on the old Airfix 1/76 scale figures that I used to paint a lot of. I found they wouldn't take either enamel or acrylic paint very well, and also needed multiple coats & had very little wear resistance. I then discoverd that if you mix acrylic paint with watered down PVA the paint applies much easier & does stay on better. It's not much of an improvement, but I deleted all my pictures fron PB and closed my account - on my few build threads on various forums the ransom demand has now been replaced by their 'cute kitten 'click for pictures' photo' (which I've never understood as clicking it doesn't give any pictures!) Keith
  22. keefr2

    Dock Green

    Add me to the list of those who can never see enough pics of Dock Green Chaz ! Keith
  23. Or a Dodge Ram - ewe could build another layout in the back of one of those... http://www.ipiin.storybird.us/list/121698/229d085fd0215c6258bf87507b8b1715x.jpg K
  24. You can have mine, I don't...!! Keith
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