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NGT6 1315

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Everything posted by NGT6 1315

  1. Good to hear this, Debs! Give him a biscuit from me, or whatever else might help him get back up and running .
  2. There is one of these centres a few miles from here, too. We never dined there thus far, however. It does include a rather nice groceries section, though!
  3. Do make sure you get a taste of the light rail system, which in my opinion is among the best I have ever seen! Also, do have a look at the Marienplatz-Degerloch rack railway. Whew. Not something to mess with indeed...
  4. Well, that beats goose-stepping in any case! There's been too much of that throughout human history...
  5. Morning all... Dull and overcast outside, and a bit breezy, it seems. Could have done with some more sleep as well, methinks, but once I'm awake, it's rare for me to be able to get back to sleep. Happy Friday, everyone!
  6. Well, I'd never! As I am admittedly phobic of dentists, injections are the only thing which make such treatments somewhat bearable for me...
  7. Gladstone Gander, I presume?
  8. I'm profoundly relieved Porthos is improving, Debs! I can imagine how harrowing this must have been to watch, though...
  9. Morning all... Still sleepy, but I hope a cup of coffee will be able to remedy this. Will need to be headed for the library today, but aside from revising, that will be the only major task. Have a good one, everyone...
  10. Oh dear – crossing fingers and toes as well, Debs.
  11. Ouch... Dentists are my personal bugaboo, so fingers crossed for Porthos, Debs!
  12. This somehow reminds me of the following sign I saw on the north end of Rømø, Denmark, during our vacation there last year: Not quite the kind of warning you'd expect in a landscape as bucolic as this, is it? The reason for it being there is that there is a firing range off the northwest of the island.
  13. A bit of maudling on my part... This was played at MiL's funeral: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tITreccwwMs
  14. Morning all... No sunshine at this time, but not freezing either. Not sure what we'll be doing today, aside from my certainly continuing to revise. Have a good one, folks...
  15. Well, as it remained sunny throughout the day, we ended up going to the zoo after I finished my round of revising for today. There was offspring in several enclosures, such as these two kids in the goats section, which I understood were just three days old: I was quite amazed that they weren't much larger than our rabbits! They were just so adorable... Meanwhile, this fellow was fairly unimpressed by his visitors:
  16. Actually, I've long been wondering where horse owners can obtain food for their steeds. Not at your average pet shop, surely?
  17. Another piece of news from the Easter weekend says a 25-year old motorist was caught going at 175 kph in a 70 kph zone on Good Friday. He is now facing a heavy fine as well as three months off the driver's seat.
  18. Morning all... Quite sunny and not as chilly as it has been on some previous days, but the forecast is making only very cautious predictions about rising temperatures by the middle of the month. I'll believe that only when they really do materialise in any case! Didn't sleep that well last night, so some coffee will be required ASAP. Enjoy your day!
  19. Wasn't it deep-frying, actually?
  20. Thanks, folks! I do feel better this morning. The headache isn't actually that bad during my migraines, and in the majority of cases is even absent entirely. However, it's the other symptoms that get to me badly – especially an excessive sensitivity to pretty much all sensory stimuli, as I'd call it.
  21. Morning troops... Still no sign of spring that I can see. Been feeling unwell for most of yesterday which on my way to our dinner invitation turned into a migraine, so I called it off and turned around in order to catch some rest. Oh well... Enjoy your day, everyone...
  22. Easter lunch for the rabbits:
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