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Captain Kernow

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by Captain Kernow

  1. Very nice photo too - taken on 10th May according to the caption.
  2. Five slices of lardy cake

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bgman


      Dya think they batter it n deep fry it in Glasgow ? Mmmm

    3. bgman


      I wonder if you can get schlagenen Wurst in Berlin ?

  3. I may choose to drink an 'Americano' next time I'm in a coffee shop

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      "Camp" coffee not good enough for you then?

    3. Tim V

      Tim V

      Visiting Totnes then?

    4. trisonic
  4. It was an averagely intense storm, from a short section of video I've seen. I think that the 50 - 60 mph gusts that Pete in the USA saw, would have been about right. The damage was not to the permanent repairs on the wall itself, but to the shuttering, scaffolding and general site repair set-up at the Sprey Point ramp. This all had to be cleaned up and re-jigged before these repairs could be completed.
  5. Detailed economic projections indicate that there is a possibility that I might consume a portion of parsnip within the next 17 days

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Adams442T


      You don't really expect us to wear gas-masks until the end of August surely!

    3. Horsetan


      I'm getting a craving for vegetable curry again...

    4. 11B


      Honey roasted by any chance?

  6. Jellied eels

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. knobhead


      Never met an eel I didn't like!

    3. Metr0Land
    4. davefrk


      What happened to the much vaunted pork pie?????

  7. Unfortunately the Teignmouth to Smugglers path didn't reopen today, and has been put back by a week, due to damage to the works on the Sprey Point ramp by the High Seas on Sunday. Reopening is now scheduled for Tuesday 19th August. Here are a few photos at the Dawlish end taken on a site inspection this afternoon:
  8. That's the promotion to the position of Under Assistant Deputy Junior Supervisor, only recently vacated by the Duck, blown then...
  9. This should be in readiness for the advertised reopening to Smugglers tomorrow.
  10. What would have happened if the Government had nationalised the tripe industry in 1947, as originally proposed by Sir Eustace Arkwright-Bottomley in his 1946 treatise 'Whither the Future of Essential Foods?'

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. AndrewC


      Would most of the country's print media been included under the heading of nationalised tripe?


    3. 2mmMark


      I don't think the British public have stomached it.

    4. Metr0Land


      It's *so* difficult trying to digest all these comments

  11. Whither the Cumberland sausage?

    1. Mallard60022


      Why, is it cold weather?

    2. Tim V

      Tim V

      on the vine

    3. ian


      After the counties got reorganised it became the Cumbrian sausage.

  12. I've just realised that this suggestion is about as much use as half a pound of out of date sausages, because the main station buildings (which in reality are on the outside of the curve), are on the inside of the circuit on the layout. As such, the Iain Rice plan is really the only way to replicate this...
  13. A bowl of chicken and vegetable soup might not be sufficient to keep the Chief Rabbit on top form

    1. Satan's Goldfish
    2. bgman


      Rarebit ? Have it with blackpudding.......sausage and custard wiv hundreds and thousands sprinkles fer afters ! That'll fill ya up :)

    3. Horsetan


      No, but the Chief Rabbi would endorse your chicken soup...

  14. I am currently not prepared to confirm whether I will be consuming a pork pie in four days time

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Indomitable026


      Have you started it tonight? That's one hell of a pork pie...

    3. davefrk


      I had one in 1972, it was bad, bad, bad. I've not had one since. Steak pies for me please.

    4. Steve Purves
  15. I don't think so, now that I'm back home, I'll try to illustrate what I mean. I suspect (without knowing for sure) that the gist of some of the debate on here is that the prototype platforms didn't have a reverse curve in them - would that be correct?
  16. Historical conversation - CK's Mother-in-Law (a literary expert vetting potential Son-in-Law) - 'name a well-known work by Mrs Henry Wood'.... CTMK (sotto voce) - 'East Lynne'.......CK responds - 'East Lyng'....... Mother-in-Law (also slightly hard of hearing) - 'very good, you'll do!'

    1. Horsetan
    2. BoD


      A gift of a half a pound of sausages would have gone a long way to ingratiating the good Capt.

    3. trisonic
  17. CK's Mother-in-Law - 'what was the major work written by Mrs Henry Wood?'

  18. I am considering not eating some black pudding in three weeks time

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. bgman


      I always reckoned there was a bit of a northern country boy in there somewhere......must be the flat cap n pigeons that give it away

    3. ian


      I believe he also breeds whippets in his latrine.

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I have never bred whippets in my latrine, that space is reserved for the Chief Rabbit

  19. Today I have not yet consumed any sausages

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shortliner


      I have - had hotdogs and lots of onions in poppyseed rolls for lunch - Yummy!

    3. bgman


      Have you got permission from the Kernow Sausage Company for this action ?

    4. Mallard60022


      My God have mercy on your soul.......

  20. I can't upload photos etc. from the computer I'm currently using, but could the whole 'platform on a curve' thing be served by running the two platform lines even further 'north' of Martin's red line, so that the topmost platform line might run through where the station buildings are currently shown, or maybe a bit further higher up, thus ensuring that the line remains on a continuous curve through the station?
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