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Status Replies posted by gridwatcher

  1. Would an HO scale carriage look alright alongside an OO scale locomotive?

  2. Just built my 2nd Faller kit & they are the best model kits I've ever made. They don't need painting & every piece fits perfectly.

  3. It might have been a bad idea to leave the airbrush unused for three years.

  4. It might have been a bad idea to leave the airbrush unused for three years.

  5. New skill acquired today...changing fiddly VW headlamp bulbs. So much for the scare stories online of removing bumpers and not getting the bulbs to fit properly. Less than fifteen minutes to do both sides, including sussing the locking mechanism

  6. Got tax rebate. I've told the wife I've been given some modelling tokens off the tax man!

  7. Why has my Windows phone decided to tell me it is Independence Day tomorrow? Am I supposed to celebrate not being an American?

  8. my balls are black and blue. What game am I playing?

  9. The nation's hopes smashed again by a bunch of overpaid premadonnas. They've more chance of winning bargain hunt

  10. Anyone want to share the purchase of Stoke Summit?

  11. Well, the bearded lady has sung and Man C.... Man... Nope, I just can't bring myself to say it...

  12. Have just bought my first DCC sound model and now wondering if I need a PhD in electronics to operate the thing...

  13. has just looked through my stockbox for the first time in 12 months, found stuff i'd forgotten about and can't remember what is sound chipped!

  14. Designing a modular lighting rig to fit both my layouts - not as easy as first thought!

  15. Asbestos found in club rooms...... oh dear.

  16. What I thought would be a nice little modern freight train is over 7' long.......

  17. 66006 is rolling through Lostwithiel with a rake of 38 CDAs. How much longer will this phenomenon last I wonder?

  18. Car tax due in March for two cars - grand total

  19. Dysons just gone........traction motor failure!

  20. Listening to a CP local blowing for crossings on the other side of the inlet.

  21. I can't seem to face up to the facts I'm tense and nervous and I Can't relax I can't sleep 'cause my bed's on fire Don't touch me I'm a real live wire

  22. Unsure which track to use for my new project

  23. like doctor Foster i'm off to Gloucester

  24. A whole day rebuilding and resoldering a NEW Hornby 60..... not impressed!

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