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Status Updates posted by neal

  1. Ballasted double slip, eyes now crossed....

  2. Dawlish San Reno beach cam is lively this evening.  High tide at 8pm.

    1. woodenhead


      Certainly not the weather for a midnight stroll

  3. Spent the morning watching seals in Portheras Cove. Idyllic...


  4. Merry Christmas

  5. Santa doesn’t want cornflakes he wants pie!!!

    1. Hroth


      And a nice glass of sherry to wash it down with.


      Carrots for the reindeer would do nicely too...

  6. just passed the pullmann observation car travelling down the M1

  7. Polished leather steering wheel? Try cleaning with a ‘magic cleaning pad/eraser’ then leather nourish. Results are amazing!

    1. Hroth


      And then you spend the rest of the day trying to grip the slippery thing!

    2. neal


      Nope, Matt and grippy like new!

  8. Trump told me to.......

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Hroth


      Response Moderated

    3. Dave47549


      send 2000 texts ?

    4. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      … sue the EU - at the same time as negotiating with them.


      Yes. Right. That should work.


      Anyway, where could they be sued?


      * A UK court? They wouldn't recognize it as having any authority - so enforcing any judgment could be interesting.


      * The European Court? Isn't that an EU outfit? Good luck trying to get a judgment against the EU there!

  9. One peanut butter sandwich! Ha ha ha ha....

    1. DougN


      That could kill an entire primary school these days...


  10. Welcome back 31289, soon to revert to green I am assured

  11. Witnessed Peckett 2130 maiden run at NLR this lunchtime - beautiful. Welcome to Northamptonshire

  12. Fixed my netbook wireless adapter, now I have mobile Rocrail again, yay!

    1. Hroth


      He's going to roc, he's going to roc, around the clock tonight!



  13. Trying to convince wife to go for Bridgnorth Town Clerk job....

  14. My dog never watches TV but is now transfixed by ‘the wonderful world of puppies ‘

    1. Hroth


      You'd better record some episodes for later viewing!

    2. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Set in Barking?

    3. Metr0Land


      Does he hide behind the sofa when Wolf Hall comes on?

  15. What about the Blenheim and Beaufighter.....?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. neal


      Filton featured in Great British Railways tonight, but history jumped from WW1 Bristol Fighter, to Concord. No mention of the many groundbreaking planes in between. What about Brabazon!! Bristol pair comment purely fatuous!

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Oh I see, I've only just watched 'Rosyth No. 1' in action at Blaenavon.

    4. Scottest


      FWIW I think that the contemporary crews rated the Beaufort ahead of the Blenheim. I would strongly recommend "Coastal Command" from Amazon

  16. Elvis, Bowie and Me...

    1. waggy


      And my Sister. Birthdays today. Happy Birthday Neal

  17. Portillo has his minion outfit on tonight!

    1. Hroth


      Haven't watched any yet. Thank heavens for iPlayer!

    2. neal


      It looks better than the Minecraft jacket worn yesterday!

  18. Farewell Professor, you were a good egg.

  19. Today my garden looks as fine as Kew, Stowe, Wisley or Hampton Court.

    1. Horsetan


      I can't see a thing here!!!

    2. Regularity


      Hampton Court?


      No, I always walk this way...

    3. Porcy Mane

      Porcy Mane

      No. I can still see the weeds.

      All those a exhibitions further south, tread carfully.

  20. The small price of a bicycle

    1. Hroth


      Or indeed, the price of a small bicycle, especially pink sparkly ones at Christmas!

    2. rembrow


      A penny farthing.

  21. Is in Praha, anyone know where the model shops are?

  22. Blimey, Richard Stilgoe is well.... stillgoing - good man!

    1. Horsetan


      I remember him in my schooldays, fronting a telly show called "Finders Keepers"

    2. Mallard60022


      His son Joe is an excellent musician with a great little trio that tours and is worth seeing.

  23. Velcro sucks... ask Theresa

    1. PhilEakins


      Ooooh - I always wanted to know how velcro actually worked!

    2. Welchester


      For F's sake.

    3. sharris


      Looks like they need cheering up - they should try dropping some more E's

  24. Heljan 45 is a thing of great beauty

    1. chris p bacon

      chris p bacon

      Stars on 45 .....weren't....

  25. My father was a prominent frogman...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. big jim

      big jim

      my dad was a G.I, my mum was in the R.A.F, that makes me a giraffe!

    3. ozwarrior
    4. Brit70053


      There's no one home

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