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Status Updates posted by Timara

  1. First radio interview on Friday evening!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Hello, Good Evening, and Welcome!

    3. Porcy Mane

      Porcy Mane

      Tonight's special guest is Tim. He's going to let us into a few secrets about his organ.

    4. Timara


      You know, that's pretty much it! Was recorded last month in Blackburn Cathedral.

  2. Good riddance to 2016 and here's to 2017! HNY all!

    1. Horsetan


      It's not over 'til Jools Holland says it is!

    2. andyram


      He said it at the recording a few days ago!

    3. davefrk


      I heard it was all done and dusted before Christmas so all the 'D' list celebs could have the time off.... Bit of a con.

  3. I can tell I've been to Warley....my feet ache!

    1. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      Sounds familiar.

    2. ROSSPOP


      And I`ve got a blister on me wallet !!

  4. Well it's lovely and sunny outside. Wonder if we'll see snow down here later?

    1. Tim V

      Tim V

      Sunny here this morning, rain now...

  5. If anyone happens to be in the Bath area next week, I just happen to be doing something musical: http://organrecitals.com/1/inf.php?inf=20963

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Re6/6


      I'm sure that it will. What are you playing?

    3. Horsetan


      He will be playing with his organ.

    4. Timara


      Mostly French stuff, ending on the Final from Widor 6. Bit of a party piece that! Big bit of Franck in the middle too.

  6. Off for a fortnight's holiday in North Wales; narrow gauge heaven!

    1. 46444


      Excellent! Hopefully you'll get the NG modelling bug as well? John in the Fest Shop will take ur pennies. Bala Lake good too. Those Quarry Hunslets are fab.... :-D

    2. Timara


      The NG modelling bug has already bitten, with a loco i'm mostly finished working for a friend. A nice diversion! Staying right by the cob in Porthmadog too....

  7. Ah s*d it...pair of J50s ordered...!

    1. 46444


      Look forwards to seeing you work some magic on them Tim...

    2. Bon Accord

      Bon Accord

      The LNER version will be on it's way shortly. it's a design totally off region for me, however since Hornby have chosen to model one of the 7 examples sent to Eastfield then it's really a must have!

    3. Timara


      They'll both need P4 bits and bobs first and I don't even need to renumber them! Both come as Hornsey locos.

  8. Finally pleased to have shifted that nasty bug, just in time for my birthday tomorrow! All is good....

    1. Arthur Budd

      Arthur Budd

      Happy Birthday for tomorrow; it's mine as well!

    2. Timara


      Thanks! That's four modellers now all with the same birthday.....

    3. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      Glad to hear that things are looking up.


      I hope you enjoy your birthday.

  9. Could do with this bl**dy sinusitis to get gone....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      I don't like the sound of that sinusitis - hope the antibiotics do the business.


      Well, it's either that or menthol crystals sprinkled onto a cup of boiling water.


      Failing that, there's always the "single malt remedy"

    3. Timara


      The single malt remedy works nicely each night!

    4. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      I suspect it does for lots of people - practically guarantees a decent night's sleep.


      Whatever the score, I hope you get well soon.

  10. Off to Finland in the summer for a big concert. Much excitement!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Good luck, hope all goes well with the concert!

    3. Timara


      Thankyou! I'll be getting some more rail miles in while I'm at it.

    4. Tim V

      Tim V

      Keep pulling out all the stops!

  11. Rather pleased to say I'll be giving a concert in Leeds Minster in July :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. steve22


      I'd never heard of Leeds Minster before so I just looked it up and did a quick 360* tour on the website. Very interesting place. Enjoy your 'gig' when it comes, Tim.

    3. Mallard60022
    4. Timara


      Full details here:



      Should be good fun, all being well!

  12. Enjoying the delights of train travel in Finland (and free WiFi!). En route to Lapua, with an Sr2 at the front. Plenty of snow too.

    1. SHMD


      See any trees?

    2. Timara


      Plenty! North of Tampere now and the snow is receding a little.

    3. Mallard60022
  13. Enjoying the delights of train travel in Finland (and free WiFi!). En route to Lapua, with an Sr2 at the front. Plenty of snow too.

  14. It's a small old world out there....!

    1. 46444


      What makes you say that? :D

    2. Timara


      Oh, this n that! (good to meet up again today btw, quite by chance!)

    3. 46444


      Certainly was. Be good to see your shots of 60020.

  15. That's the fourth 8F rewheeled now... Not long til I'm halfway through my fleet of them!

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      How many in the fleet in total then, Tim? Are these conversions to EM?

    2. Timara


      My records say I have nine of them. They're all destined to go EM.

  16. Three weeks on, I'm almost fully recovered. Nope, don't want to go back there again!

    1. iak



      Take it easy!

  17. And it's back to hospital I go.... Hopefully this time it'll mean I can get well instead of nothing changing.

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Fingers crossed for you!

    2. Liddy


      Very best wishes to you for a strong recovery

    3. davidw


      Get well!


  18. Finally, after two weeks of this blasted pneumonia, I'm able to see the recovery straight. It's been hard, very hard, but the end is thankfully in sight!

  19. Back home from Watford General hospital having had my pneumonia properly seen to with a view to destroying it! The last 24 hours haven't been the most pleasant of my lilfe....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Castle


      I too have had too much contact with Hospitals this year... All the best for a quick return to fighting fit.

    3. Timara


      Thankyou all! Believe me, I don't want to see another AAU department for a while... The staff were brilliant though, so hats off to them.

    4. Horsetan


      I once spent 90 minutes in Watford General's A&E having stitches put in. It was then I discovered the hospital's PCs seemed to be logged onto Farcebook.

  20. Flu and bronchitis :-(. Feeling like death warmed up...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Timara


      1: yes, lots of!

      2: being on my feet for longer than 5 mins is almost impossible.

      3: if I could, I would, but I won't!!!


      Feeling better than yesterday as at least I can be upright!

    3. James


      DVD and a take away pizza - recipe to improve most ###### days!

    4. davidw


      Get well soon


  21. Summer didn't last long then....

  22. Has summer finally begun??

    1. coachmann


      Yes, the roads are chokablok with numpties...

  23. Two A1s down, one to go......

    1. davidw
    2. Timara


      Oh, just 60117 to finish :-). The other two are drying.....

  24. The road to building the "ultimate Princess" has begun. Fun times ahead!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ozzyo


      Do a thread on it.

    3. Michael Delamar
    4. Timara


      There will certainly be a thread on it, once I've got some pics taken.

  25. Yay! Weekend......

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