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the penguin of doom

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Status Updates posted by the penguin of doom

  1. Never push a loyal person to a point they no longer care. Author unknown.

    1. trisonic


      Oh, yeah? Who says?

    2. Stevelewis


      Got that written on notive board in our Kitchen,although itens not with the word CARE but 'Give A Damn' I think it was placed there to keep me in my place!!!

    3. Mallard60022


      Sounds like my employment hostory!!

  2. It's a lovely day..... Watch someone go and spoil it!

    1. bgman


      Surely no one in their right mind would do such a thing, after all its Friday the 13th !

  3. Dzien dobry.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Metr0Land


      Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!

    3. the penguin of doom

      the penguin of doom

      Dziekuje to the both of you. ;)

    4. Mallard60022


      Thanks..is that how it is spelt?

  4. I feel like when people judge me they're not judging me, because they don't know who I am: Gisele Bundchen

    1. Horsetan


      Sorry, who are you again? ;-)

  5. I'm an idealist. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. steve22


      Reads like a good line from a song; "Oh yeah, I'm an idealist..."

    3. 69843


      'I don't know where I'm going, but I sure know where I've been'...

    4. martin_wynne


      How will you know when you've got there?


  6. Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance. George Bernard Shaw

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Is it even more dangerous than George Bernard Shaw?

    2. Grafarman
    3. Captain Kernow
  7. Not to challenge is to collude.

  8. Happy Penguin day to all!

  9. Happy Penguin day to all RMwebbers!

  10. Happy Penguin day to all RMwebbers!

  11. Experimenting with latex.....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. the penguin of doom

      the penguin of doom

      You're all getting the wrong idea I'm quite sure.....

    3. Jon020


      I do hope so Sean ;-)

    4. Horsetan


      ....for your sake....

  12. Experimenting with latex.....

  13. On a post Christmas diet. I could do with fish and chips followed by banoffee pie and a beer! UFF!

  14. On a post Christmas diet. I could do with fish and chips followed by banoffee pie and a beer! UFF!

  15. On a post Christmas diet. I could do with fish and chips followed by banoffee pie and a beer! UFF!

  16. Enjoying "scaling up" to 7mm.....

  17. Having fish, chips and mushy peas while Mrs Penguins out.....

    1. class"66"


      Humm very nice!! with nice cold beer....

  18. What is it about hitting 40? Since my birthday, my joints have packed up, I'm getting more colds and "Old man" illnesses..... Uff!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mikkel


      "Grumpy" can be a very pleasant state of mind. It sort of takes the stress out of everything ;-)

    3. the penguin of doom

      the penguin of doom

      40 and grumpy..... Yeah, I can go with that.

    4. Steve Taylor

      Steve Taylor

      many happy returns, count yourself lucky: grumpy, sleepy and ill started 5 years ago and has gone on ever since, if hitting forty means a big downhill slope the nI'm truly fubar next year. Have a good 'un chap

  19. What is it about hitting 40? Thi

  20. Thinking about which particular cut of meat will do for Christmas dinner..... Perhaps I'll give it a week or two......

    1. Horsetan


      Roast penguin?

    2. Tony_S


      Decide after starting the sprouts cooking

  21. Riding behind 55002 waiting for D9016 to double head.

    1. jessy1692


      55 002 was on top form yesterday, enjoy

  22. The decking is finished! At last I have something to photograph my loco's on.....

  23. I still have a big smile on my face after driving D335 at the ELR last week!

    1. Mallard60022


      Now now, smile on your beak old chap!!!!!

    2. coachmann


      Heavy lumbering giants but dont we just luv 'em....

    3. the penguin of doom

      the penguin of doom

      Beak.... Face.... Still smiling!!!! :O)


      With 4 MK1's Coachmann, may be heavy and lumbering, but that ski ramp was crested like it wasn't there. Awesome!

  24. I've fished my rake of NSE MK1's from the loft. Griddle car anyone?.....

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