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Everything posted by MartinWales

  1. Having my first article published, and being invited to shows such as Manchester, Expo EM, Railex etc. A good barometer too for the constant improvment in standards!
  2. Triple Crown!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Grafarman


      Nothing lucky about that - sheer class!!!

    3. DaveyH


      Blind Scottish TMO :-))

    4. muddys-blues


      Cymru Am Byth Martin

  3. Cor! That's older than me Neil!!
  4. Wonder if it's an estate sale?
  5. Hi Steve Good to have you back and looking forward to some regular updates! And make that 2 on your blog! Martin
  6. And it's being bid on too..........
  7. So how 'bout it Tim-Terraces'r'us or what?
  8. MartinWales

    Dapol Class 22

    Just a thought chaps-with the arrival of the 21/29 surely this will be viable??
  9. Hi chaps.Just to clarify a point about Ken Garrett. His 13.5mm standards were published in MRN as long ago as February 1958!
  10. Nice easy away win !

  11. Neil Ripley made use of this idea in Model Railway Design and Planning Handbook, Santona 2004-now distributed by Book Law
  12. Happy New Year everyone!

    1. coachmann


      Happy New Year Martin.

    2. Mallard60022


      Cheers buddy; you too.

  13. Am I glad I stumbled across your thread! You certainly have a keen eye for building and their construction as your shots amply demonstrate, and the speed of their assembly has not comprimised their quality either. I do love the way that with a little care and attention and pushing the envelope futher by building your own pointwork and utilizing the excellent SMP product your trackwork has that nice 'flowing' feel to it Now I'll look forward to seeing more of the stock and locos etc... Keep up the excellent work!
  14. Heljan 26 for Xmas pressie! Hooray!!

    1. waggy


      Hope Santa gets it right Green SYP ? Regards Graham

  15. Thanks for that Tim! Must be that bracing North Wales air!!!
  16. Wales 4 Norway 1 - Must be dreaming!

  17. Goodbye Sir Jimmy Saville.RIP.

  18. Hottest day....In Wales! Phew!

    1. Horsetan


      I've caught the 'flu.

    2. coachmann


      Whicj part of Wales? Crap clouds on the N Wales coast.

  19. Pay rise and New RMWEB E-mag! Things can only get better!

  20. Certainly is! That MT chassis lifts it to another dimension!
  21. Hi Frank. Looking forward to seeing this one develop!
  22. Getting ready for EM North

    1. Mickey


      might see you there...operating hard eh! ;)

    2. halfwit


      I'd like to go but can't afford the diesel.

    3. waggy


      Don't forget to pack a couple of of checked shirts,also some pork pies, see you on sunday.

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