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Everything posted by aussiebrfan

  1. It does say it needs a dust, maybe thats giving it a green tinge!!
  2. Got sunburnt shoulders mowing the lawn today, ouch

    1. Mikkel


      Fell on the ice today. The world is a big place :-)

    2. aussiebrfan


      Ouch to you too, hope your ok, I think the world is trying to tell us to stay inside and do some modelling!!

    3. Mikkel


      Yes, always the best option :-)

  3. Simply the best sales description and patter that I have ever read. "Marital Prostitution!!!" Thankyou so much to bcnpete for posting this, excellent.
  4. In the words of Steve (American Pie) Stifler "Just relax, take it slow and let the good times roll"

    1. A1X


      is that for ballasting?LOLXD


  5. Ok Tim thanks for the clarification, in the meantime hopefully people with an interest in the Salisbury and Dorset will continue to add info, anecdotes or relevent links to this thread, Regards
  6. Would look good in a siding!????? What next to? A wagon repair shed made out of burnt toast?
  7. Gday Tim, Hope you are well, any development with the layout? I for one would love to see some photographic updates of what you've been up to or current state of play for that matter. Looking forward in anticipation, Regards Glenn (from the deep South!)
  8. Have followed your thread from the beginning and can only echo what others have said. Congratulations on a fantastic layout so far, will continue to watch it grow and develop, regards Glenn
  9. Just been checking out Steve75c's flickr photostream, awesome lots of BR(s) and loads of BR Blue!!

  10. Just an upfront personality!!!
  11. Is that the breast price????
  12. Can't sleep 28c at 1.56am! Bloody hot night in Melbourne.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. aussiebrfan


      Wouldnt mind a bit of that at moment, sweating my a** off! Even the water out the cold tap is hot!

    3. lordhinton


      abit different to our cold (probably past -0) days at 15:9 in britain :D

    4. aussiebrfan


      Ur jus teasin me now! Going to stand in front of open fridge door.

  13. I think you broke the Indian Cricket Team when they were over as theyre bloody rubbish here. 3-0 with 1 test to go!

  14. Sorry if these already mentioned but just been watching John Wayne in The Train Robbers on TV, also the 3rd ep season 1 of Sherlock Holmes (the new one with that Cumberbatch guy), theres a EWS liveried Class 67 in background of several shots in a rail yard, regards Glenn
  15. Oh dear, whys that Tim? Seems a pity after you put all that time and effort into it. I'm sure I'm not alone in saying thats disappointing. Hopefully it returns soon, I'm off to Wikapaedia in the meantime!!! Tongue stuck firmly in cheek!!!
  16. Finally got round to setting a photo as my avatar, only took 2 years!

    1. Platform 6

      Platform 6

      Yes, but it's the wrong one! ;-)

    2. aussiebrfan
  17. What to do when you realise you've inadvertedly upset someone you admire?

    1. halfwit


      Hope that the person you admire realises that we all make mistakes?

    2. beast66606


      Tell the police you weren't stalking ?

    3. Debs.


      A sincere "I`m Sorry" often works wonders.

  18. Gday there, havn't caught up with your thread for a while and just spent an enjoyable hour rereading through. Wanted to say it continues to inspire and urge me on, congrats on a really lovely scenicked layout to run your wonderfully weathered stock. Really like your dairy, good job of anglicising the walthers kit. Also I second the bit about being in a magazine, any editors out there should do their readers a favour and get Wencombe featured asap. Cheers
  19. Greetings from the future! Happy New Years 2012 fellow RMWebbers from Downunder. May 2012 bring you all that you wish and more!

  20. er Moderator can you please split the topic some tw*t has dared to go off topic in MY thread!
  21. For a good laugh check out Princess Ellethabeth guys other listings and descriptions, mmm? Am I just being suspicious or do they seem a little bit strange!
  22. RIP Marco Simoncelli, absolutely horrific, thoughts to his family

    1. PNEYorkshire


      Seconded. Sickening accident. RIP Marco, such a talent and character...

  23. Looking forward to 29c 2morrow, yeah!

  24. Just as annoying or maybe more so than innit is issit. Also after living in England for seven years I never could understand the use of Alright or Awright as a greeting in place of Hello.
  25. Has jetlag after arrivin in OZ after flyin in from UK

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