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Everything posted by Kenton

  1. That would be a "Modular" layout? When does a micro become a diorama? (we have had that debate before and it never resolved) I don't think size really matters.
  2. It's cheaper than employing people to drive their JL vans.
  3. Kenton

    EBay madness

    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/O-GAUGE-BRASS-TANK-LOCO-KIT-PARTS-/381164533584?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item58bf2d3750 No matter how many photos you take of the same pile of scrap ... It remains a pile of scrap with a bad description.
  4. It doesn't look that bad! I've seen a lot worse (in my garage for starters) and a bonus - it works. I have even seen similar at some shows. Is it two circles of track or a folded figure 8? I think you should keep it going as a slot machine/money box and just bring it into the digital age.
  5. Replace them with Tortoise PM Actually, all point motors produce some sound It all depends on how much you can put up with or convince yourself that it sounds like the prototype. I have a bag of the Fulgurex that I purchased cheap on a certain auction site. I guess no one else wanted them. I have never quite got my head round their operation or committing them to a layout. Swearing by Tortoise and having quite a few spare is so much better than swearing at the rest.
  6.   Not as uncommon as you might think.Although, in theory, the road I live in has unique numbers 8, 8a, 8b, 9b, 9a, 9, 10 xxxx you can see the problems it causes. Fairly big houses with small number plates on doors that it is difficult to read and people who fail to use the correct number (without the a b ) or who believe it makes their address "common". The regular postman does his best but the courier's are always getting it wrong. Two of our neighbours run businesses from home and we are always getting vans turn up with stationery, etc. It came about because the original builders did not build a number 9 and it was open land at the end of the close/private drive. Then the land was bought by a developer who proceeded to build 5 new houses! It is now like a close within a close but instead of giving a new name they just added a or b
  7. Kenton

    EBay madness

      Nothing 'fresh' about it. I would be dubious about any boxed loco - and certainly would not pay a penny more for one. Because I would think that they just bought the box off ebay and is probably the wrong one. Besides most boxes go straight into the recycling bin. I don't collect boxes or locos.
  8. Another topic I've missed! Only one module for now (others will follow if proof of concept is shown to work). Kenton's Curve A single track 60' elevated curve through open country with a bridge over a river. Boring I know but at least it isn't straight... that'll come next.
  9.   It depends on the doorstep. In the countryside or where few people pass then it might be safe to do so.Sadly even where I live (up a private close of 7 houses) we get white van man driving up and down on the lookout for things to nick. A neighbour was having a new boiler installed and the old copper immersion tank was put outside next to the plumber's van - it was nicked. Another neighbour had his garage door opened and the children's bicycles taken. We have had plants uprooted and taken (probably children) we do lose quite a few as cut/picked flowers. Sadly although in a relatively affluent area (all 4-6 bedroom large detached properties) we are but a playing field away from a known "problem" estate and associated schools. A lot of CCTV and surveillance systems have been put up recently and there is talk within the residents association of gating the close!
  10. Kenton

    EBay madness

      He may be prepared to accept that as a cost of doing business compared to the times it works out as planned and the price is bumped up for a genuine buyer. Or, he could just say the buyer failed to pay and relist it (or give a second chance offer at the last genuine bumpted up price)
  11. Kenton

    EBay madness

    Pays for everything in cash, or promissory notes, IOUs, who is to say anything actually changes hands? I have always believed this to be a fault of the ebay auction and is very difficult to prove. Even if it is against ebay rules (and possibly the law) I am not convinced that ebay really care. After all anything that bumps up a price will mean better returns for them, and the normal purchaser might not notice that the price has been bumped up.
  12. You can always guarantee the customer will be happy with the result.
  13. The "craftmanship/clever" button just feels dreadfully inadequate, but then that's also how I feel. Stunning detail! Even for 7mm scale.
  14. Kenton

    EBay madness

    Now that really is AWESOME!
  15. Kenton

    EBay madness

    Just another one of those annoying duplicate place holders.
  16.   That reminds me One of our neighbours has a small buying habit with QVC. She is at work all day when the MyHermes lady calls to deliver some half dozen parcels a day. The MyHermes lady is affectionately known locally as the QVC lady and knows to deliver to a number of alternate households. We are known to be in most days and so frequently sign for parcels fo several of our neighbours. (also with other couriers as well as GPO. Being a good neighbour is the only way or nothing gets delivered or is simply encourages the throw it over the garden wall mentality. We all partake of the internet for buying these days but the courier and delivery services are just not in the same world. It is about time that an alternative to the closed door and small post box was found, or deliveries geared to a schedule of when there is someone at home to take receipt.
  17. It may well be, but a block of brass (or lead) is more difficult to use to fill up those small cavities. Not sure why there is a product called liquid gravity (a slight contradiction in terms) when you can buy lead (grain)shot to add weight.
  18. Nothing specific to UPS, there, and can be applied to almost the entire population of "service". Using a pretty wide generality, I have experienced far worse service in the past from GPO and ParcelForce/Royal Mail than from any courier. But there are always exceptions. Most of these couriers are franchise businesses and often the drivers are pushed to the limit. Many of these individuals have no or little training and not much business sense (they would not be a franchisee if they did). They also have to deal with the general public (the most unreliable and obstructive part of the operation)
  19. IPA is only best on track that has not been previously damaged by using a track rubber or other abrasive. The rails when new are polished effectively hardened. When you use any abrasive (and infernal track rubbers are the worst culprit - just one step down from a file or sand paper) the polished surface becomes scratched and the tiny scratches become full of an organic mixture of sweat/breath/general damp plus dust (skin cells) and other detritus. The mix gets hammered in place by the weight of the trains passing over it and the gentle cooking of the electric current. When use use IPA it is essential to use lint free cloth which does not leave bits of cloth behind - not cotton wool! If the surface of the rails have already been damaged by the use of a track rubber then you might as well use something else just as aggressive like wet'n'dry or emery paper.
  20. Lovely detail, on the left around the factory - even more tempting. But even more pzzling with that dotted line leading (under ?) the factory round the Dean Clough Dye Works all the way to the goods yard. Some NG transshipment line? Or just a municipal boundary?
  21. I don't know the area at all but think you have picked a real gem there. In fact the left hand corner with the factory is spot on something I have been looking for for a while (small factory shunting yard). The whole scene with its very changing levels gives it great scenic appeal and there is sufficient track to add a variety of movement. It certainly deserves a fine scale approach but I would double check your measurements to err on the side of no compression as there is a lot going on.
  22. I don't know one cannot get any time off round here before the dogs are let loose. Yes, I'm back - yet - again. Just landed in a very cold UK (some -30 'C difference from when I took off some 13hr ago) brrr! Very restful 10 days sizzling on the beach sipping copious rum/vodka and eating far too much food. I think I need to get back in the gym and work some of it off. Suppose there has to be a price paid for relaxation and generally enjoying oneself. Other than a mountain of post (most of which is of the usual junk variety) there is the O gauge Gazette (some bedtime reading) to help alleviate the jet-lag) and about 1000 emails to delete read through. I probably will not be too active over the next few days. Then of course there is work and planning the next holiday - always worth doing on return from one holiday as it gives something to look forward to. Then I must really get back to some modelling ....
  23. As I understand it, that is how ebay automatically bids for you. There fore the more unique bidders the more incremental bids are made. If I were designing a better ebay then I would make it a single hidden bid per person. Everyone to mid their maximum and the biggest bid would win when the timed hammer drops. Gets rid of the need for people who wait until the last seconds (or employ snipe programs) the offer for sale remains at the starting price on screen with perhaps the only note being that there are x bidders bidding. Most of my experiences have been of genuine sellers, which I'm sure is the vast majority. But just like in the real world there are rogue elements who take advantage of the weak/easily led. Fortunately most items are of a fairly low price and the loss is minimal.
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