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Everything posted by keefr2

  1. Do hope he gets it back. Unfortunately it's probably already being broken up for e-bay fodder....
  2. That's a lovely shot, captures the East Anglian atmosphere beautifully. Oh, wait... Keith
  3. Good luck with the sale Captain. If I only had the space, I'd absolutely love it.... Keith
  4. shame about the sunroof, as with that 'hatchback' it's ideal to get the spare wheels out when it's fitted with a full cage for stage rallying! Just have to weld a new roof on...!! The only other problem is I'm 85 grand short of the lower estimate...!! Keith
  5. That was why I thought someone was turning out replicas of the things - as I said earlier, there seem to be an awful lot of survivors around to turn into catering vans! I wonder if there's so many equivalent Transit or Bedford CF's (e.g.) survivors? Keith
  6. TBH, never looked closely enough to see if any were RHD - I'll look next time I see one! Seem to be an awful lot of survivors (for Citroens - as per Allan's post above!) with all the ones being converted to catering vans. Watched one of the ubiquitous 'motoring' programs on some satellite channel the other day - the normal thing, geezer buys 'thing'. another geezer does it up, & geezer #1 sells it for a vast profit. They bought a H van - put it up on the ramp & the whole rear floor fell out! Ended up having to make a complete new rear chassis & floor - and not such a huge profit! Keith
  7. Reminds me I saw a P1800 when visiting Daughter & family in Hampshire last month. Absolutely gorgeous in very shiny black - think it was a show car rather than a daily! But last week, taking my son's dogs to the kennels on Gower, all driving in the pouring rain, saw what looked like three 'dailys' - D reg Capri, Hillman Hunter & a Moggie convertible - hood up!! Keith
  8. Are they making replica's of them? There were three or four in a street market in Camberley a month or so back, and in the IPMS ScaleModelworld show for the last couple of years they seem to have the food concessions sown up, with about another 4 of the things inside & outside the exhibition halls. I'll keep a look out for how many are there this year next month! Keith
  9. British Railways van stopped on the bridge?
  10. Indeed, but nothing of interest in todays things for me, but I did get a nice looking LED lamp for the muddling bench to replace my rather tired old flourescent one... Keith
  11. Beautiful photos of a beautiful layout - wish I'd got to see this one, other than in BRM - & on screen! Wouldn't it be marvellous if we could get 4mm loco's to produce 'in scale' smoke like that - especially if it smelt right too...!! Keith
  12. Same thing happened to people like Minisport, Minispares and other purveyors of parts for proper Minis....!!
  13. As someone who hasn't even got close to finishing a layout, I'm somewhat reticent to add my thoughts. However, I spent quite a while watching - & very much enjoying - your layout at Swansea on the weekend, so I hope you won't mind me sharing a couple of them. Firstly, I thought the scenery was really good - except for the huge crack running down - I presume - a baseboard joint, below the house. It looked like a fairly sizeable earthquake had just happened! I realise joints are inevitable on any sizeable layout, but could it be possible to disquise them with a removable hedge or something similar? Secondly, I knew from the layout's name that it obviously represented a junction, but I felt the two running lines leaving the junction and then falling off the end of the earth looked rather odd. I wondered if there was a missing extension to the layout that would loop back to the fiddle yard that hadn't been built or had been left at home! But seeing no evidence in the fiddle yard I guessed not?! I know it's probably a bit of a cliche, but if a similar design was used in Mk2 would it be possible to 'disappear' the ends of those truncated lines into a tunnel or road over bridge with a 'backscene' to close it off? Finally, the 'cameo's'. Personally I don't mind them if they are static - ie people stopping and having a chat, a farmer sitting on his tractor eating his sandwiches etc. I'm not so keen on 'moving' ones, such as horse riders or cyclists - especially when they are lying on their side having just fallen over - as a couple were on your layout on Sunday! I did realise you had more pressing matters in running the trains, but they were just a tad disappointing! However, as I say I thoroughly enjoyed watchng your layout, and I'll be enjoying watching the new one come together! All the best Keith
  14. Those are glorious pictures Phill, I love the light we get at this time of year, and it's showing off your railway beautifully! Keith
  15. Same here, I certainly didn't see 3 N gauge or more than one O gauge layout..! Really did enjoy the show though, thanks for all the time & effort put in to organising it. Keith
  16. I must have missed it when I was talking to you then Brian! I do often seem to miss an awful lot when wandering around shows! Keith
  17. Sorry, I meant missing layouts rather than traders (I managed to stick to my intention not to buy anything, for once!). From the list on the website I don't recall seeing the ones below? Cuckoo Lane (O) Eine Alpe (HO) Carmarthen Junction (N) Ashcombe (N) Graig Wen (0) Blenheim Road (00) Simonian Quay (N) Keith
  18. Couple of enjoyable hours spent at LC2 this morning. Some very nice layouts on show (two standouts for me), but (& I know they help pay for the show) a few too many box shifters for me. And there seemed to be a few layouts missing from the list on the website? Or was I just walking round with eyes tight shut?! Still, fiver well spent (OK, six quid as I splashed out on a show guide too!) for a nice Sunday morning! Keith
  19. Me gutted too - to be there on Sunday, hoping am I....!! Would have loved to see Sheep Lane there.. Not sure I'll be able to make it to Cardiff, think we might be heading to Hampshire to visit daughter & family again. Keith
  20. Superb work Chris, it all looks excellent & the dirty windows are outstandingly realistic! Keith
  21. Followed a K reg DS along the A31 from Farnham to Alton last weekend in my daughter's Audi Q3. It's not a slow car & she's not a slow driver, but the old Citroen did a great job of staying in front of us, really different from the way most classics are driven! It looked lovely too, dark red with a black roof...(and that has nothing to do with the fact it's the same colours as our Mini!) Keith
  22. He probably didn't need one when he started driving...
  23. I'd always thought the 1100 engine was just another A series...?? I don't understand the problem? Keith
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