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Scottish Modeller

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Everything posted by Scottish Modeller

  1. Hi Jon, Yet another thing I'm interested in! I have 2 vacuum moulded models of the puffer that I have given up on. The mouldings that make the hull just do not produce the correct shape of hull. I'll be interested to see how this turns out. The little harbour diorama thet the puffers were intended for sits forlournly, unloved and unfinished, at the very back of my shed. Thanks
  2. Hi all, My problem and BSOD now appears to be linked to a hard drive failure. The drive was a Seagate ST1500DM003 Barracuda 1500 GB Internal Drive. It appears that there was a problem in the past with this variety of drive and they gave the 'Clicks of Death, prior to total failure. As Win 10 was then unable to discover the drive it then goes to the next available drive and makes that the boot device. Due to this - no matter what the drive description was - Win 10 then names it as the C Drive. This is how the drive change that Keith describes occurs. Now - I just need to find a way to recover the data off the failed drive. I was installing Win 10 from the fresh and as a result, I had managed to get to the point where Win 10 would let me back it up. Now - how do you recover data from a drive when the heads have crashed! Thanks
  3. Hi Keith, I have an AMD64 system and that sounds like the exact thing that happened to me. I had to make the spare drive the master and install Win 8.1 onto it first. Then download and install the latest full Win 10 package. You have to have the drive which has the first Win 10 installation connected or the install takes you back to Microsoft to BUY a new Win 10 download! Thanks
  4. Hi all, Well - On Saturday I had my first Win 10 BSOD..... And it really was one as well - Total death.... I've had to change the HD around and do a full reinstall of Win 10 and all my apps onto the new master drive. Fortunately all my content was on a seperate drive and hence unaffected. Having been in touch with MS about this - no option other than full reinstall using the latest full Win 10 package. Apparently this was all due to the November updates and the December updates not working together which corrupted both the boot data and registration file. Anyway - all now resolved! The PC has become even faster than it was prior to the problem happening. Thanks
  5. Hi Chris, Yes - I am aware that mobile phones don't let you view or send pm's. Nearly came a cropper and missed a meeting because of it! Thanks
  6. Hi Chris, If you are after WC freight cars (various types)... I have about 20 that are just about to go on ebay to sell! If you are interested - send me a pm and I'll list them for you. Thanks
  7. Hi all, My workbench for the past weekend has been the Scottish Modellers/DEMU Demonstration stand at the Falkirk Model Railway Exhibition. What was I up to? In between doing bits of HO MOW gear, stripping back a OO Class 156 for underframe detailing, talking to visitors, traders and other exhibitors that is! I managed to make up 5 yards of F/B track and 5 yards of B/H track over the 2 days. I also started (nearly) the chassis kit for the Mineral wagon. There were several interesting interchanges between people looking at what I was doing and myself. Lots of comments about 2FS including comparing it with the 4mm scale 'war of gauges' - not a comparison I would agree to and made that clear to the person putting the question to me! In the end he went off quietly to 'have a word with someone about it' and didn't come back. Anyway - It's my model railway and if I want to go finescale - that is my choice and one I would defend against any arguement or arguer! Several visitors seem to be inclined towards 2FS but are being kept away because of the improved models in plain N gauge. I was surprised by how many are thinking about using the new FineTracks components though. Anyway - a bit of fun and banter never hurt anyone and I gave as good as I got. We - Scottish Modellers, that is - will continue to demonstrate whatever 2FS projects that we have ongoing between us on the demonstration stands acros the various eshibitions in SCotland during 2016. Thanks
  8. HI all, Satisfactory conclusion to the situation. I have received the replacement box of sleepering in the post today. Thanks again for the input! If you are visiting Falkirk Model Railway Exhibition at the weekend.... Pop in at the 'Halfway House' between the 2 main halls - the Scottish Modellers & DEMU demonstration stand. We will be doing some 2mm stuff over the weekend - probably track and (says he looking in another box) wagon chassis construction.
  9. Hi all, Dave of the Track Stores has agreed to replace the box of incorrect sleepering bases with one that has the correct contents. Very pleased with the prompt attention and resolution to the mishap. Looks like it will be 2mm FS track making demonstration at Falkirk exhibition thise weekend after all! Thanks for the various bits of info and input... Back to the modelling!
  10. Hi guys, Thanks for the input. I've sent the email asking. Not sure how this will work out as I have lapsed (again) but would be rejoining in Feb at Modelrail Scotland. Thanks
  11. Hi Argos, You may be right... I've just taken one sleeper sprue from each box - they are the same! Here is the photo of the F/B rail in the sleeper bases. As you can see - the rail is upside down. That sort of confirms that my box of F/B Sleepers bases are actually B/H ones. OK - back to the other 2FS stuff I have which is either waiting to be completed or started. Thanks
  12. Hi Jim, I never thought about that.... On checking I have a box that says Easitrac Wooden F/Bottom sleepering bases. I've checked against the Wooden B/Head sleepering bases to make sure and the box has the correct bases in it. The box of 5m has F/Bottom rail on the label. I will attempt to take a macro photo tomorrow to show what I mean. Thanks
  13. Hi Chris, What I thought should be the foot of the rail does not fit the sleeper bases but what I thought would be the railhead does. Hence my confusion! Anyway - could not sleep last night so ended up putting all the rail onto the sleeper bases. Thanks
  14. Hi all, Well - I'm back into the 2fs modelling again... OK - so I started in 1977 - but time is no mans ruler! Didn't join 2fs at the time as a group of us thought we could do it our own way - how wrong we were! Anyway, I joined 2FS about 4 years ago but appear to have lapsed! Don't have any recollection of a renewal reminder but will take care of that at Modelrail Scotland 2016. Anyway, one of the things that has happened in the meantime is that I created my own model railway society - Scottish Modellers. Out of the group there are 4 of us with an interest in 2fs and we hope to build our own layout. We will try not to upset the 2 fs Scottish Area group though! So - what's on my 2fs Workbench? I decided to start at the very route of the modelling.... Track! I have Easitrack b/h and f/b components that I am starting to put together. With the b/h rail and sleeper bases I get it, and understand it. The head of the rail is the bigger cross section. However, with the f/b rail this is the same and to me it looks wrong when compared to the real thing. When I look at the section comparison (see below) this seems wrong! Am I just being daft? Thoughts, comments appreciated!
  15. Hi all, I've seen a couple of comments on the dIecast groups saying that the Unimog is too small for OO and appears to have been done to suit HO scale? Can someone with one have a look at this and say if is right or wrong? Thanks
  16. HI there, No - If you follow the link it takes you to a posting by Flood that includes the coach numbers. Thanks
  17. Hi John, You should find the info on this thread:- http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/28679-west-highland-coaching-stock-early-1980s/?p=301602 Thanks
  18. Hi there, I think it's a case of.... IYMR - do what you want! There are still plenty of this type of carriage about in the States. OK - they are mainly on tourist and heritage lines - but they are there and even in daily service. Thanks
  19. Hi Dave, As someone who started his diesel era modelling by doing this conversion - way back in 1979/80 - I have to say your conversion looks great. I would be pleased to get a similar result if I did one these days. Thanks for posting about it. Just added it to my saved pages - just in case!
  20. Hi Ben, Looking at the thread.... You appear to have about a 1 in 50 chance of getting the items. Good Luck!
  21. Hi nomisd, More of the Hillsborough branch would be great. Thanks
  22. Hi nomisd Great photos - much appreciated! If you have more like these - I'm sure there are several members waiting patiently to see them... Thanks
  23. Hi Paul, That sounds like a very useful tool to have! Thanks for advising us of it. I will keep an eye on Shapeways and, between now and then, decide if this is the way for me in future. My supply of Farish Mk3 Sleepers is bound to run out before long and I still need to do some repaints into the new Serco Caledonian Sleeper livery. Thanks
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