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Everything posted by brian777999

  1. I tried to send an email to Swindon Works to inquire about their 517 class loco and ask if it is available in 4mm scale but my email bounced back. Are they still in business ? The GWR.org site says it is available in both 4mm and 7mm scale but the Swindon Works website mentions only 7mm scale.
  2. Ozzyo : what are the thick black ''lines'' underneath the crescent shapes ? I cannot quite see them. I have ordered a rivet tool from London Road Models for 11 pounds. It will be here in a few weeks. I have no idea what form it takes or how it is used ; I will work it out when it gets here.
  3. The only problem with DC is that the major manufacturers have either forgotten how to build a decent controller or they are just not interested any more. I suspect that they see far more profit in pushing everybody towards DCC.
  4. So what to do ? What can I buy from a large hardware store (Bunnings) that will do the job for me ? Perhaps even a jeweller's tool of some description ?
  5. What size and type of punch is required for punching out 4mm scale rivets ? The dedicated tools for doing this job seem quite expensive. Would something in this metal punch set do the job ? The small one on the right looks promising. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Finkal-Centre-Punch-Set-Round-Head-4-Piece-CPS104-/310405298572?pt=AU_Hand_Tools&hash=item484598f98c
  6. Why did they paint the insides of the frames red ?
  7. What happened to the K's kits ? I assume that somebody still has the molds ? (I am sorry if this was covered earlier.)
  8. Yes, and the driver will lean out the window and wave too !
  9. Goodness, that must be quite a job threading all those handrails through their supports. I doubt that it is done by a machine. Imagine doing that all day ! Were the running boards left as unpainted timber ? Why would they do that when the rest of the truck was the usual dark gey ?
  10. I think the first example looked the best.... but that is in the photos. Photography does sometimes change the appearance slightly.
  11. Hey, where did this come from ? Is it a pre-production model ? Those big buffers will make shunting with three link couplers a breeze ; bigger buffers reduce the chance of buffer lock.
  12. Is the first RTR 009 locomotive for British narrow gauge ? I am thinking of modelling in this scale/gauge and I am not yet familiar will all the available products. What happened the Minitrix 2-6-2 chassis ? Are they still made ?
  13. This is an interesting discussion. I use three link couplers but I have often thought about using Kadees. Has anybody ever done a survey to find out what percentage of modellors use which couplers ? Are Kadees common when modelling British OO gauge ?
  14. They all look good....both the Hornby and Bachmann versions. How can they be incorporated into an LMS layout ? Do you think there is any chance of an LMS shunting truck ?
  15. I wish Hornby had copied Betty ; that is just what I am looking for.
  16. It looks better with the step... more balanced somehow. I think the Hornby model will have flush sides as it is probably cheaper to produce. Was the side sheet removed by the owners or were some made like this at the factory ?
  17. It would be nice to have one working British model loco with lights. Very few British prototypes had them so here is Hornby's chance ! There are a number of suppliers selling small working headlamps of varying brightness and colours for both steam and diesel so there are many options available.
  18. It seems on many photos of the Sentinels I have seen that there are small lights on the front and rear. There are small LED's of various brightness and colour to suit all situations and I am sure that something suitable could be found. Some of us do intend to run trains in the dark (or semi darkness).
  19. I prefer the version without the side plates. I will probably modify mine with the scalpel when I get the chance. Will the Hornby model have working lights front and rear as per the prototype ?
  20. Well all the photos of the prototypes here seem to show lights / lamps at both ends so I hope Hornby takes note and supplies something similar on their model.
  21. The Hornby model seems to have to have the body riding higher above the wheels than the prototypes in the photos ? Is that just the camera angle of the prototype photos making them look lower than the model... or perhaps my imagination ?
  22. What could you put in it to model it as a full wagon ?
  23. I was thinking of sending two locos including the Sentinel to them to chip them for DCC and install running lamps. I have now worked out how to pull the whole thing apart. This was made more difficult by the fact that the brake gear had been glued so I cut it off as others have done. The motor seemed to be rubbing on the plastic cover so I have made a spacer to raise the cover and this seems to have solved the problem.
  24. Well, nice to know somebody else had trouble ! I spent weeks trying to mix my own before giving up and buying Phoenix Precision crimson lake from the UK.
  25. My sentinel has developed a loud grinding noise when running in reverse at a mid range speed. I oiled the two gears underneath but this has only made the problem worse and now the noise is present over a much wider range. Sending it back is not an option so I would like to pull the whole thing apart for a closer inspection. Are there any expanded diagrams to help me with that process ?
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