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Trainshed Terry

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Everything posted by Trainshed Terry

  1. They most certainley did. That reminds me of the day I saw a Pink and Blue Austin Champ. Terry.
  2. Great number plate if you live near the "West Somerset Railway". Terry.
  3. OH crap, the clocks go forward this weekend.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. truffy


      I can’t imagine why anyone would want the UK to use CET when not all of Europe does. But you’re right in that it won’t solve anything. 

    3. DonB


      what needs solving? 

    4. Ken.W


      Ah yes, so its the shortest day on Sunday

  4. Dose anybody know of a smart meter that takes in account those people that Economy 7 heating. Terry
  5. A very sad day as she was taken to early in life. My she be rest in peace. Terry
  6. I think that was on the TV over 2 years ago. I watched the Ben Foggle program yesterday, I still find it unsetteling to watch, but there where things that alamed me is that those people are stealing items or gaining entry to the exclusions zone by illegal means rather disturbing, as the people have no understanding of the health implications on there health in the long term. I can understand that the military and the police have a huge area to cover, but the thirll seekers should be handed bigger fines or locked up. Terry
  7. I need to see more of the track layout before I can answer that. Terry.
  8. No> you will only need a trap point in the blue area if yo are using the main line as a head shunt. Terry.
  9. That reminds me of a story of signalman who managed to lose a full size class 31 many moons ago. The rub to the story was the engine that was sent out to locate the loco was the same one that he lost.
  10. I wish that I had a second bed room to use as a hobby room as I fed up having to get things out and putting them away when not in trhe mood for modelling. )-:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      I have thought about that, but under the current covdi-19 conditions I personal feel very uncomfortable about moving as I would like to move to Devon.



    3. Tim V

      Tim V

      However, it won't be here forever - you could always start planning - something to look forward to!

    4. Trainshed Terry
  11. Considering that the kit is over 30 years old they still make a great looking MK 1. Terry.
  12. May this gentleman rest in peace. My thoughts go out to his family. A very sad day. Terry.
  13. At the moment I only see the postman twice a week if I am lucky. Terry
  14. I would like to use Railmatch acrylic paints with a air brush, since that it is getting difficult to get rattle cans of paints by postal services. Can someone advise me on what is the best way to thin these paints to use with an air brush, and what is the best air pressure to spray at would be. Terry
  15. Lose watch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Buy new watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Find lost watch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go figure that one out.



    1. woodenhead


      What is a watch?


      Found my old one in a drawer last week, not seen it since before 2012

  16. I might be wrong but they could be from Perseverance range of side frames. I don't know who has the has these kits as I belive they are out of production. There is a thread on RMweb regarding these products. Terry.
  17. Happy New Year everyone on RMweb.



    1. Mikkel


      Happy new year!

    2. Free At Last

      Free At Last

      A bit too early to celebrate for me, still plenty of time left to snuff it before 2021.

  18. I have just spoke to Steve of Kitmaster Club, and we have an unmade kit of the "Gronk 08" in stock. If anyone wishes to purchase this kit please email him on "kitmasterbloke@gmail.com" for price and postage. Terry.
  19. A super detailed class 31 to replace the one that died of the mazak worm. PLEASE. Terry.
  20. My wish for the new year is to find an employer that has disability friendly job opportunity. Terry.
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