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Everything posted by PenrithBeacon

  1. I get the impression that these wagons are no longer available. Regards
  2. I would certainly buy one of the Chiltern examples if the coaches and DVT were available too. But I'd be most surprised if that will happen. Regards
  3. Comet does the BR pony truck and Branchlines (I think) does lamp irons. Regards
  4. The new green seems to me to be an odd shade for a company that wishes to promote itself. It's also going to the very devil to get the exposure right for such fugitive colour! Regards
  5. Looks as though I won't be buying one of these. Never mind. Regards
  6. My wish list would certainly include the Trans Pennine and Calder Valley units. Regards
  7. So was there a width restriction (or perhaps diameter restriction) for prototype crew? Regards
  8. My personal experiance is they are better than the Manchester trams and TfL's 'S' stock.
  9. Where is the GCR going to site its engine shed? Regards
  10. Is this a British industrial? If it is then I would agree with the second sentence. Regards
  11. Don't understand this, don't understand it at all. Firstly I'm by no means anonymous and secondly I really can't see, due to the condition of the vehicle, what the colours are. But, as I said in my post, I'll take your word for it.
  12. Thank you Clive. Seems I'll have to go for a green one then, but next month! Regards
  13. I note that Heljan have not yet issued a variant with the early BR lion/wheel badge. Is his an omission or are they going to do one? Regards
  14. Ultra Scale have this model on their listing as a potential conversion to EM or P4. AGW doesn't come close to a 6mm wheel. I'd like to have this model, assuming that Bachmann get it reasonably right, but it does depend on the availability of the wheel sets. A few months a go I sent an email to Ultra Scale concerning the availability of the wheels sets for the Bachmann Dukedog and I was told, very politely it should be said, that new projects have been put on the back burner in order to reduce the manufacturing backlog of the current catalogue. So it doesn't look at all hopeful that new conversion sets are going to be available any time soon. Regards
  15. Craftsman do a brass body shell for the Cl25 Derby Sulzer, or at least it's advertised. Bearing in mind the issues with both RTR offerings and discounting supply issues, has anyone used this item and can they offer a view as to its quality? Regards
  16. That looks so good, really good and the especially nice thing about it is that you could imagine Aspinall doing it first in 1889! A tank engine variant of the small 4-4-0 - just the job! Regards
  17. I can't tell what the base colour of the van is! I'll take Pauls opinion as read as it doesn't appear to be carmine.
  18. Very nice! I've always had an affection for the 4-4-2T thinking that they look a lot better than the 2-4-2T and now you have just proved it! Really good. Regards
  19. The photo below, which is a screen grab and not therefore hi res, shows that the GWML is not going to be suspension wiring but that the catenary is going under cantilevered beams. This is going to wreck photography! Regards
  20. Nice build! May I ask where you source your 2 pin plugs? Regards
  21. The phrase Wizard/Comet is a bit long winded, how about WizCo?
  22. An enormous amount of work has gone into that. Hopefully Brassmasters will do an EasiChas. Regards
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