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Status Replies posted by Re6/6

  1. I am not a robot.

  2. One more sleep and a hangover 'til Larkrail... wait for it... YAY!

  3. Are you a drinker of lattays or lartays?

  4. Two interviews tommorrow! Hurray!!

  5. Well done to the New Horizons space craft and all who made it possible

  6. is watching an eBay bidder make a very expensive mistake :-O

  7. is thinking about antidisestablishmentarianism.

  8. That bleeding sir Isaac newton and his gravity as a lot to answer for.... a comet stanier tander, Gravity and the floor don't mix well thats for sure

  9. Today has been intresting one, as I have had a disscusstion with a senior manager from my employer about my attendance recorded. Now have to wait 3 days to get the result, I could be loseing my job.

  10. Just stumbled across this

    proof you can run absolutely anything you want!
  11. Thoughts for those killed and injured 10 years ago today and their families.

  12. is enjoying the T de F.

  13. is enjoying the T de F.

  14. It's quite clear that the person who designed the lavatory paper dispenser in Voyager units doesn't use one in his own house. On the plus side, I understand that cream teas are now on the menu in First Class.

  15. Liechtenstein Navy's Battleships.

  16. When in the Gentleman's Lavatorial Facility, I find that it is usually better to be last in the queue for the hot air hand dryer

  17. If you want to see a very happy model shop owner then pop in and see Dave at the Gascupboard in Trowbridge next week. Bristol Rovers back in the League at the first time of asking.

  18. wonders if anyone else thinks that the Radio 4 comedy show "Dilemma" is rubbish?

  19. Just made redundant by phone!

  20. Shake your Moneymaker

  21. has finally finished the workshop foundations, thank goodness! Floor framework to assemble now.

  22. Particularly good episodes of M*A*S*H on tonight.

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