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Status Replies posted by gridwatcher

  1. Her indoors has been hearing a voice on Emmerdale. I heard it too! At every scene change a voice describes what someone is thinking. Creepy and a new low for TV viewing

  2. Only Apple could come up with an operating system that makes my dial up modem of last century look fast.

  3. Tomorrow, 5pm, ITV, Thunderbirds. Nuff sed??

  4. Philosophical statement of the morning: Nature's a snail.

  5. Is it me or is it bloody cold in Scotland today

  6. Discovered a new eBay approach. Just won a 67 for

  7. is now being thoroughly earwormed by The Gibson Brothers' disco classics #cuba

  8. Russel Brand the world 4th most influencial thinker?? Sod right of the bloke is a moron who believes his own hype and if so double standards it's unreal. Complains about capitalism then rents a flat for thousands of pound!

  9. Anyone know of a decent engine shed either kit or ready to install

  10. Ooh goody goody my Easybuild Class 121 DMBS kit has arrived :-)

  11. Didn't expect that on Bluestone 42

  12. tomorrow is my last day as a 45 year old :-(

  13. Haway the Lads! best Christmas present ever!

  14. will I ever get hold of R2812 FGW powercars?

  15. Has this morning just acquired his 1st O Gauge DMU kit with a cheeky best offer bid last night on ebay ... now awaits with it with anticipation !!!!

  16. The Man-Machine.

  17. Has waited all this time for the Farish polybulks, but now i've seen the price they can keep them...

  18. Has the Hattons second hand department been taking tips of Gostude on how to sell trains? Christ there expensive

  19. Has the Hattons second hand department been taking tips of Gostude on how to sell trains? Christ there expensive

  20. Yes! Rosberg on pole

  21. Now do i model Eastleigh yard and get bored of scratchbuilding or model Westbury yard and have less operational interst. Hmmmmmm

  22. Blackmill - on the road for the last time in the next 15 mins

  23. A good evening on the classifieds, thats the electricity to the shed paid for!

  24. is listening to RUSH with a big grin on his face

  25. Lots of wiring and soldering

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