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Everything posted by PenrithBeacon

  1. How did you get the lining off? Regards
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/dec/29/christmas-day-2016-renewable-energy-uk-green-electricity
  3. With respect you have mis-read the context which was to do with a possible High Level chassis for this truly superb RTR model. In that context there is, in my view, no point in High Level doing this until at least one of the specialist wheel suppliers come up with wheel sets to convert the RTR to finescale either 00 finescale, EM or P4. As neither of the finescale wheel suppliers seem to have the slightest interest in expanding their wheel range at present I would have thought that High Level would be better off looking at other ways of expanding its range. As for the idea of turning the existing Hornby wheels, this is just silly pie in the sky stuff. Most modellers don't have the facilities to do this nor do we know anybody who does. And anyway how on earth would we be able to return the favour? I have bought the MSC version of this truly exquisite model and it's currently sitting in a box under my bed. There it will stay until either Ultrascale or AGW decide to change their current policies towards RTR conversions. I suspect it will stay there for some time.
  4. Perhaps it is, but without scale wheels to go with it there's no point.
  5. On behalf of the W&DMRC I'd like to wish everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Regards
  6. Is there a possibility of a MSC Austerity 0-6-0T? Regards
  7. And it arrived this morning! It arrived at 7.15 which I could have done without, but it's here and looking very pretty!
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/dec/22/uk-hits-clean-energy-milestone-50-of-electricity-from-low-carbon-sources Good news!
  9. I ordered yesterday and I've just had an email to say it's in the post 1st class. Excellent service, first class.
  10. So have I. Thanks for the 'heads up'. Regards
  11. Dave, Thanks for the reply and apologies for the delayed response. I think it's the second one you mentioned, see the attached photo. All the best David
  12. That answers a question I was going too ask. I suppose that the gearbox suppliers will decide between themselves which motor is the best for modellers and that motor will become the effective standard. Regards
  13. Really nice photo! Not being an expert in these matters, what are the TOPS codes of the other vehicles in the train? Regards
  14. I didn't know Ian Allan in Manchester had closed. A pity, it was useful for books and DVDs. Regards
  15. Gee whizz £600! And I thought, earlier this week, that buying a kit from LRM was an extravagance! Still it wouldn't do if we were all the same.
  16. When did the MSC change from an all black livery to that nice shade of grey? Or was it the other way around? My recollection is of all MSC locos in an overall black. Regards
  17. Yes, agree with this but I won't buy one unless the issues with the side grills are resolved too. Regards
  18. A major reason why there aren't any model shops nearby is the cost of rents. This means that a retailer has to maximise the return on every square inch of shelf space. This is why the only model shops that still exist, as far as can see, are those that cater for the RC enthusiast. The product costs a fortune (at least to my eyes) but the return on shelf space is enough to keep the shop going and pay the owner's mortgage. The general run of railway modelling, RTR or kits, just doesn't retail a at high enough price to pay the rent compared with the size of the shop. A know that this doesn't apply to firms like Hattons but they have the space and the volume of sales to keep their head above water. But, having said that, even they moved out of their Liverpool premises and I wouldn't mind betting it was because the rent on their previous site went up to the point where the survival of the business was at stake. Liverpool is booming right now and it's about time too. In addition, the sheer volume of products available on the net gives it an enormous advantage, and, it is available on a screen just front of you. My experience, and I do most dealings on the net or at exhibitions, that the net is more expensive because of postage mostly, but it is so much more convenient than ringing round trying to get a supplier for a must have item. I case in point is when I wanted a lens hood. No more photographic shops in Harrow for the same reason, rents are too high. So I took myself off to Tottenham Court Road and found that not one shop had one. Again, the reason is that shelf space is at a premium because of sky-high rents. I came home, switched on the computer, called up Amazon and within a few minutes I had one, bought from an agent of Amazon in Germany. But, the article was made in China and shipped from Hong Kong. All for a 52mm lens hood! If traders want to thrive they have to get an internet presence, a good internet presence, and put in the hard work at model railway exhibitions. In addition, the organisers of model railway exhibitions have to do their part and invite layouts which will attract modellers who will buy from traders. Too many layouts are simply a showcase for RTR and the traders who sell stuff to make a model railway lose out. A shame perhaps, but there's no other way. Regards
  19. Sorry Bill, this is a little too cryptic for me.
  20. Where they used by the pre-nationalisation companies? Regards
  21. I have a GW gear puller, but I can't work out how to apply it. I'd be grateful for a 'GW Gear Puller for Tiny Tots' explanation. Regards
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