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Everything posted by boxbrownie

  1. Nicely done, that’s a beauty......I have photographed a lot of industrial injuries in my time......some very, very nasty indeed......like being squished by a road roller, and it was a very hot summers day, back in 1976
  2. I had a GM V6 in one of our cars, it was a “people carrier” the Chevrolet Lumina (not the cop car saloon). It was pretty gutless on HP but had enough torque to squeal the wheels without even trying in pull away, in the best traditions of all American films .......it was actually a very good car/truck for touring Europe.
  3. Is that a Supreme? My first big crash was in a Supreme.....I was just a passenger in the back luckily, the guy in the front (as the car entered the ditch on a 90 bend) went through the non safety glass windscreen, my first real sight of blood and gore, all I remember was running for what seemed like ages to get to a house with a phone, he survived but had horrendous scars on his face and neck......and all for chasing a plane we were all waiting for to land at Southend which got diverted to Stansted......taught me a lot at the tender age of about 14 about driving too fast. edit : I ought to point out that we were just plane spotting, not actually trying to catch a flight
  4. But it’s an American V6 probably puts out a giddy 120 bhp
  5. But there are numerous sound files with manufacturers Locos/DMUs which are not available after market, case in point my Dapol Railcar, I had it reblown with a decent file which didn’t sound like a rabid rat in a dustbin.
  6. Been there done that......only once with the steering wheel, then you learn to not take the nut off completely
  7. That’s why I am loathe to change this one, it’s nice and small.
  8. Nice V6 installation.....then it didn’t go downhill, it fell of the cliff......
  9. I’m sorry but.......................classic Mr Bean Ouch....presumably you got away with most fingers as your typing seems pretty good now
  10. Presumably it will most likely be. Loksound 5, but it could also be a Zimo.....both are great decoders and easily reprogrammed, I cannot see rails using a unique decoder or to “lock it” even.
  11. Dunno....I am still using my DiL’s first iPhone, it’s a hand me down of a hand me down now, but I do have to charge it every night. edit....for clarity it is an iPhone 5S.....she bought it when it was first released back in 2013
  12. Mind you, I have nearly taken fingers off releasing some drum brake springs
  13. You can buy the remastered Blu-Ray DVD version, so much better than the original....watched it last week again, well had to....Mrs BB is away
  14. That’s because after the third circuit the machine thought something had gone wrong.....after five it just gave up
  15. If it sounds like a turbine engine.......and it certainly does.......good enough for me, it’s unique and an interesting Loco to run on any layout......even if it’s just for fun, this is a hobby after all, playing trains
  16. There’s a crowd funding thread you might find interesting Phil, because I bet you haven’t seen it....
  17. Well let’s hope you don’t need to visit them too often, but my moneys on them getting your own cup for your visits
  18. It’s like something out of a cheap Hollywood film, unbelievable......I cannot believe people think the virologists and epidemiologists are doing anything but helping, there are some very crazy dangerous people on the loose.
  19. I had Minilites on my Cooper S......but then we also had them on the Riley Elf Super Saloon class racer we had, that was back in 1971>6 period. But do agree they (or replicas) seem to be slung on anything pre 1980, I remember the Rostyle being the go to for mostly everything tuned up.
  20. Really looking forward to this Loco now, now I have heard the sound it really makes the Loco a lot more interesting, I had the pre-order and was wondering what to do about sound for it, well done RoS.
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