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Everything posted by Legend

  1. Slightly annoyed at this because whether intentional or not it's a bit of a glib comment. Implying people who couldn't afford models were responsible for decline in standards. Design Clever failed because it wasn't carried out properly. The moulded rails on the Star were horrendous, the down grading of the chassis seemed to cause indifferent running. On the other hand the 2 Bil arrived to plaudits. The intention was good it was just poorly executed and stupidly highlighted in marketing spiel, where a more low key approach could have worked. And it was an attempt at making models more affordable. What's wrong with that?. I could do without sprung buffers, opening smoke box doors, rotating fans on diesels if it makes the model less expensive. These increases cannot go on. You can see here discontent from people who can't afford or justify buying this model. I think we are reaching the ceiling. Comparison to Europe are not valid. It's a different market here. Also our standard of living tends to be lower than Germany/Netherlands.and as I understand it these markets are not exactly flourishing. Similarly, yes I know it would cost a fortune buying a kit, even assuming I had the skill to make it run, but this is not a white metal kit. It's a plastic moulded injection model which costs much less to manufacture. So again comparison is really not valid. Actually for the people who had the money and skills to make a kit this probably seems like a bargain. To most of us , though, this price is pushing the envelope.
  2. We talk about a £180 loco, but if you don't exercise the option and part with your cash now and only pay £50 deposit , then in fact, with the very base level of postage you are talking the £197 loco!
  3. Given the not inconsiderable number of posts that say "I wish I could get one but just can't afford it" I suspect they want to make a judgement on whether there will excess supply and possibly a lower price. One might appear in main range ( now resolved)It might also be people want to save up and hope that one will be available when they have the money. There are a host of reasons. And actually keeping these details behind a veil of secrecy only panders to the eBay wheeler dealer.
  4. Well as I've said before there are two sides to the argument. Yes costs have gone up but Rapido are able to produce a 4 car tilting train with lights through the same sales channel for £225. DJ a Q6 for £135. Presumably Dave is making an acceptable profit, and allowing for a margin at the retailer. These models will also have research and preparation I'm sure to a more than acceptable standard. So in this context £180 seems a bit steep. On the other hand I think the responses show that even for a Limited Edition £180 is approaching or beyond the level people will pay.perhaps the glass ceiling has been reached. We could go into macroeconomics but undoubtably lack of pay increases while living costs rise and disposable income drops is a major factor here. Even Hornby gets that! Finally there is some canny marketing going on. No indications of quantities being produced, whether it will be produced in future years , the intention being given that this is a unique opportunity , jump on the boat or lose out. People are not daft , and are increasingly cynical,they deserve a full explanation so they can make an informed choice. I'm still swithering .i can afford it but can I justify paying that for something that will probably stay in its box for most of the year? Not sure it's Value For Money for me. But we will see just how popular it is. I note there are still some Compounds available from Locomotion at £140, so they haven't moved that fast.
  5. Thanks 2750. Appreciate the answer. As usual I got it the wrong way round!
  6. Not being an expert on such things , is this the large boiler end version? Is that a C1 or C2? And probably stupid question but is the only difference the size of boiler? The NRM has both large and small boiler end versions doesn't it? So would both be exclusive? I would interpret these questions on exclusivity as people enquiring whether they have to pay £180 to get an Atlantic or whether they should wait for a lower cost main range model. Coupled with the few people who have said too expensive for me, this should be a warning to manufacturers they are pushing it in terms of price. Oh yes I know costs are up but there is a ceiling the uk public will pay. Looks to me like they are very close to it.
  7. A smart move, because frankly they needed to. It's already apparent on here that some people are put off by price. I am both relieved because I thought at one stage all this hype was about a reintroduced J72, and in a conundrum, I don't need one but I think it will be a rather nice model. Should I spend £180 on myself on something I might use once a year...................it's a tricky call.
  8. i'd go to bed. Dont think you need to get up till high noon!
  9. On the Hornby front I think Simon has timing off a bit. The APT- P produced by Hornby was in the 1980 catalogue (one of the best in my opinion) and the train set appeared in shops in September 1980. This was the original version with full yellow nose. The model along with that years other releases, B17,Fowler 2-6-4T,Caley Tank and Open Cab Pannier ,was announced in the January 1980 Railway Modeller , which apeared before Christmas. Thats when Hornby knew how to make announcements
  10. Well it does nothing for me. It's not an Atlantic , I won't be buying it! Hugely disappointed
  11. In fact if you can't talk about it, what's the point of it. I'd lock it till whatever day it's announced. Just as the Bachmann thread that ran from Christmas this thread is just going to whip up froth and excitement , where people are speculating on a significant announcement which may not turn out to be that significant! Still I have learned quite a lot about train services fro Shildon to Darlington.
  12. In any case , having been disappointed in Bachmanns announcements last week, I think we are all holding out for something special. I had previously thought Atlantic, I've heard class 87 mentioned and SE&CR D class. All would be quite spectacular .Got a feeling we are going to be disappointed again! I must add I'm in the half that don't know so it's just supposition. DJ Daves were the most significant and exciting announcements . I suspect it will stay that way
  13. Legend

    Bachmann 1F

    Could be a very thin catalogue if this is the basis. As Rembrow points out catalogues should show items for retail.
  14. Well it might be a bit of fun , but frankly I just find it annoying that some people are in the know and others aren't. Once more, as in Christmas past, it seems it's Model Rail that's circulating the news. Credit to the folk that are honourable not to spill the beans,I don't dispute their integrity , it's just annoying we are in this position again. But hey it's only model railways.
  15. Me too! But its not at the NRM . Its in the Glasgow Riverside Museum. Now if we could get them interested in special commissions we could have a Jones Goods and GNoSR Gordon Highlander too. Along with a Caly 4-2-2 , but I think there are enough old models of the latter already! NRM special edition. Got to be GNR Atlantic but given the balloon busting announcements from Bachmann recently I wouldn't be surprised if its a Wickham track trolley, is there one of these at NRM.........Just a thought! But, really why can't we just announce models now and be done with it? It does look like some people get off on being constantly in a state of anticipation. Its like when they announce winners on TV now, and the winner is...........du-dum, du dum , du, dum...................... Oh get on with it! You can almost nip out and make a cup of teaa while they announce it! Countrys gone mad!
  16. Hells teeth , also struggling to keep up here! This one not for me as its Darn Sarf , but still wish you and "kickstart" well Go for it! You are certainly enthusing us today!
  17. Looks like the froth machine has moved en masse following the rather underwhelming Bachmann announcement onto you Dave! No pressure! Now don't forget that nice Caley 0-6-0 812 class
  18. Yes I think that is correct. Inter City were to get only 15. I think maybe freightliner would get some, but most were for general daties, which is why some appeared in mainline livery ie grey with red/white stripers but not branded. Maybe the parcel sector got some new as well. They certainly appeared in Parcels colours
  19. Have just come across Everard Junction and followed link to you tube. Great layout and really good videos . Thanks for these , very interesting . Will be sure to follow this thread in future.
  20. Well I've taken delivery of my first porthole coach, a composite, the brake coach must still be at sea! I'm happy . Frankly I'm not at all bothered by the bogies and the difference in hight pales into insignificance compared to the space between coaches caused by the tension locks. I'm sorry they've gone up in price. congratulations to Hattons for delivering mine at the preorder price of £ 24 and that was still cheaper than the much discounted Hornby 3rd I bought at Model Rail Scotland for £25 ( a bargain!) I reckon should the Hornby Staniers ever re appear they will be well north of £40 and probably closer to £50. Thank goodness I've now got all the ones I need! So for me it's a resounding well done Bachmann and Hattons!
  21. You can get a woman for £29.99? Where's that then? Do they come with sprung buffers?
  22. 2. Both of their first incarnation tender driven version. BR Mallard from 1979 and a Hornby LNER garter Blue Seagull from a few years later. Have an alternate body for Sir Nigel Gresley in LNER blue but without valances . I'd always wanted the Wrenn version when I was a wee boy, so this is partly a substitute. I know later versions are more detailed and have loco drives, but I'm quite happy with my old two!
  23. That's a great video Andy. Really enjoyed watching it. Jason's insight as to how Rapido are going to model it ,I think, is the first time I've ever heard a manufacturer give such a candid account of the difficulties and how they are approaching them. Really some fascinating insights. I completely agree on the etched thing. But it is interesting that somewhere along the line that Jason's been converted. If I remember correctly in original Rapido trains introduction he was going to model undersides in full and trains might not be able to go round 2nd radius curves. Now clearly there is a recognition that this is required in the uk market and significantly reference has been made to modelling visible detail. I think again they have to be congratulated on the flexibility of their approach. Have to admit I'm sorely tempted to be in on this and help Jason succeed. However while Jason's explained the rationale behind his passion for this train, it never really did it for me , I always viewed it as an oddball, albeit I'm only now realising its significance. It never went into passenger service and so really I'd have limited use for it. Also as he has pointed out taking it on and off layout is likely to be problematical in the long term, and as my layout is cluttered enough as it is , I really have no space for it. I find the temptation is more about wanting to support Jason on his venture and being swept away by the enthusiasm and hype generated by this new approach rather than an actual need for the train. So although I'm still swithering and could yet weaken I really don't think this ones for me. Full support for Jason though. This certainly deserves to succeed and I hope he goes on to produce more for the uk. How about that Swindon 126 Ayrshire unit.........never mind flashing lights , how about rattling rivets!
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