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Trainshed Terry

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Everything posted by Trainshed Terry

  1. There is nothing in the Alan Gibson list as I have been through it with a fine tooth combe. Terry
  2. OK Let bring this up todate a little. This was taken at the ST Phillips Marsh open in 2016. I think that this livery suited this loco very well. Terry
  3. I spoke to a friend of mine who is looking for some 4 mm scale GER/LNER N2 chimneys, I have done an extenseive search on the internet and I can not find any thing listed on the regular traders web sites, I know that Alan Gibson did do them but they are no longer listed. It is getting harder to fine details like chimneys and other items as the standard of RTR is making it diffcult to find these kind of items. He purchased to Hornby/Dublo models of the N2 but he would like to make improvements to the look of the models. I hope someone can help out there in RMweb land. Thank You Terry.
  4. I would have gone to see this one if I could havebut due vto this lockdown it is hard to go anywhere. Terry.
  5. For me it has to be the TSR 2. It such a graceful looking aircraft that never saw front line service. Terry.
  6. Dose it include the super Clayton or HP1? Terry.
  7. The ladders on 08/09 where removed with the implementation of over head line equipmment was installed. I hope that is a help.
  8. That is a great loss to the motor sport, May he rest in peace. Terry
  9. Since the world is in lockdown mode, I started this kit of a "Bedford QLR Wireless" by IBG. It has been in the cupboard for a year and it was the right time to make it.
  10. One of those intermitent faults, it shows it's head and you go looking for it and it's gone. Hat coat heading for the exit.
  11. I have order some seals from this vendor and they should be here by the 20th, if the posties arev working as I have not seen a post person. Terry
  12. These are two kits that I have been ablle to complete. There not perfect but I happy with the results. Bedford QLD and a Austin 10HP tilly.
  13. I use Vallejo Model Air acrylic paints for my military modelling. As I find hard to get the consistency for enamel paints right. Any way I have to wait for fine days to use the air brush as I don't have a man cave, My living room doubles for my modeling room. Thank you for you help.
  14. I have just uploaded a better image of where the "O" goes, there is a groove where the "O" is located to seal the head cup to the main boydy of the air brush. I have remeasured and the thread is 10 mm, and I am guessing the depth of the slot is about 0.5 mm, but not having the right tool for the job it is a estimated measurement.
  15. Hello People. I am looking to get some replacement “O” rings for my two air brushes that I have, but I am struggling to find any on the internet to match the size requirements that needed. The outside diameter needs to be 9.5 mm The internal diameter needs to be 9.5 mm With a thickness of around 0.5 mm. The “O” ring fits in between the head cap and the main body of the airbrush. (See Image). I did purchase some “O” rings but they have turned out to be too thick at around 1.0 mm which affects the performance of the air brush to the point they make the air brush unusable. The air brushes where not expensive as I cannot afford a Iwata or other makes as I have a limited income per month. Now the weather is getting warmer I can start to do some airbrushing on projects that I have had to put on hold. Any Advise as to where I can get the aforementioned “O” rings would be of great help, so that I can get back some modelling mojo. Thank You.
  16. That looks like a "Hornby wheel" to me as the plastic bush in the axle is very similar to Hornbys. I could be wrong.
  17. I prefer this livery to the orange black that is making appearance today. Terry.
  18. D400/50035 Fearless taken at St Phillip Marsh 40th HST open day in 2016. It was attached to Herclues at the time
  19. One of the local schools had there foods stores raided on Friday/Saturday last week so the school had to close as they could not supply food for the children for this week.
  20. I have just watched "Terminator, Dark Fate." Enjoy every minute of the film.

  21. I went to the super market to get a few bits that I required, but when I got there half of the shelves where empty of products. So I went to the other supermarket and that was in the same situation, so I did not get what I needed. I blame the national press and local, for the situation, as well the goverment has not handle the problem with due diligance and should have played down the effect regarding how things would be regarding the availabilty of foods and other items in the supermarkets. If everyone just did there shopping as they would on a normal day there would not be shortages of certain products. For those people that have purchased more than they require is so selfish, it just makes me wounder how much food is going to wasted by those people that have brought more than the need and will end at the back of the cuboared and forgottan about in years or so time. Me, personal I take it one day at a time as I live on my own, but there are things that I still have to buy when I need them. Rant over.
  22. I shall post a 3/4 photo as this loco had the running lamps changed to LED type.
  23. I am going to add this one that was taken on a very wet day at St Phillips Marsh depot in 2016. ( Four years ago, how time flies>)
  24. I agree with an early post that it was all to do the electrification of the line. Any chance that you could post a link to the track plain. Terry.
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