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Status Replies posted by backofanenvelope

  1. I’m nervously waiting to see what tomorrow brings me as an NHS Doctor. But modelling is an amazing relaxation and distraction. Got a project on the go to unwind

    1. backofanenvelope


      Tom, thoughts and appreciation with you. Definitely we have a hobby that will help us all through hopefully..

      Another Tom

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. Crumbs. Interview becons in York, Presentation due, big changes ahead.

  3. didn't receive "Confessions of a Rabbi" today, but did receive a copy of "The Yorkshire Shepherdess"

  4. BBC4; I Know Who You Are.. A cliffhanger!

    1. backofanenvelope


      No its Colonel Mustard in the Drawing Room with the Lead Pipe!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Has seen Betty's van....

    1. backofanenvelope


      Are there loads of fat rascals running off down the street?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Godfather trilogy watched back to back this weekend - can't believe I waited so long to see them...

    1. backofanenvelope


      I still have to do it! But Goodfellas has been ticked off numerous times..

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. Its freaking snowing in Staffordshire/cheshire! In a taxi on the M6 near keele and its really coming down

    1. backofanenvelope


      Wot even in Ealing, better clear before next MRJ drop ;)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. is glad that 'Montalbano' is back albeit a repeat, All that Sicilian warmth on a cold damp evening lifts the spirit. Montalbano (Senior) is due to be back this year.

    1. backofanenvelope


      Also a Montalbano (both young and old) fan and looking forward to watching!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. I've just got a run of 4 questions right on University Challenge !

  10. It's nice to have a First World Problem for a change: Do I go to Warley on Saturday or Sunday?

  11. Had quad bypass done on Tuesday woe what pain first few days getting better now home Thurs Fri Hurrah

  12. Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go... :-)

  13. Longjohns, the winter fashion accessory for the more discerning gentleman

  14. Ill always remember Andy Y phoning me and giving me some advice a long time ago when I was down. I cant remember what the advice was however.

  15. I still have a piece of cheesecake left.

  16. Its 01:27am and I really should be asleep..

    1. backofanenvelope


      I finally got some zzzz hope you did too, this insomnia thing is no fun..

  17. Ok so what now? Ive read all the internet..

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