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Status Replies posted by gridwatcher

  1. Just booked a trip to Norway for just before Christmas, should make a nice change from work!

  2. Goodbye unemployment!

  3. Looking for forward to next week in the UK

  4. Steak & Ale pie in Oldham. Gaw'd whose ale was in it John Willie Lees? :(

  5. is packing up Loch Dour ready for its trip to Millom.

  6. Feeling myself being drawn towards strange dark green locos with brass number plates that lurked down the West Country... Help!!!

  7. Currently enjoying the delights of Route 94 'My Love' (Patrick Hargenaar remix, much Reccomended) on the beach with a glass of coke, heaven!

  8. Currently enjoying the delights of Route 94 'My Love' (Patrick Hargenaar remix, much Reccomended) on the beach with a glass of coke, heaven!

  9. First there was a tidy shed - now there's a tidy workbench - I must be ill...........

  10. Well I don't think the 58's from abroad will come home runners, just heard the french copper fairies have visited

  11. I'm a horrendous layout builder...

  12. Just seen how much Precision Paints charge for sending two bottles of ModelStrip. Ouch! I blame the Royal Mail though

  13. 35 in the shade, quite hot enought

  14. Son has been accepted into Loughborough Uni, now how do I pay for it?!

  15. Bachmann!!! Why do you put drivers in one cab??? You go through all the trouble to include things like directional lighting, independently controlled tail lights, cab lights etc. and then the daft piece of logic comes along - you put a driver in one cab!!! Urghh do you'll know how disgusting it looks when models are running backwards??? Just keep those "non-human like" drivers as a spare for buyers to fit!!

  16. in two minds at the moment stick with n gauge or go back to oo and buy a couple of sound fitted 26s what to do.

  17. in two minds at the moment stick with n gauge or go back to oo and buy a couple of sound fitted 26s what to do.

  18. too warm for weathering at the moment.. busy catching up with.....couplings!!

  19. is resisting the urge to buy yet another Hornby 67..

  20. All set for the Festival of Model Tramways - 24 hour day tomorrow - see some great model trams - spend some time in Manchester - what's not to like? Except that this is British Summer Time - so the walk down for the coach might be interesting.

  21. ponders if he can afford DCC.......

  22. Well done Germany lads, well played, deserved it all.

  23. Wife says "I'm not watching football...", so that's me off to my shed with food and drink for the next three hours...

  24. Wife says "I'm not watching football...", so that's me off to my shed with food and drink for the next three hours...

  25. Tempted to buy the MLV in NSE livery but the price is a tad high...

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