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Everything posted by smokebox

  1. Some decoders are designed to have a stay alive added easily, some aren't and you may then need to do some rather fine soldering to the decoder pcb.
  2. I can only find a list of conformance warrants, not compliance warrants. https://www.nmra.org/nmra-conformance-warrants Confusingly, it says ......... to ensure that these products are in full compliance to NMRA requirements.
  3. Without them you would probably get quite a bit of sparking at the wheels and the commutator, as i did many years ago.
  4. Not sure but having both is quite common. Bachmann have both on most of their locos, using up to 3 capacitors on the motor and a choke in series with each motor feed wire. I suppose they use whatever they need to use so that they pass the RF emissions requirements.
  5. A choke (modern name is an inductor) is almost the exact opposite of a capacitor in electrical terms. A capacitor blocks the flow of direct current but will allow alternating current to flow. A choke (inductor) allows a steady direct current to flow but blocks alternating current.
  6. Ordinary card may not be the best thing to test spray onto. Plasticard would be better as it is not absorbent like cardboard and is a similar surface to what you will be spraying.
  7. Use a ready built power supply. That should make life easier for you and ensure that it is safe.
  8. The blue wire is positive, not negative.
  9. I have a feeling that they are part of the drainage system, some evidence in the last picture.
  10. You probably just need to adjust a CV or 2. I think it's something like setting CV 150 to 0. You will need to check the instruction to be certain ( or wait for someone else to confirm CV )
  11. It may be the rest of the layout that is expanding/contracting more than the lift up section.
  12. 3032 batteries are common. 30mm diameter by 3.2mm thick.
  13. Green and white were used as well, I think, but I don't remember what the different colours were used for.
  14. Is the op absolutely certain that it an R8249 decoder and not the earlier R8215 decoder which didn't support long addresses? The two decoders look identical apart from (possibly) different colour paint blobs on the main chip.
  15. You may need to connect a couple of places together on the adapter, depending on what make it is.
  16. That only applies to Hornby's passing contact switches, the Peco equivalents have a clever mechanism that prevents that happening.
  17. That's the same as the one provided in my (Brand new) Powercab kit a few years ago. It is the upgraded power supply. I believe the earlier version was only 12v and there were many complaints about slow running locos.
  18. The ground in scrap yards i visited in the early 70s and 80s were all black with a hint of blue from all the oil and grease. Modern scrap yards have hd to change their processes to avoid creating pollution.
  19. It could be a faulty lead from the Powercab to the connection panel or the "prongs" inside the connection socket. All power to and from the handset goes via the handset cable and socket on a basic Powercab installation.
  20. It will be Yorkshire electricity board probably, as in the other photo. Guessing the large J may indicate a joint position.
  21. I believe the copper's shelter was also used as a temporary lockup for miscreants.
  22. You may be experiencing the problem of common cathode Led wiring on the non sound fitted model and common anode Led wiring on the sound fitted model, or vice versa
  23. Destination boards. Examples. https://www.sankeyscenics.co.uk/destination-boards/4595104591
  24. WD40 is a definite no-no for models imho. Keep in the garage or engineering workshop. It's a water dispersant, hence the name, not a lubricant.
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