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Everything posted by boxbrownie

  1. Your not subsidising anyone, it’s the wholesale price of energy that has rocketed not the fact some people were paying less for theirs, everybody’s charges were rising or would have risen when the cap was raised regardless of who they were supplied by, it’s just the big companies have always charged more for profit driven by the need in law to look after their share holders, small private suppliers did not have that requirement to follow.
  2. It’s their cable, if it runs warm it’s their hard luck Pretty sure (you must already know) that it is a regulatory order that the voltage can only vary between certain parameters 213 > 253 volts I believe? I’ve heard of some people demanding and getting monitoring equipment from their supplier to check this.
  3. Fit a Vaillant it comes with a 10 year warranty. There might be others that do as well, we changed our 28 year old boiler which had been in the house from new (it also was a Vaillant) and the first year it seemed to have saved us about 30% on gas usage.
  4. If the sound installation was fitted as well as mine in the Railcar was fitted I am not surprised.
  5. If it’s a 100 amp fuse the supply to it must be good enough for that load, which will be fine for EVSE installation as anything 80 amps and above is fine. I cannot see the supplier fitting a fuse at which at full load would blow/trip their own supply. Just be aware that some of the fuse holders will have 100 amps on the sticker but may be fitted with a lower fuse rating!
  6. What is the rating on your main (supplier) fuse? It should be at least 60 amp, and usually will be changed for a 80/100 amp fuse by the supplier at no cost.
  7. Shame on you, don’t let Andy know
  8. No, it specifically mentions about how the boiler adjusts it output depending upon the outside ambient temperature. It also mentioned how it can be converted (by jetting and control sensors according to the installer) for hydrogen rich gas mixtures! Looking to the future I guess? The frost stat is on the room thermostat, a separate setting.
  9. And some interesting other old stuff I found this morning, the last one is Henry demonstrating how stong the Soy based plastic rear trunk door was!
  10. Some piccies from old work files..........shhhhh P36 with 1941 Ford Convertible B-42-E Willow Run Factory B-24 Natural Finish over Detroit 1944
  11. Zipping through some old work pictures this morning and this is a nice early EV........with adoring "bird"
  12. Very nearly..........BMW i3 has a carbon fibre passenger cell, plastic reinforced panels and aluminium chassis and almost all suspension components are alloy as well. I am waiting for mine to rust as I never clean the thing
  13. What surprised me was our new boiler (system gas boiler) has an external (outside) air temperature sensor and adjusts its responses (I suppose?) and operation according to that.
  14. Something I mentioned a page ago…..keep up Sam
  15. Unfortunately nowadays you loose nothing, when we upgrade our phones (from our daughter in law’s old phones) every time we have just inserted the SIM and everything gets automatically transferred over from the cloud. Probably better to confiscate their phone AND SIM card on the spot before they can copy/reload.
  16. My old boss was an assistant to Norman Parkinson, a bit of a proper gent apparently he was and my boss was a real character as well being trained in the late forties/fifties in fashion and advertising studios…….he went too soon RIP John re the motorwinds I didn’t like them at all on 35mm, all my press stuff was done without, much more chance of getting “that shot” if you can anticipate (and learn to) properly.
  17. If they had pumps taking cash nowadays can you imagine the size the pump would need to be?
  18. An estate agent friend (yes, some of them have friends) of ours told us about this issue years ago, apparently it is to do with the mortgage company not liking the fact that there are components of the house that they do not “own” on the mortgaged property and in the case of a default and repossession the company would be stuck with the lease contract. Something like that, he said he always checked with clients if the panels on roofs were leased or owned.
  19. An estate agent friend (yes, some of them have friends) of ours told us about this issue years ago, apparently it is to do with the mortgage company not liking the fact that there are components of the house that they do not “own” on the mortgaged property and in the case of a default and repossession the company would be stuck with the lease contract. Something like that, he said he always checked with clients if the panels on roofs where leased or owned.
  20. An estate agent friend (yes, some of them have friends) of ours told us about this issue years ago, apparently it is to do with the mortgage company not liking the fact that there are components of the house that they do not “own” on the mortgaged property and in the case of a default and repossession the company would be stuck with the lease contract. Something like that, he said he always checked with clients if the panels on roofs where leased or owned.
  21. I believe it is illegal to use “unseasoned” logs because they produce too much smoke. It was just something I remember reading about a while back, the thread reminded me.
  22. He has one redeeming feature, he is cheap.
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